'' '' music_stub.bas - A dummy backend for isolating problems that may or may not '' be backend related '' '' part of OHRRPGCE - see elsewhere for license details '' #include "music.bi" 'these functions intentionally left blank sub music_init() : end sub sub music_close() : end sub sub music_play(songname as string, fmt as integer=FORMAT_BAM) : end sub sub music_pause() : end sub sub music_resume() : end sub sub music_stop() : end sub sub music_setvolume(vol as integer) : end sub function music_getvolume() as integer return 8 end function sub sound_init() : end sub sub sound_close() : end sub sub sound_reset() : end sub sub sound_play(byval num as integer, byval loopcount as integer, byval s as integer = 0) : end sub sub sound_pause(byval num as integer, byval s as integer = 0) : end sub sub sound_stop(byval num as integer, byval s as integer = 0) : end sub sub sound_free(byval num as integer) : end sub function sound_playing(byval num as integer, byval s as integer = 0) as integer return 0 end function function LoadSound overload(byval num as integer) as integer return 0 end function function LoadSound overload(byval filename as string, byval num as integer = -1) as integer return 0 end function sub UnloadSound(byval num as integer) : end sub