# PLOTSCR.HSD (xocolatl+2) # This file holds the language definition for OHRRPGCE plotscripting. # modifying this file may have undesired/disasterous effects, # but reading it can be somewhat educational. Especially the constants. # functions marked with an x have not been implemented yet. # functions marked with a ? are implemented but untested #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # hard coded functions define function, begin 0,noop,0 # no operation 1,wait,1,1 # wait(cycles) 2,waitforall,0 # wait for script-related walking&panning to stop 3,waitforhero,1,0 # wait for hero to stop moving 4,waitfornpc,1,0 # wait for npc to stop moving 5,suspendnpcs,0 # pause normal NPC movement 6,suspendplayer,0 # stop the player from controlling stuff (except text boxes) 7,resumenpcs,0 # resume npc automation 8,resumeplayer,0 # unlock players controls 9,waitforkey,1,99 # wait for a keypress 10,walkhero,3,0,2,1 # walk hero(who,direction,distance) 11,showtextbox,1,1 # show a text box 12,checktag,1,0 # returns the value of a tag 13,settag,2,0,0 # set tag(#,true/false) 15,usedoor,1,0 # use door(#) 16,fightformation,1,0 # fight formation(#) 17,getitem,2,0,1 # get item(item,quantity) 18,deleteitem,2,0,1 # delete item(item,quantity) 19,leader,0 # returns the current leader 20,getmoney,1,0 # get money(amount) 21,losemoney,1,0 #? lose money(amount) no checking 22,paymoney,1,0 # returns false and subtracts nothing if cannot afford 23,unequip,2,0,1 # (who,where) 24,forceequip,3,0,1,0 # (who,where,item) 25,setheroframe,2,0,0 # (who,frame) frame is 0 or 1 26,setNPCframe,2,0,0 # (who,frame) frame is 0 or 1 27,suspendoverlay,0 # turns off overhead tiles 28,playsong,1,0 # play song(#) 29,stopsong,0 # stop the music 30,keyval,1,0 # check key by scancode - returns value from keyval array 31,rankincaterpillar,1,0 # finds the heros position in the caterpillar 32,showbackdrop,1,0 # showbackdrop (#) 33,showmap,0 # cancels a showbackdrop 34,dismountvehicle,0 # dismount whatever vehicle you may be riding 35,useNPC,1,0 # trigger an NPC remotely 37,useshop,1,0 #? use shop(#) 38,camerafollowshero,1,0 # make camera follow a hero 39,camerafollowsnpc,1,0 # make camera follow an npc 40,pancamera,3,0,1,2 # pan camera(direction,distance,pixelstep) 41,focuscamera,3,0,0,2 # focus camera(x,y,pixelstep) 42,waitforcamera,0 # waits for pan or focus to finish 43,herox,1,0 # returns the hero's x coordinate 44,heroy,1,0 # returns the hero's y coordinate 45,npcx,1,0 # returns the npc's x coordinate 46,npcy,1,0 # returns the npc's y coordinate 47,suspendobstruction,0 # lets heros walk through NPCs and vice versa 48,resumeobstruction,0 # restores normal obstruction behavior 49,suspendherowalls,0 # lets heros walk through walls 50,suspendNPCwalls,0 # lets heros and npcs walk through walls 51,resumeherowalls,0 # restores normal hero wall behavior 52,walknpc,3,0,2,1 # walk npc(who,direction,distance) 53,setherodirection,2,0,2 # set hero direction(who,direction) 54,setnpcdirection,2,0,2 # set npc direction(who,direction) 55,getdefaultweapon,1,0 # (who) 56,setdefaultweapon,2,0,0 # (who,item) 57,suspendcatapillar,0 # misspelled alias for backcompat 58,resumecatapillar,0 # misspelled alias for backcompat 59,waitfortextbox,0 # waits for text box to go away 60,equipwhere,2,0,0 #? (who,item) returns the slot that an item can be equipped in, or false if the hero cant equip it 61,teleporttomap,3,0,0,0 # teleport to map (map,x,y) 62,suspendrandomenemys,0 # misspelled alias for backcompat 63,resumerandomenemys,0 # misspelled alias for backcompat 64,getherostat,3,0,0,0 # returns a hero's stat (who,stat,cur/max) 65,resumeoverlay,0 # turns overhead tiles back on 66,addhero,1,0 # adds a hero to the party 67,deletehero,1,0 # deletes a hero from the party 68,swapouthero,1,0 # move a hero out of the active party 69,swapinhero,1,0 # moves a hero into the active party (if there is room) 70,roominactiveparty,0 # returns the number of empty slots in the active party (0-3) 71,lockhero,1,0 # prevents swapping of a hero 72,unlockhero,1,0 #? reverses lockhero 73,gameover,0 # returns you to the title screen 74,setdeathscript,1,0 # changes what script is run when you die 75,fadescreenout,3,0,0,0 # fade screen out (red,green,blue) 76,fadescreenin,0 # fade back to color after fade screen out 77,showvalue,1,0 # display a number in the bottom left corner 78,alterNPC,3,0,0,0 # replaces one of an NPC's stats 79,shownovalue,0 # hide the number from showvalue 80,currentmap,0 # returns the number of the current map 81,setherospeed,2,0,4 # changes a heros walking speed 82,inventory,1,0 # returns the count of a given item 83,setherostat,4,0,0,1,0 # alters a hero's stats (who,stat,value,cur/max) 84,suspendboxadvance,0 # prevents user from advancing text boxes 85,resumeboxadvance,0 # reverses suspendboxadvance 86,advancetextbox,0 # as if the user had pressed a key 87,setheroposition,3,0,0,0 # arbitraraly set x,y 88,setNPCposition,3,0,0,0 # arbitraraly set x,y 89,swapbyposition,2,0,0 # swap two hero slots 90,findhero,1,0 # locate hero slot by hero name 91,checkequipment,2,0,1 # what is a hero equipped with? (who,where) #92,daysofplay,0 # returns the days, these opcodes remain for compatability #93,hoursofplay,0 # returns the hours #94,minutesofplay,0 # returns the minutes 95,resumeNPCwalls,0 # restores normal NPC wall behavior 96,setheroz,2,0,0 # sets the hero's vertical position 97,readmapblock,3,0,0,0 # get mapblock x,y,layer 98,writemapblock,4,0,0,0,0 # set mapblock x,y,value,layer 99,readpassblock,2,0,0 # get passblock x,y 100,writepassblock,3,0,0,0 # set passblock x,y,value 101,NPCdirection,1,0 # return an NPC's direction 102,herodirection,1,0 # return a hero's direction 103,resetpalette,0 # return the master palette to defaults 104,tweakpalette,5,0,0,0,0,255 # alter the master palette 105,readcolor,2,0,0 # return a color value 106,writecolor,3,0,0,0 # change a color value 107,updatepalette,0 # apply changes made with writecolor 108,seedrandom,1,0 #? reseed the random number generator 109,greyscalepalette,2,0,255# convert the palette to greyscale 110,setheropicture,3,0,0,1 # who,picture,type 111,setheropalette,3,0,0,1 # who,palette,type 112,getheropicture,2,0,1 # who,type 113,getheropalette,2,0,1 # who,type 114,readglobal,1,0 # index 115,writeglobal,2,0,0 # index,value 116,heroiswalking,1,0 # (who) #117,NPCiswalking,1,0 #x obsolete, backwards compatability only 118,suspendcaterpillar,0 # other heros stop following the leader, and can be manipulated separately. 119,resumecaterpillar,0 # turns catapillar party back on 120,NPCreference,2,0,0 # get an NPC reference by ID number 121,NPCatspot,3,0,0,0 # get NPC reference by X,Y 122,getNPCID,1,0 # get the ID number of an NPC reference 123,NPCcopycount,1,0 # find out how many copys of an NPC ID are on the map 124,changeNPCID,2,0,0 # given an NPC reference, changes its ID 125,createNPC,4,0,0,0,2 # create an NPC by ID at a location and return its reference 126,destroyNPC,1,0 # destroy the referenced NPC 127,teachspell,3,0,0,0 # (who,spell,learntype) tries to teach a hero a spell 128,forgetspell,2,0,0 # (who,spell) forget a learned spell 129,readspell,3,0,0,0 # (who,list,slot) returns the number of the spell in a slot 130,writespell,4,0,0,0,0 # (who,list,slot,spell) forces a hero to learn a spell 131,knowsspell,2,0,0 # (who,spell) returns true if the hero already knows this spell 132,canlearnspell,3,0,0,0 # (who,spell,learntype) returns true if the hero can learn the spell 133,herobyslot,1,0 # returns the hero ID/name of the hero at a particular slot in the party 134,herobyrank,1,0 # returns the hero ID/name of the hero at a particular rank in the caterpillar 135,puthero,3,0,0,0 #? (who,x,y) set hero pixel-position 136,putnpc,3,0,0,0 # (who,x,y) set npc pixel position 137,putcamera,2,0,0 # (x,y) set screen pixel position 138,heropixelx,1,0 #? (who) get hero pixel x 139,heropixely,1,0 #? (who) get hero pixel y 140,npcpixelx,1,0 # (who) get npc pixel x 141,npcpixely,1,0 # (who) get npc pixel y 142,camerapixelx,0 #? get camera pixel x 143,camerapixely,0 #? get camera pixel y 144,loadtileset,2,-1,-1 # load a new tileset for the current map 145,pickhero,0 # lets you manually pick a hero 146,renameherobyslot,1,0 # lets you manually rename a hero 147,readgeneral,1,0 # directly read from the in-memory array of general game data 148,writegeneral,2,0,0 # directly write to the in-memory array of general game data. If you crash your game with this command, don't be too surprised 150,statusscreen,1,0 # display the status screen for a hero 151,showminimap,0 # display the mini-map 152,spellsmenu,1,0 # display the spell menu for a hero 153,itemsmenu,0 # display the items menu 154,equipmenu,1,0 # display the equip menu for a hero #155,savemenu,0 # obsolete in favor of ID 170 157,ordermenu,0 # display the order menu 158,teammenu,0 # display the team menu 159,initmouse,0 # init mouse, return true if a mouse is installed 160,mousepixelx,0 # returns mouse x coordinate on the screen 161,mousepixely,0 # returns mouse y coordinate on the screen 162,mousebutton,1,0 # returns true if the specified button is pressed 163,putmouse,2,160,100 # places the mouse at a point on the screen 164,mouseregion,4,0,319,0,199 # define the rectangle in which the mouse can move (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) 165,npcatpixel,3,0,0,0 # returns NPC at pixel x,y, third arg is which npc (on -1 returns number of npcs at pixel) 166,saveinslot,1,0 # save game in slot 167,lastsaveslot,0 # returns the last save slot the game was saved in, false if unsaved 168,suspendrandomenemies,0 # keeps random enemies from attacking 169,resumerandomenemies,0 # undoes suspendrandomenemies 170,savemenu,1,-1 # display the save menu 171,saveslotused,1,1 # returns true if a saved game exists in the specified slot 172,importglobals,3,1,-1,-1 # (slot) or (slot, id) or (slot, first, last) reads a range of globals from a save slot 173,exportglobals,3,1,0,4095 # (slot) or (slot, first, last) writes a range of globals to a save slot 174,loadfromslot,1,1 # loads saved game from slot 175,deletesave,1,1 # delete (hide from load/save screen - data not *actaully* deleted) specified slot 176,runscriptbyid,-1 # run a script by its id number and pass any number of arguments 177,NPCiswalking,1,0 # (who) returns true if walking (for real, unlike the old implementation) 178,readgmap,1,0 # read from general map data array 179,writegmap,2,0,0 # write a gmap data item 180,mapwidth,0 # returns map height in tiles 181,mapheight,0 # returns map width in tiles 182,readNPC,2,0,0 # reads information about an NPC on the current map (corresponds to alterNPC) 183,setherolevel,3,0,0,1 # change a hero's level 184,giveexperience,2,-1,1 # (who, how much) gives a hero or the active party experience 185,herolevelled,1,0 # number of levels gained last battle/giveexperience command. 186,spellslearnt,2,0,0 # number spells and spell ids hero learnt at last battle/giveexperience command. 187,getmusicvolume,0 # music volume on a scale of 0-255 regardless of implementation 188,setmusicvolume,1,128 # set music volume on a scale of 0-255 #189,getformationsong,1,0 # returns the song associated with a given formation + 1 (obsoleted by opcode 307) 190,setformationsong,2,0,0 # sets the song associated with a given formation 191,heroframe,1,0 # get hero walkabout frame 192,npcframe,1,0 # get npc walkabout frame 193,npcextra,2,0,1 # get npc extra data (ref, 1 or 2) 194,setnpcextra,3,0,1,0 # set npc extra data (ref, 1 or 2,what) #195,loadsound,2,0,0 # loads a sound into a slot(slot, sfx) #DO NOT USE #196,freesound,1,1 # frees an sfx slot(slot) #DO NOT USE 197,playsound,3,1,0,0 # plays an sfx (num, loop?, preempt?) 198,pausesound,1,1 # pauses an sfx (num) (stop, but don't rewind) 199,stopsound,1,1 # stops an sfx (num) (stop, and rewind) 200,system hour,0 201,system minute,0 202,system second,0 203,current song,0 204,get hero name,2,0,0 # (string, hero) - puts the name of hero(hero) in string(string) 205,set hero name,2,0,0 # (string, hero) - sets the name of hero(hero) to string(string) 206,get item name,2,0,0 # (string, item) - puts the name of item(item) in string(string) 207,get map name,2,0,0 # (string, map) - puts the name of map(map) in string(string) 208,get attack name,2,0,0 # (string, attack) - puts the name of attack(attack) in string(string) 209,get global string,2,0,0 # (string, global) - puts the global string (global) in string(string) 210,showstring,1,0 #shows string on the bottom(stringID) 211,clearstring,1,0 #deletes the data from string(stringID) 212,appendascii,2,0,0 #adds ascii to string(stringID,ascii) 213,appendnumber,2,0,0 #adds number to string(stringID,number) 214,copystring,2,0,0 #copies string from one to another(sourceID,destinationID) 215,concatenatestrings,2,0,0 #adds two strings(sourceID,destinationID) 216,stringlength,1,0 #returns the length of string(stringID) 217,deletechar,2,0,1 #deletes character from string(stringID,position) 218,replacechar,3,0,1,0 #replaces character in the specified string(stringID,position,ascii) 219,asciifromstring,2,0,1 #returns the ascii in the string(ascii number)(stringID,position) 220,positionstring,3,0,0,0 #move a string to a position on the screen(stringID,x,y) 221,setstringbit,3,0,0,0 #set a string bit, such as: visibility, style(stringID,bit,value) 222,getstringbit,2,0,0 #return a string bit, such as: visibility, style(stringID,bit) 223,stringcolor,3,0,15,0 #set a string's color,also optional background color(stringID,fColor,bColor) 224,stringx,1,0 #return a string's X position(stringID) 225,stringy,1,0 #return a string's Y position(stringID) 226,systemday,0 #returns system day 227,systemmonth,0 #returns system month 228,systemyear,0 #returns system year 229,stringcompare,2,0,0 #returns whether two strings are the same(stringID1, stringID2) 230,readenemydata,2,0,0 #reads enemy data(enemy,dataposition) 231,writeenemydata,3,0,0,0 #writes enemy data(enemy,dataposition,value) 232,trace,1,0 #writes the provided string to G_DEBUG.txt 233,getsongname,2,0,0 #get song name and store in string 234,loadmenu,1,-1 #show loadmenu (really load/quit?) 235,keyispressed,2,0,0 #check key by scancode, returns a bool 236,soundisplaying,1,0 #checks to see if a sound is playing (soundID) #237,soundslots,0 #returns the number of slots available 238,searchstring,3,0,0,1 #Search string, (ID1,ID2,start) 239,trimstring,3,0,-1,1 #Trims the specified string, (ID, start,length) 240,stringfromtextbox,4,0,0,0,0 #loads string with whatever line in whatever textbox you specify 241,expandstring,1,0 #expand ${Hxx}, etc in a string(ID) 242,joystickbutton,2,0,0 #returns whether a given button is pressed (button, joystick) 243,joystickaxis,3,0,100,0 #returns the axis position (axis,multiplier,joystick) 244,waitforscancode,1,0 #waits for a specific scancode 245,savemapstate,2,255,255 #save map data to a temp file (savebits, customid) 246,loadmapstate,2,255,255 #load map data from a temp file (loadbits, customid) 247,resetmapstate,1,255 #reload original map data (loadbits) 248,deletemapstate,1,255 #delete temp map state files (deletebits) 249,partymoney,0 #retrieves amount of gold 250,setmoney,1,0 #sets amount of gold 251,setstringfromtable,2,0,0 #string support function 252,appendstringfromtable,2,0,0 #string support function 253,settileanimationoffset,3,0,0,0 #set offset from starting tile (animation pattern 0/1, offset, layer) 254,gettileanimationoffset,2,0,0 #get offset from starting tile (animation pattern 0/1, layer) 255,animationstarttile,2,0,0 #tile number which this tile starts its animation pattern off as (id of a tile, layer) 256,suspendmapmusic,0 #prevent ambient music from playing on entering a map 257,resumemapmusic,0 #reverse above 258,checkherowall,2,0,0 #check passability in a direction relative to a hero 259,checknpcwall,2,0,0 #check passability in a direction relative to an NPC 260,settimer,6,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1#start (or modify) a timer(id, count, speed, trigger, string, flags) 261,stoptimer,1,0 #convenience for settimer(id,-1,0) 262,readtimer,1,0 #returns the count of a timer(id) 263,getcolor,1,0 #returns a 32-bit color from the master palette(index) 264,setcolor,2,0,0 #writes a 32-bit color to the master palette(index,val) 265,rgb,3,0,0,0 #mixes red, green and blue into a 32-bit color(r, g, b) 266,extractcolor,2,0,0 #extracts an RGB component from a 32-bit color(color, component) 267,mainmenu,0 #opens the main menu 268,loadpalette,1,0 #load master palette 269,totalexperience,1,0 #experience gained by a hero 270,experiencetolevel,1,0 #total experience to reach a level 271,experiencetonextlevel,1,0 #experience to level up 272,setexperience,3,0,0,1 #set total experience (who,amount,allow spell forgetting) 273,milliseconds,0 #uptime in milliseconds 274,openmenu,2,0,0 #openmenu(menuID) 275,readmenuint,2,0,0 #read menu int(menuhandle,intid) 276,writemenuint,3,0,0,0 #write menu int(menuhandle,intid,n) 277,readmenuitemint,2,0,0 #read menu item int(menuitemhandle,intid) 278,writemenuitemint,3,0,0,0 #write menu item int(menuitemhandle,intid,n) 279,createmenu,0 #create a blank menu 280,closemenu,1,0 #close menu(handle) 281,topmenu,0 #return a handle to the topmost menu 282,bringmenuforward,1,0 #bring menu forward(menu handle) 283,addmenuitem,1,0 #add menu item(menuhandle) appends, returns menuitemhandle 284,deletemenuitem,1,0 #delete menu item(menuitemhandle) 285,getmenuitemcaption,2,0,0 #get menu item caption(menuitemhandle, string ID) 286,setmenuitemcaption,2,0,0 #set menu item caption(menuitemhandle, string ID) 287,getlevelmp,2,0,0 #get level mp(hero party slot, mp level) 288,setlevelmp,3,0,0,0 #set level mp(hero party slot, mp level, new value) 289,bottommenu,0 #return a handle to the bottommost menu 290,previousmenu,1,0 #given a menu handle, return a handle to the menu beneath it 291,nextmenu,1,0 #given a menu handle, return a handle to the menu on top of it 292,menuitembyslot,3,0,0,true #menu item by slot(menu handle, slotnum, visible only) returns menuitemhandle 293,previousmenuitem,2,0,true #given a menuitemhandle return handle to the menu item before it 294,nextmenuitem,2,0,true #given a menuitemhandle return handle to the menu item after it 295,selectedmenuitem,1,0 #selected menu item(menu handle) returns menuitemhandle 296,selectmenuitem,1,0 #select menu item(menu item handle) moves the cursor 297,parentmenu,1,0 #parent menu(menu item handle) returns menu handle 298,getmenuid,1,0 #menu ID(menu handle) returns the ID of the menu 299,swapmenuitems,2,0,0 #swap menu items(handle1, handle2) 300,findmenuitemcaption,4,0,0,0,1 #find menu item caption(menu handle, string ID, search after handle=false, visible only=true) 301,findmenuid,1,0 #find menu(menu ID) search open menus for menu ID and return menu handle 302,menuisopen,1,0 #menu is open(menu handle) # return true as long as the handle is still valid 303,menuitemslot,1,0 #menu item slot(menu item handle) returns a menu slot number 304,outsidebattlecure,3,0,0,-1 #out of battle cure(attack ID, target, attacker) 305,changetileset,2,-1,-1 #similar to loadtileset. (tileset,layer) 306,layertileset,1,0 #layer tileset(layer) returns tileset number in use 307,getformationsong,1,0 #returns the song associated with a given formation 308,addenemytoformation,5,0,0,85,95,-1 #add enemy to formation(formation, enemy id, x, y, slot = -1) returns slot or -1 309,findenemyinformation,3,0,0,0 #find enemy in formation(formation, enemy id, number) returns slot or -1 310,deleteenemyfromformation,2,0,0 #delete enemy from formation(formation, slot) 311,formationslotenemy,2,0,0 #formation slot enemy (formation, slot) returns enemy in slot 312,formationslotx,2,0,0 #formation slot x(formation, slot) returns x of enemy in slot 313,formationsloty,2,0,0 #formation slot y(formation, slot) returns y of enemy in slot 314,setformationbackground,4,0,0,1,0 #set formation background(formation, background, animation frames, animation ticks) 315,getformationbackground,1,0 #get formation background(formation) returns background number 316,lastformation,0 #last formation fought 317,randomformation,1,0 #pick a formation from a formation set 318,formationsetfrequency,1,0 #returns (as percentage) set frequency 319,formationprobability,2,0,0 #returns (as percentage) formation being picked from formation set probability 320,currenttextbox,0 #currently displayed textbox or -1 321,getherospeed,1,0 #hero walk speed (hero) #2xx,getnpcraw,2,0,0 #raw npc data(who,which) #2xx,setnpcraw,3,0,0,0 #raw npc data(who,which,val) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # soft coded functions script,walkherotoX,who,n,begin if (n<>heroX(who)) then(walk hero(who,east,n--heroX(who))) end script,walkherotoY,who,n,begin if (n<>heroY(who)) then(walk hero(who,south,n--heroY(who))) end script,walkNPCtoX,who,n,begin if (n<>NPCX(who)) then(walk NPC(who,east,n--NPCX(who))) end script,walkNPCtoY,who,n,begin if (n<>NPCY(who)) then(walk NPC(who,south,n--NPCY(who))) end script,setNPCspeed,who,speed=4,begin alterNPC(who,NPCstat:movespeed,speed) end script,swapbyname,hero1,hero2,begin hero1:=findhero(hero1) hero2:=findhero(hero2) if (hero1==-1,or,hero2==-1) then (return(false)) else (return(true),swapbyposition(hero1,hero2)) end script,renamehero,who=0,begin variable(slot) slot:=findhero(who) if(slot>=0) then(renameherobyslot(slot),return(true)) else(return(false)) end # this exploits an undocumented feature of getherostat. Don't use the # same method to set the hero level (use setherolevel instead) script,getherolevel,who=0,begin return(getherostat(who,12,currentstat)) end script,autosave,begin if (lastsaveslot==0) then(return(savemenu)) else(saveinslot(lastsaveslot),return(lastsaveslot)) end script,stringtoglobals,stringID,start,length,begin variable(temp,padding) if (stringID>=0,and,stringID<=31) then( if (length>=1) then( if (length+start>>1025) then(length:=1025--start) padding:=length--stringlength(stringID) length:=stringlength(stringID) for (temp,1,length) do( writeglobal(start,asciifromstring(stringid,temp)) start+=1 ) for (temp,start,start+padding--1) do( writeglobal(temp,256) ) ) ) end script,globalstostring,stringID,start,length,begin variable(temp) variable(temp2) if (stringID>=0,and,stringID<=31) then( clearstring(stringid) if (length>=1) then( if (length+start>>1025) then(length:=1025--start) for (temp,1,length) do( temp2:=readglobal(start+(temp--1)) if (temp2>=0,and,temp2<=255) then(appendascii(stringid,temp2)) ) ) ) end script,showstringat,stringID=0,x=0,y=0,begin setstringbit(stringID,0,1) positionstring(stringID,x,y) end script,centerstringat,stringID=0,x=160,y=100,begin setstringbit(stringID,0,1) positionstring(stringID,x--(stringlength(stringID)*4),y) end script,hidestring,stringID=0,begin setstringbit(stringID,0,0) end script,stringstyle,stringID=0,style=0,begin setstringbit(stringID,1,style) end script,stringisvisible,stringID=0,begin return(getstringbit(stringID,0)) end script, last ascii, begin variable(code, shift) shift := keyispressed(42) || keyispressed(54) if(keyval(30) >> 1) then (code := 65) #A... if(keyval(48) >> 1) then (code := 66) if(keyval(46) >> 1) then (code := 67) if(keyval(32) >> 1) then (code := 68) if(keyval(18) >> 1) then (code := 69) if(keyval(33) >> 1) then (code := 70) if(keyval(34) >> 1) then (code := 71) if(keyval(35) >> 1) then (code := 72) if(keyval(23) >> 1) then (code := 73) if(keyval(36) >> 1) then (code := 74) if(keyval(37) >> 1) then (code := 75) if(keyval(38) >> 1) then (code := 76) if(keyval(50) >> 1) then (code := 77) if(keyval(49) >> 1) then (code := 78) if(keyval(24) >> 1) then (code := 79) if(keyval(25) >> 1) then (code := 80) if(keyval(16) >> 1) then (code := 81) if(keyval(19) >> 1) then (code := 82) if(keyval(31) >> 1) then (code := 83) if(keyval(20) >> 1) then (code := 84) if(keyval(22) >> 1) then (code := 85) if(keyval(47) >> 1) then (code := 86) if(keyval(17) >> 1) then (code := 87) if(keyval(45) >> 1) then (code := 88) if(keyval(21) >> 1) then (code := 89) if(keyval(44) >> 1) then (code := 90)#...Z if(keyval(2) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=33) else (code :=49)) # 1... if(keyval(3) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=64) else (code :=50)) if(keyval(4) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=35) else (code :=51)) if(keyval(5) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=36) else (code :=52)) if(keyval(6) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=37) else (code :=53)) if(keyval(7) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=94) else (code :=54)) if(keyval(8) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=38) else (code :=55)) if(keyval(9) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=42) else (code :=56)) if(keyval(10) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=40) else (code :=57)) if(keyval(11) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=41) else (code :=48)) # ...0 if(keyval(41) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=126) else (code :=96)) # ` ~ if(keyval(12) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code :=95) else (code :=45)) # - _ if(keyval(13) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code := 43) else (code := 61)) # = + if(keyval(26) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code := 123) else (code := 91)) # [ { if(keyval(27) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code := 125) else (code := 93)) # ] } if(keyval(39) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code := 58) else (code := 59)) # ; : if(keyval(40) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code := 34) else (code := 39)) # ' " if(keyval(51) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code := 60) else (code := 44)) # , < if(keyval(52) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code := 62) else (code := 46)) # . > if(keyval(53) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code := 63) else (code := 47)) # / ? if(keyval(43) >> 1) then (if(shift) then (code := 124) else (code := 92)) # \ | #if(keyval(40) >> 1) then (code := 47) # Num / WTF? What's the code for the other "/"? if(keyval(55) >> 1) then (code := 42) # Num * if(keyval(71) >> 1) then (code := 55) # Num 7 if(keyval(72) >> 1) then (code := 56) # Num 8 if(keyval(73) >> 1) then (code := 57) # Num 9 if(keyval(74) >> 1) then (code := 45) # Num - if(keyval(75) >> 1) then (code := 52) # Num 4 if(keyval(76) >> 1) then (code := 53) # Num 5 if(keyval(77) >> 1) then (code := 54) # Num 6 if(keyval(78) >> 1) then (code := 43) # Num + if(keyval(79) >> 1) then (code := 49) # Num 1 if(keyval(80) >> 1) then (code := 50) # Num 2 if(keyval(81) >> 1) then (code := 51) # Num 3 if(keyval(82) >> 1) then (code := 48) # Num 0 if(keyval(83) >> 1) then (code := 46) # Num . if(keyval(57) >> 1) then (code := 32) #Space if(code <= 90 && code >= 65) then, begin if(shift == false) then (code += 32) end return (code) end script, input string, str=0, max len=40, useexist=0, center=-654321, positionx=160, positiony=110, begin variable(done, key, show) if(useexist) else(clear string(str)) trim string(str,1,maxlen) show:=getstringbit(str,0)==0 if(center==0) then(show string at(str,positionx,positiony)) else( if(center<>-654321||show) then( center string at(str,positionx,positiony) ) ) while(not(done)) do, begin if(center||(show&¢er<>0)) then(center string at(str,positionx,positiony)) wait for key if(key is pressed(28)) then(done:=true, return(true)) else( if(keyval(14)>>1) then(delete char(str,string length(str))) key:=last ascii if(key&&string length(str)<=160) then( return(animationstarttile(tile,layernumber)+gettileanimationoffset((tile--160)/48,layernumber)) ) else(return(tile)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #read/write enemy wrappers script,getenemyname,enemyID,stringID=0,begin variable(t) for (t,1,readenemydata(enemyID,0))do( appendascii(stringID,readenemydata(enemyid,t)) end end script,getenemystat,enemyid,stat,begin return(readenemydata(enemyid,stat+62)) end script,setenemystat,enemyid,stat,value,begin writeenemydata(enemyid,stat+62,value) end script,setenemyname,enemyid,stringid=0,begin variable(t,t2) if(stringlength(stringid)>=16)then(t2:=16)else(t2:=stringlength(stringid)) writeenemydata(enemyid,0,t2) for(t,1,t2)do( writeenemydata(enemyid,t,asciifromstring(stringid,t)) ) end #get/set enemy appearance are now simply wrappers. too much confusion to remove them now script,getenemyappearance,enemyid,appearance,begin return(readenemydata(enemyid,appearance)) end script,setenemyappearance,enemyid,appearance,value,begin writeenemydata(enemyid,appearance,value) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # read/write general wrappers script,set victory music,song,begin write general(3,song+1) end script,get victory music,begin return(read general(3)--1) end script,get death script,begin return(read general(42)) end script,get load script,begin return(read general(57)) end script,set load script,ID=0,begin write general(57,ID) end script,set battle wait mode,bit=1,begin if(bit) then(bit:=1) write general(101,(read general(101),and,32766)+bit) end script,set caterpillar mode,bit=1,begin if(bit) then(bit:=2) write general(101,(read general(101),and,32765)+bit) end script,set no HP level up restore,bit=1,begin if(bit) then(bit:=4) write general(101,(read general(101),and,32763)+bit) end script,set no MP level up restore,bit=1,begin if(bit) then(bit:=8) write general(101,(read general(101),and,32759)+bit) end script,set inn no revive mode,bit=1,begin if(bit) then(bit:=16) write general(101,(read general(101),and,32751)+bit) end script,set full hero swap mode,bit=1,begin if(bit) then(bit:=32) write general(101,(read general(101),and,32735)+bit) end script,hide battle ready meter,bit=1,begin if(bit) then(bit:=64) write general(101,(read general(101),and,32703)+bit) end script,hide battle health meter,bit=1,begin if(bit) then(bit:=128) write general(101,(read general(101),and,32639)+bit) end script,set debug keys disable,bit=1,begin if(bit) then(bit:=256) write general(101,(read general(101),and,32511)+bit) end script, get hero stat cap, stat, begin read general(65+stat) end script,set capped hero stat,who,stat,value,cur or max=0,begin variable(cap) cap := get hero stat cap(stat) if(cap>>0, and, cap<= 0) then (play song (song)) else (if (song == -1) then (stop song)) end script,allow minimap,setting=1,begin write gmap(2,setting) end script,allow save anywhere,setting=1,begin write gmap(3,setting) end script,cancel map name display,begin write gmap(4,0) end script,set map edge mode,mode=0,tile=0,begin write gmap(5,mode) write gmap(6,tile) end script,get map edge mode,begin return(read gmap(5)) end script,set harm tile damage,damage=0,begin write gmap(9,damage) end script,set harm tile flash,colour=0,begin write gmap(10,colour) end script,get footoffset,begin return(read gmap(11)) end script,set footoffset,offset=0,begin write gmap(11,offset) end script,get instead of battle script,begin return (read gmap(13)) end script,set instead of battle script,ID=0,begin write gmap(13,ID) end script,get each step script,begin return (read gmap(14)) end script,set each step script,ID=0,begin write gmap(14,ID) end script,get on keypress script,begin return (read gmap(15)) end script,set on keypress script,ID=0,begin write gmap(15,ID) end script,draw npcs above heroes,setting=1,begin write gmap(16,setting) end script,get damage cap,begin return(readgeneral(63)) end script,set damage cap,c=0,begin writegeneral(63,c) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new wrappers/re-inventing of the wheel commands script, days of play, begin return(read general(51)) end script, hours of play, begin return(read general(52)) end script, minutes of play, begin return(read general(53)) end script, seconds of play, begin return(read general(54)) end script,set days of play,d=0, begin if(d >= 0) then (write general(51,d)) end script,set hours of play,h=0, begin if(h >= 0, and, h << 24) then (write general(52,h)) end script,set minutes of play,m=0, begin if(m >= 0, and, m << 60) then (write general(53,m)) end script,set seconds of play,s=0, begin if(s >= 0, and, s << 60) then (write general(54,s)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # menu wrappers script, first menu item, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(menu item by slot(menuhandle, 0)) end script, wait for menu, menuhandle=0, begin while(menu is open(menuhandle)) do(wait(1)) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # menu data wrappers script, get menu boxstyle, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(read menu int(menuhandle, 12)) end script, set menu boxstyle, menuhandle=0, n=0, begin write menu int(menuhandle, 12, n) end script, get menu textcolor, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(read menu int(menuhandle, 13)) end script, set menu textcolor, menuhandle=0, n=0, begin write menu int(menuhandle, 13, n) end script, get menu max rows, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(read menu int(menuhandle, 14)) end script, set menu max rows, menuhandle=0, n=0, begin write menu int(menuhandle, 14, n) end script, get menu offset x, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(read menu int(menuhandle, 16)) end script, set menu offset x, menuhandle=0, n=0, begin write menu int(menuhandle, 16, n) end script, get menu offset y, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(read menu int(menuhandle, 17)) end script, set menu offset y, menuhandle=0, n=0, begin write menu int(menuhandle, 17, n) end script, get menu anchor x, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(read menu int(menuhandle, 18)) end script, set menu anchor x, menuhandle=0, n=0, begin write menu int(menuhandle, 18, n) end script, get menu anchor y, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(read menu int(menuhandle, 19)) end script, set menu anchor y, menuhandle=0, n=0, begin write menu int(menuhandle, 19, n) end script, get menu text align, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(read menu int(menuhandle, 20)) end script, set menu text align, menuhandle=0, n=0, begin write menu int(menuhandle, 20, n) end script, get menu min chars, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(read menu int(menuhandle, 21)) end script, set menu min chars, menuhandle=0, n=0, begin write menu int(menuhandle, 21, n) end script, get menu max chars, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(read menu int(menuhandle, 22)) end script, set menu max chars, menuhandle=0, n=0, begin write menu int(menuhandle, 22, n) end script, get menu border, menuhandle=0, begin exit returning(read menu int(menuhandle, 23)) end script, set menu border, menuhandle=0, n=0, begin write menu int(menuhandle, 24, n) end script, get menu bit, handle, bit, begin variable(n) n := read menu int(handle, 15) if(n,and,2^bit) then(exit returning(true)) exit returning(false) end script, set menu bit, handle, bit, value=1, begin variable(n) n := read menu int(handle, 15) if(value) then(n := n, or, 2^bit) else(n := n, and, (-1, xor, 2^bit)) write menu int(handle, 15, n) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # menu item data wrappers script, set menu item, handle=0, type=0, subtype=0, tag1=0, tag2=0, stag=0, togtag=0, begin write menu item int(handle, 22, type) write menu item int(handle, 23, subtype) write menu item int(handle, 24, tag1) write menu item int(handle, 25, tag2) write menu item int(handle, 26, stag) write menu item int(handle, 27, togtag) end script, set menu item type, handle=0, n=0, begin write menu item int(handle, 22, n) end script, get menu item type, handle=0, begin exit returning(read menu item int(handle, 22)) end script, set menu item subtype, handle=0, n=0, begin write menu item int(handle, 23, n) end script, get menu item subtype, handle=0, begin exit returning(read menu item int(handle, 23)) end script, set menu item tag, handle=0, n=0, whichtag=1, begin if(whichtag == 1) then(write menu item int(handle, 24, n)) if(whichtag == 2) then(write menu item int(handle, 25, n)) end script, get menu item tag, handle=0, whichtag=1, begin if(whichtag == 1) then(exit returning(read menu item int(handle, 24))) if(whichtag == 2) then(exit returning(read menu item int(handle, 25))) end script, set menu item settag, handle=0, n=0, begin write menu item int(handle, 26, n) end script, get menu item settag, handle=0, begin exit returning(read menu item int(handle, 26)) end script, set menu item togtag, handle=0, n=0, begin write menu item int(handle, 27, n) end script, get menu item togtag, handle=0, begin exit returning(read menu item int(handle, 27)) end script, get menu item bit, handle, bit, begin variable(n) n := read menu item int(handle, 28) if(n,and,2^bit) then(exit returning(true)) exit returning(false) end script, set menu item bit, handle, bit, value=1, begin variable(n) n := read menu item int(handle, 28) if(value) then(n := n, or, 2^bit) else(n := n, and, (-1, xor, 2^bit)) write menu item int(handle, 28, n) end script, set menu item extra, handle=0, extra=0, n=0, begin if(extra >= 0 && extra <= 2) then, begin write menu item int(handle, 29+extra, n) end end script, get menu item extra, handle=0, extra=0, begin if(extra >= 0 && extra <= 2) then, begin exit returning(read menu item int(handle, 29+extra)) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # script triggers define trigger,begin 0, script 1, plotscript end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # betweenable operators define operator,begin 20 ^ exponent 30,mod,modulus 30 / divide 30 * multiply 40 -- subtract 40 + add 50 == equal 50 <> notequal 50 << lessthan 50 >> greaterthan 50 <= lessthanorequalto 50 >= greaterthanorequalto 60,xor,xor 60,and,and 60,or, or 65 && logand 70 || logor 70 ^^ logxor 80 := setvariable 80 += increment 80 -= decrement 80 $+ concatenatestrings 80 $= copystring end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # global constants define constant, begin 0,zero 1,one 2,two 3,three 4,four 5,five 6,six 7,seven 8,eight 9,nine 10,ten 0,false 1,true 0,off 1,on 0,north 1,east 2,south 3,west 0,up 2,down 3,left 1,right 0,upkey 1,downkey 2,leftkey 3,rightkey 4,usekey 5,cancelkey 5,menukey 99,anykey 0,me 0,none -1,autonumber 0,currentstat 1,maximumstat 1,northwall 2,eastwall 4,southwall 8,westwall 16,vehicleA 32,vehicleB 64,harmtile 128,overheadtile 0,inside battle 1,outside battle 0,NPCstat:picture 1,NPCstat:palette 2,NPCstat:movetype 0,NPCmovetype:standstill 1,NPCmovetype:wander 2,NPCmovetype:pace 3,NPCmovetype:rightturns 4,NPCmovetype:leftturns 5,NPCmovetype:randomturns 6,NPCmovetype:chaseyou 7,NPCmovetype:avoidyou 8,NPCmovetype:walkinplace 3,NPCstat:movespeed 4,NPCstat:displaytext 5,NPCstat:whenactivated 0,NPCwhenactivated:changedirection 1,NPCwhenactivated:faceplayer 2,NPCwhenactivated:donotfaceplayer 6,NPCstat:giveitem 7,NPCstat:pushability 0,NPCpush:off 1,NPCpush:full 2,NPCpush:horizontal 3,NPCpush:vertical 4,NPCpush:uponly 5,NPCpush:rightonly 6,NPCpush:downonly 7,NPCpush:leftonly 8,NPCstat:activation 0,NPCactivation:use 1,NPCactivation:touch 2,NPCactivation:stepon 12,NPCstat:script 13,NPCstat:scriptargument 14,NPCstat:vehicle 0,color:red 1,color:green 2,color:blue 0,leftbutton 1,rightbutton -1,getcount 0,string:outline 1,string:flat 53,Enemy:Picture 54,Enemy:Palette 55,Enemy:PictureSize 0, EnemySize:small 1, EnemySize:medium 2, EnemySize:large 56,Enemy:Gold 57,Enemy:Experience 58,Enemy:Item 59,Enemy:ItemPercent 60,Enemy:RareItem 61,Enemy:RareItemPercent 17,Stealability -1, IsNotStealable 0, StealableOnce 1, StealableInfinity 18, StealableItem 19, StealableItemChance 20, StealableRareItem 21, StealableRareItemchance 0, Crop 1, Wrap 2, Defaulttile -1,party 1, extra 1 2, extra 2 0, x axis 1, y axis 1,mapstate:mapsettings 2,mapstate:npclocations 4,mapstate:npcdefinitions 8,mapstate:tilemap 16,mapstate:passmap #32,mapstate:foemap 6,mapstate:npcs 24,mapstate:tiles 255,mapstate:all 0,timer:stop #use in speed -1,timer:default #use in any -2,timer:gameover#use in trigger 1,timerflag:critical 2,timerflag:battle 4,timerflag:menu 0,menutype:label 1,menutype:special 2,menutype:menu 3,menutype:textbox 4,menutype:script 0,menuspecial:items 1,menuspecial:spells 2,menuspecial:status 3,menuspecial:equip 4,menuspecial:order 5,menuspecial:team 6,menuspecial:orderteam 7,menuspecial:map 8,menuspecial:save 9,menuspecial:load 10,menuspecial:quit 11,menuspecial:volume 0,menuitembit:Hide when disabled 1,menuitembit:Close menu when selected 0,menubit:translucent box 1,menubit:never show scrollbar 2,menubit:allow gameplay 3,menubit:suspend player even if gameplay allowed 4,menubit:no box 5,menubit:no close 6,menubit:no controls 7,menubit:prevent main menu 0,align:center -1,align:left 1,align:right -1,align:top 1,align:bottom -1,tileset:default -1,song:silence -2,song:same as map -2,song:same as last map -1,any enemy end