'OHRRPGCE CUSTOM - Even more misc unsorted routines '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) ' '$DYNAMIC DEFINT A-Z #include "const.bi" 'basic subs and functions DECLARE FUNCTION str2lng& (stri$) DECLARE FUNCTION str2int% (stri$) DECLARE FUNCTION filenum$ (n%) DECLARE SUB writeconstant (filehandle%, num%, names AS STRING, unique$(), prefix$) DECLARE SUB writeglobalstring (index%, s$, maxlen%) DECLARE FUNCTION numbertail$ (s$) DECLARE SUB cropafter (index%, limit%, flushafter%, lump$, bytes%, prompt%) DECLARE FUNCTION isunique% (s$, u$(), r%) DECLARE FUNCTION exclude$ (s$, x$) DECLARE FUNCTION exclusive$ (s$, x$) DECLARE SUB testanimpattern (tastuf%(), taset%) DECLARE SUB editbitset (array%(), wof%, last%, names() AS STRING) DECLARE SUB formation () DECLARE SUB enemydata () DECLARE SUB herodata () DECLARE SUB attackdata () DECLARE SUB getnames (stat$(), max%) DECLARE SUB statname () DECLARE SUB textage () DECLARE FUNCTION sublist% (num%, s$()) DECLARE SUB maptile (font%()) DECLARE FUNCTION scrintgrabber (n%, BYVAL min%, BYVAL max%, BYVAL less%, BYVAL more%, scriptside%, triggertype%) #include "compat.bi" #include "allmodex.bi" #include "common.bi" #include "customsubs.bi" #include "cglobals.bi" #include "scrconst.bi" REM $STATIC SUB editbitset (array(), wof, last, names() AS STRING) '---DIM AND INIT--- pt = -1 top = -1 dim menu$(-1 to last), bits(-1 to last), count pt = 0 FOR i = 0 to last IF names(i) <> "" THEN menu$(pt) = names(i) bits(pt) = i pt = pt + 1 END IF NEXT count = pt pt = -1 '---MAIN LOOP--- setkeys DO setwait 55 setkeys tog = tog XOR 1 IF keyval(1) > 1 THEN EXIT DO usemenu pt, top, -1, count-1, 24 IF pt >= 0 THEN IF keyval(75) > 1 OR keyval(51) > 1 THEN setbit array(), wof, bits(pt), 0 IF keyval(77) > 1 OR keyval(52) > 1 THEN setbit array(), wof, bits(pt), 1 IF enter_or_space() THEN setbit array(), wof, bits(pt), readbit(array(), wof, bits(pt)) XOR 1 ELSE IF enter_or_space() THEN EXIT DO END IF FOR i = top TO small(top + 24, count-1) c = IIF(readbit(array(), wof, bits(i)), uilook(uiMenuItem), uilook(uiDisabledItem)) IF pt = i THEN c = IIF(readbit(array(), wof, bits(i)), uilook(uiSelectedItem + tog), uilook(uiSelectedDisabled + tog)) textcolor c, 0 IF i >= 0 THEN printstr menu$(i), 8, (i - top) * 8, dpage ELSE IF c = uilook(uiDisabledItem) THEN c = uilook(uiMenuItem) textcolor c, 0 printstr "Previous Menu", 8, (i - top) * 8, dpage END IF NEXT i ' printstr XSTR$(pt) + XSTR$(top) + XSTR$(last), 160, 0, dpage SWAP vpage, dpage setvispage vpage clearpage dpage dowait LOOP '---TERMINATE--- END SUB FUNCTION exclude$ (s$, x$) outf$ = "" FOR i = 1 TO LEN(s$) ok = -1 FOR j = 1 TO LEN(x$) IF MID$(s$, i, 1) = MID$(x$, j, 1) THEN ok = 0 NEXT j IF ok THEN outf$ = outf$ + MID$(s$, i, 1) NEXT i exclude$ = outf$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION exclusive$ (s$, x$) outf$ = "" FOR i = 1 TO LEN(s$) ok = 0 FOR j = 1 TO LEN(x$) IF MID$(s$, i, 1) = MID$(x$, j, 1) THEN ok = 1 NEXT j IF ok THEN outf$ = outf$ + MID$(s$, i, 1) NEXT i exclusive$ = outf$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION filesize$ (file$) 'returns size of a file in formatted string IF isfile(file$) THEN ff = FREEFILE OPEN file$ FOR BINARY AS #ff size = LOF(ff) CLOSE #ff units$ = " B" split = 0 IF size > 1024 THEN split = 1 : units$ = " KB" IF size > 1048576 THEN split = 1 : size = size / 1024 : units$ = " MB" fsize$ = STR$(size) IF split <> 0 THEN size = size / 102.4 fsize$ = STR$(size \ 10) IF size < 1000 THEN fsize$ = fsize$ + "." + STR$(size MOD 10) END IF filesize$ = fsize$ + units$ ELSE filesize$ = "N/A" END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION numbertail$ (s$) DIM n AS LONG IF s$ = "" THEN outf$ = "BLANK" ELSE a = ASC(RIGHT$(s$, 1)) IF a < 48 OR a > 57 THEN outf$ = s$ + "2" ELSE a$ = s$ b$ = "" DO WHILE ASC(RIGHT$(a$, 1)) >= 48 AND ASC(RIGHT$(a$, 1)) <= 57 b$ = RIGHT$(a$, 1) + b$ a$ = LEFT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 1) IF LEN(a$) = 0 THEN EXIT DO LOOP IF LEN(b$) > 9 THEN b$ = "0" n = str2int(b$) n = n + 1 outf$ = a$ + STR$(n) END IF END IF numbertail$ = outf$ END FUNCTION SUB seekscript (temp, seekdir, triggertype) 'temp = -1 means scroll to last script 'returns 0 when scrolled past first script, -1 when went past last DIM buf(19), plotids(gen(43)) recordsloaded = 0 screxists = 0 fh = FREEFILE OPEN workingdir + SLASH + "lookup" + STR$(triggertype) + ".bin" FOR BINARY AS #fh triggernum = LOF(fh) \ 40 IF temp = -1 THEN temp = triggernum + 16384 DO temp += seekdir IF temp > gen(43) AND temp < 16384 THEN IF seekdir > 0 THEN temp = 16384 ELSEIF triggertype = plottrigger THEN temp = gen(43) ELSE temp = 0 END IF END IF IF temp <= 0 THEN EXIT DO IF temp >= triggernum + 16384 THEN temp = -1 EXIT DO END IF 'check script exists, else keep looking IF temp < 16384 AND triggertype = plottrigger THEN IF plotids(temp) THEN screxists = -1 ELSE WHILE recordsloaded < gen(40) loadrecord buf(), workingdir + SLASH + "plotscr.lst", 20, recordsloaded recordsloaded += 1 IF buf(0) = temp THEN screxists = -1: EXIT WHILE IF buf(0) <= gen(43) THEN plotids(buf(0)) = -1 WEND END IF END IF IF temp >= 16384 THEN loadrecord buf(), fh, 20, temp - 16384 IF buf(0) THEN screxists = -1 END IF IF screxists THEN EXIT DO LOOP CLOSE fh END SUB FUNCTION scrintgrabber (n, BYVAL min, BYVAL max, BYVAL less, BYVAL more, scriptside, triggertype) 'script side is 1 or -1: on which side of zero are the scripts 'min or max on side of scripts is ignored temp = n IF scriptside < 0 THEN temp = -n SWAP less, more min = -min max = -max SWAP min, max END IF seekdir = 0 IF keyval(more) > 1 THEN seekdir = 1 ELSEIF keyval(less) > 1 THEN seekdir = -1 END IF IF seekdir THEN scriptscroll = 0 IF temp = min AND seekdir = -1 THEN temp = -1 scriptscroll = -1 ELSEIF (temp = 0 AND seekdir = 1) OR temp > 0 THEN scriptscroll = -1 END IF IF scriptscroll THEN 'scroll through scripts seekscript temp, seekdir, triggertype IF temp = -1 THEN temp = min ELSE 'regular scroll temp += seekdir END IF ELSE IF (temp > 0 AND temp < 16384) OR (temp = 0 AND scriptside = 1) THEN 'if a number is entered, don't seek to the next script, allow "[id]" to display instead IF intgrabber(temp, 0, 16383, 0, 0) THEN 'if temp starts off greater than gen(43) then don't disturb it temp = small(temp, gen(43)) END IF ELSEIF temp < 0 OR (temp = 0 AND scriptside = -1) THEN intgrabber(temp, min, 0, 0, 0) END IF END IF IF keyval(83) > 1 THEN temp = 0 IF keyval(12) > 1 OR keyval(74) > 1 THEN temp = bound(-temp, min, gen(43)) temp = temp * SGN(scriptside) scrintgrabber = (temp <> n) n = temp END FUNCTION FUNCTION str2int (stri$) n = 0 s$ = LTRIM$(stri$) sign = 1 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(s$) c$ = MID$(s$, i, 1) IF c$ = "-" AND i = 1 THEN sign = -1 c = ASC(c$) - 48 IF c >= 0 AND c <= 9 THEN n = n * 10 + (c * sign) END IF NEXT i str2int = n END FUNCTION FUNCTION str2lng& (stri$) n& = 0 s$ = LTRIM$(stri$) sign = 1 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(s$) c$ = MID$(s$, i, 1) IF c$ = "-" AND i = 1 THEN sign = -1 c = ASC(c$) - 48 IF c >= 0 AND c <= 9 THEN n& = n& * 10 + (c * sign) END IF NEXT i str2lng& = n& END FUNCTION SUB writeglobalstring (index, s$, maxlen) fh = FREEFILE OPEN game + ".stt" FOR BINARY AS #fh a$ = CHR$(small(LEN(s$), small(maxlen, 255))) PUT #fh, 1 + index * 11, a$ a$ = LEFT$(s$, small(maxlen, 255)) PUT #fh, 2 + index * 11, a$ CLOSE #fh END SUB