#IFNDEF UDTS_BI #DEFINE UDTS_BI #INCLUDE "const.bi" UNION XYPair TYPE x AS INTEGER y AS INTEGER END TYPE n(1) AS INTEGER END UNION TYPE RectType x AS INTEGER y AS INTEGER wide AS INTEGER high AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE Palette16 col(15) as ubyte 'indicies into the master palette refcount as integer 'private END TYPE 'sprites use this type Frame w as integer h as integer image as ubyte ptr mask as ubyte ptr refcount as integer cache as string end type TYPE GraphicPair sprite as frame ptr pal as palette16 ptr END TYPE TYPE MenuSet menufile AS STRING itemfile AS STRING END TYPE TYPE MenuDefItem handle AS INTEGER exists AS INTEGER disabled AS INTEGER ' set at run-time based on .tag1 and .tag2 member AS INTEGER caption AS STRING sortorder AS INTEGER t AS INTEGER sub_t AS INTEGER tag1 AS INTEGER tag2 AS INTEGER settag AS INTEGER togtag AS INTEGER extra(2) AS INTEGER hide_if_disabled AS INTEGER ' Bitset close_if_selected AS INTEGER ' Bitset END TYPE TYPE MenuDef record AS INTEGER handle AS INTEGER name AS STRING boxstyle AS INTEGER textcolor AS INTEGER maxrows AS INTEGER edit_mode AS INTEGER 'Never hide disabled items, allow selection of unselectable items items(20) AS MenuDefItem translucent AS INTEGER ' Bitset 0 no_scrollbar AS INTEGER ' Bitset 1 allow_gameplay AS INTEGER ' Bitset 2 suspend_player AS INTEGER ' Bitset 3 no_box AS INTEGER ' Bitset 4 no_close AS INTEGER ' Bitset 5 no_controls AS INTEGER ' Bitset 6 prevent_main_menu AS INTEGER ' Bitset 7 advance_textbox AS INTEGER ' Bitset 8 rect AS RectType offset AS XYPair anchor AS XYPair align AS INTEGER min_chars AS INTEGER max_chars AS INTEGER bordersize AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE MenuState active AS INTEGER pt AS INTEGER 'currently selected item top AS INTEGER 'scroll position for long lists first AS INTEGER 'first element (usually zero) last AS INTEGER 'last element size AS INTEGER 'number of elements to display at a time (actually index of last to display relative to top, so "size"-1) need_update AS INTEGER 'menu needs some kind of update tog AS INTEGER ' For flashing cursor END TYPE TYPE NPCType picture as integer '+0 palette as integer '+1 movetype as integer '+2 speed as integer '+3 real speed, not value in .d textbox as integer '+4 facetype as integer '+5 item as integer '+6 pushtype as integer '+7 activation as integer '+8 tag1 as integer '+9 appear only if tag2 as integer '+10 appear only if 2 usetag as integer '+11 script as integer '+12 scriptarg as integer '+13 vehicle as integer '+14 sprite as frame ptr pal as palette16 ptr END TYPE TYPE NPCInst x as integer 'npcl+0 y as integer 'npcl+300 xgo as integer 'npcl+1500 warning: positive to go LEFT, negative RIGHT ygo as integer 'npcl+1800 reversed as above id as integer 'npcl+600 dir as integer 'npcl+900 frame as integer 'npcl+1200 extra1 as integer extra2 as integer END TYPE TYPE InventSlot used as integer 'use this to check if empty, not num! 'following fields should not be used if used = 0 id as integer 'absolute, not +1!! num as integer text as string 'text field which shows up in inventory, blank if empty END TYPE TYPE Timer count as integer speed as integer ticks as integer trigger as integer flags as integer st as integer 'string, but both str and string are reserved END TYPE TYPE Plotstring s as string X as integer Y as integer col as integer bgcol as integer bits as integer END TYPE TYPE ScriptInst scrnum as integer 'slot number in script() array scrdata as integer ptr 'convenience pointer to script(.scrnum).ptr heap as integer 'position of the script's local vars in the buffer state as integer 'what the script is doing right now ptr as integer 'the execution pointer (in int32's from the start of the script data) ret as integer 'the scripts current return value curargn as integer 'current arg for current statement depth as integer 'stack depth of current script id as integer 'id number of current script waitarg as integer 'wait state argument 'these 3 items are only current/correct for inactive scripts. The active script's current 'command is pointed to by the curcmd (ScriptCommand ptr) global, and copied here 'when a script is stopped (either suspended, or interpretloop is left) curkind as integer 'kind of current statement curvalue as integer 'value of current statement curargc as integer 'number of args for current statement END TYPE TYPE ScriptData id as integer 'id number of script (set to 0 to mark as unused slot) refcount as integer 'number of ScriptInst pointing to this data totaluse as integer 'total number of times this script has been requested since loading lastuse as integer ptr as integer ptr 'pointer to allocated memory size as integer 'amount the script takes up in the buffer vars as integer 'variable (including arguments) count args as integer 'number of arguments strtable as integer 'pointer to string table (offset from start of script data in long ints) END TYPE TYPE ScriptCommand kind as integer value as integer argc as integer args(999999) as integer END TYPE UNION RGBcolor as uinteger col TYPE as ubyte b, g, r, a END TYPE END UNION Type TileAnimState cycle AS INTEGER pt AS INTEGER skip AS INTEGER END Type Type TilesetData num as integer refcount as integer 'exists (and unused) in spr too, but using that one would be tacky spr as Frame ptr '(uncached) could be a Frame, but sprite_delete doesn't like that anim(1) as TileAnimState tastuf(40) as integer End Type Type Door as integer x, y as integer bits(0) End Type Type DoorLink as integer source, dest, dest_map, tag1, tag2 End Type Union Stats Type hp as integer mp as integer str as integer acc as integer def as integer dog as integer mag as integer wil as integer spd as integer ctr as integer foc as integer hits as integer End Type sta(11) as integer End Union Type SpellList attack as integer learned as integer End Type Type HeroDef name as string sprite as integer sprite_pal as integer walk_sprite as integer walk_sprite_pal as integer portrait as integer portrait_pal as integer def_level as integer def_weapon as integer Lev0 as stats Lev99 as stats spell_lists(3,23) as SpellList bits(2) as integer list_name(3) as string list_type(3) as integer have_tag as integer alive_tag as integer leader_tag as integer active_tag as integer max_name_len as integer hand_a_x as integer hand_a_y as integer hand_b_x as integer hand_b_y as integer End Type TYPE TextBox text(7) AS STRING instead_tag AS INTEGER instead AS INTEGER settag_tag AS INTEGER settag1 AS INTEGER settag2 AS INTEGER battle_tag AS INTEGER battle AS INTEGER shop_tag AS INTEGER shop AS INTEGER hero_tag AS INTEGER hero_addrem AS INTEGER hero_swap AS INTEGER hero_lock AS INTEGER after_tag AS INTEGER after AS INTEGER money_tag AS INTEGER money AS INTEGER door_tag AS INTEGER door AS INTEGER item_tag AS INTEGER item AS INTEGER menu_tag AS INTEGER menu AS INTEGER choice_enabled AS INTEGER no_box AS INTEGER opaque AS INTEGER restore_music AS INTEGER choice(1) AS STRING choice_tag(1) AS INTEGER vertical_offset AS INTEGER ' in 4-pixel increments shrink AS INTEGER ' in 4-pixel increments textcolor AS INTEGER ' 0=default boxstyle AS INTEGER backdrop AS INTEGER ' +1 music AS INTEGER ' +1 portrait_box AS INTEGER portrait_type AS INTEGER portrait_id AS INTEGER portrait_pal AS INTEGER portrait_pos AS XYPair END TYPE TYPE MouseArea x AS INTEGER y AS INTEGER w AS INTEGER h AS INTEGER hidecursor AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE ToolInfoType name AS STRING icon AS STRING shortcut AS INTEGER cursor AS INTEGER areanum AS INTEGER END TYPE 'yuck. FB has multidimensional arrays, why doesn't it let us utilise 'em? would like to write 'DIM defaults(2,160) 'loadpasdefaults defaults(i), foo TYPE DefArray a(160) AS INTEGER '161 elements required END TYPE 'it's not possible to include utils.bi in here, because of compat.bi #ifndef UTIL_BI TYPE Stack pos as integer ptr bottom as integer ptr size as integer END TYPE #endif 'Documentation of veh() in game, which is different from the VEH lump '0 is true (-1) if in/mounting/dismounting a vehicle '1-4 unused '5 is the npc ref of the vehicle '6 contains (a second set of) bitsets describing what the vehicle is doing 'veh(6)==0 is checked to see if something vehicle related is happening ''bit 0 scrambling/mounting ''bit 1 rising ''bit 2 falling ''bit 3 initiate dismount ''bit 4 clear - set to clean up to officially end vehicle use ''bit 5 ahead - set while getting off (dismount ahead only) '7 remembers the speed of the leader '8-21 are copied from VEH #ENDIF