'OHRRPGCE - util.bi '(C) Copyright 1997-2006 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) 'Auto-generated by MAKEBI from util.bas #IFNDEF UTIL_BI #DEFINE UTIL_BI declare function bound overload (byval n, byval lowest, byval highest) declare function bound overload (byval n as double, byval lowest as double, byval highest as double) as double declare function large (byval n1, byval n2) declare function loopvar (byval var, byval min, byval max, byval inc) declare function small (byval n1, byval n2) declare function trimpath$ (filename$) declare function trimfilename$ (filename$) declare function trimextension$ (filename$) declare function justextension$ (filename$) declare function anycase$ (filename$) declare sub touchfile (filename$) declare function rotascii$ (s$, o) declare function escape_string(s as string, chars as string) as string declare function sign_string(n as integer, neg_str as string, zero_str as string, pos_str as string) as string declare function zero_default(n, zerocaption AS STRING="default", displayoffset AS INTEGER = 0) as string 'also appears in udts.bi #ifndef Stack TYPE Stack pos as integer ptr bottom as integer ptr size as integer END TYPE #endif declare sub createstack (st as Stack) declare sub destroystack (st as Stack) declare sub checkoverflow (st as Stack, byval amount as integer = 1) #define pushs(stack, datum) *(stack).pos = (datum) : (stack).pos += 1 #define pops(stack, var) (stack).pos -= 1 : (var) = *(stack).pos 'read from a stack offset from the last push (eg. 0 is last int pushed, -1 is previous) #define reads(stack, off) stack.pos[(off) - 1] #define checkunderflow(stack, amount) ((stack).pos - (amount) < (stack).bottom) #ENDIF