'OHRRPGCE GAME - More various unsorted routines '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) ' '$DYNAMIC DEFINT A-Z #include "compat.bi" #include "allmodex.bi" #include "common.bi" #include "gglobals.bi" #include "const.bi" #include "scrconst.bi" #include "uiconst.bi" #include "loading.bi" 'FIXME: this should not be called directly here. needs wrapping in allmodex.bi 'Mike: why? it's already wrapped in gfx_*.bas #include "gfx.bi" 'basic subs and functions DECLARE FUNCTION str2int% (stri$) DECLARE FUNCTION str2lng& (stri$) DECLARE SUB setScriptArg (arg%, value%) DECLARE SUB wrapaheadxy (x%, y%, direction%, distance%, unitsize%) DECLARE SUB aheadxy (x%, y%, direction%, distance%) DECLARE SUB wrapxy (x%, y%, wide%, high%) DECLARE FUNCTION partybyrank% (slot%) DECLARE FUNCTION herobyrank% (slot%) DECLARE FUNCTION rankincaterpillar% (heroid%) DECLARE SUB embedtext (text$, limit=0) DECLARE SUB renamehero (who%) DECLARE FUNCTION vehiclestuff% (disx%, disy%, vehedge%) DECLARE FUNCTION trylearn% (who%, atk%, learntype%) DECLARE SUB correctbackdrop () DECLARE FUNCTION gethighbyte% (n%) DECLARE SUB wrappedsong (songnumber%) DECLARE SUB stopsong () DECLARE SUB delitem (it%, num%) DECLARE FUNCTION getnpcref% (seekid%, offset%) DECLARE SUB suspendresume (id%) DECLARE SUB scriptwatcher (mode%, callspot%) DECLARE SUB onkeyscript (scriptnum%) DECLARE SUB greyscalepal () DECLARE SUB tweakpalette () DECLARE SUB vishero (stat%()) DECLARE SUB forceparty (stat%()) DECLARE SUB scriptdump (s$) DECLARE FUNCTION vehpass% (n%, tile%, default%) DECLARE FUNCTION readfoemap% (x%, y%, wide%, high%, fh%) DECLARE FUNCTION playtime$ (d%, h%, m%) DECLARE FUNCTION averagelev% (stat%()) DECLARE FUNCTION countitem% (it%) DECLARE FUNCTION movdivis% (xygo%) DECLARE FUNCTION onwho% (w$, alone) DECLARE SUB heroswap (iAll%, stat%()) DECLARE FUNCTION runscript% (n%, index%, newcall%, er$, trigger%) DECLARE SUB scripterr (e$) DECLARE SUB itstr (i%) DECLARE FUNCTION findhero% (who%, f%, l%, d%) DECLARE FUNCTION howmanyh% (f%, l%) DECLARE FUNCTION consumeitem% (index%) DECLARE FUNCTION istag% (num%, zero%) DECLARE SUB doswap (s%, d%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB control () DECLARE SUB equip (pt%, stat%()) DECLARE FUNCTION items% (stat%()) DECLARE SUB getitem (getit%, num%) DECLARE SUB spells (pt%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB status (pt%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB getnames (stat$()) DECLARE SUB resetlmp (slot%, lev%) DECLARE FUNCTION battle (form%, fatal%, exstat%()) DECLARE SUB addhero (who, slot, stat(), forcelevel=-1) DECLARE FUNCTION atlevel% (now%, a0%, a99%) DECLARE SUB snapshot () DECLARE FUNCTION checksaveslot (slot%) DECLARE FUNCTION exptolevel& (level%) DECLARE SUB updatestatslevelup (i%, exstat%(), stat%(), allowforget%) DECLARE SUB giveheroexperience (i%, exstat%(), exper&) DECLARE FUNCTION liveherocount% (stat%()) DECLARE SUB cleanuptemp () DECLARE FUNCTION getdisplayname$ (default$) DECLARE SUB interpolatecat () DECLARE FUNCTION scriptstate$ (targetscript% = -1) DECLARE FUNCTION decodetrigger (trigger%, trigtype%) DECLARE SUB loadglobalvars (slot%, first%, last%) DECLARE SUB saveglobalvars (slot%, first%, last%) DECLARE FUNCTION loadscript% (n%) DECLARE SUB killallscripts () DECLARE SUB reloadscript (si as ScriptInst, updatestats = -1) DECLARE FUNCTION localvariablename$ (value%, scriptargs%) DECLARE FUNCTION mathvariablename$ (value%, scriptargs%) DECLARE FUNCTION backcompat_sound_id (id AS INTEGER) DECLARE SUB setheroexperience (BYVAL who, BYVAL amount, BYVAL allowforget, exstat(), exlev()) DECLARE SUB cropposition (BYREF x, BYREF y, unitsize) DECLARE SUB limitcamera () DECLARE FUNCTION bound_hero_party(who AS INTEGER, cmd AS STRING, minimum AS INTEGER=0) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION bound_item(itemID AS INTEGER, cmd AS STRING) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION bound_plotstr(n AS INTEGER, cmd AS STRING) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION bound_formation(form AS INTEGER, cmd AS STRING) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION bound_formation_slot(form AS INTEGER, slot AS INTEGER, cmd AS STRING) AS INTEGER DECLARE SUB MenuSound(byval s as integer) DECLARE FUNCTION random_formation (BYVAL set AS INTEGER) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION add_menu (record AS INTEGER, allow_duplicate AS INTEGER=NO) AS INTEGER DECLARE SUB load_text_box_portrait (BYREF box AS TextBox, BYREF gfx AS GraphicPair) 'these variables hold information used by breakpoint to step to the desired position DIM SHARED waitforscript, waitfordepth, stepmode, lastscriptnum REM $STATIC SUB add_rem_swap_lock_hero (box AS TextBox, stat()) '---ADD/REMOVE/SWAP/LOCK '---ADD--- IF box.hero_addrem > 0 THEN i = findhero(0, 0, 40, 1) IF i > -1 THEN addhero box.hero_addrem, i, stat() vishero stat() END IF END IF '---end if > 0 '---REMOVE--- IF box.hero_addrem < 0 THEN IF howmanyh(0, 40) > 1 THEN i = findhero(-box.hero_addrem, 0, 40, 1) IF i > -1 THEN hero(i) = 0 IF howmanyh(0, 3) = 0 THEN forceparty stat() END IF END IF '---end if < 0 vishero stat() '---SWAP-IN--- IF box.hero_swap > 0 THEN i = findhero(box.hero_swap, 40, 0, -1) IF i > -1 THEN FOR o = 0 TO 3 IF hero(o) = 0 THEN doswap i, o, stat() EXIT FOR END IF NEXT o END IF END IF '---end if > 0 '---SWAP-OUT--- IF box.hero_swap < 0 THEN i = findhero(-box.hero_swap, 0, 40, 1) IF i > -1 THEN FOR o = 40 TO 4 STEP -1 IF hero(o) = 0 THEN doswap i, o, stat() IF howmanyh(0, 3) = 0 THEN forceparty stat() EXIT FOR END IF NEXT o END IF END IF '---end if < 0 '---UNLOCK HERO--- IF box.hero_lock > 0 THEN temp = findhero(box.hero_lock, 0, 40, 1) IF temp > -1 THEN setbit hmask(), 0, temp, 0 END IF '---end if > 0 '---LOCK HERO--- IF box.hero_lock < 0 THEN temp = findhero(-box.hero_lock, 0, 40, 1) IF temp > -1 THEN setbit hmask(), 0, temp, 1 END IF '---end if > 0 END SUB FUNCTION checksaveslot (slot) DIM AS SHORT saveversion sg$ = savefile savh = FREEFILE OPEN sg$ FOR BINARY AS #savh GET #savh, 1 + 60000 * slot, saveversion CLOSE #savh checksaveslot = saveversion END FUNCTION SUB erasesaveslot (slot) DIM AS SHORT saveversion = 0 sg$ = savefile IF fileisreadable(sg$) = 0 THEN EXIT SUB savh = FREEFILE OPEN sg$ FOR BINARY AS #savh IF LOF(savh) > 60000 * slot THEN PUT #savh, 1 + 60000 * slot, saveversion END IF CLOSE #savh END SUB SUB doihavebits dim her as herodef FOR i = 0 TO large(gen(genMaxHero), 59) loadherodata @her, i herobits(i, 0) = her.have_tag 'have hero tag herobits(i, 1) = her.alive_tag 'is alive tag herobits(i, 2) = her.leader_tag 'is leader tag herobits(i, 3) = her.active_tag 'is in active party tag NEXT i DIM item_data(99) AS INTEGER FOR i = 0 TO gen(genMaxItem) loaditemdata item_data(), i itembits(i, 0) = item_data(74) 'when have tag itembits(i, 1) = item_data(75) 'is in inventory itembits(i, 2) = item_data(76) 'is equiped tag itembits(i, 3) = item_data(77) 'is equiped by hero in active party NEXT i END SUB SUB embedtext (text$, limit=0) start = 1 DO WHILE start < LEN(text$) '--seek an embed spot embedbegin = INSTR(start, text$, "${") IF embedbegin = 0 THEN EXIT DO '--failed to find an embed spot embedend = INSTR(embedbegin + 4, text$, "}") IF embedend = 0 THEN EXIT DO '--embed spot has no end '--break apart the string before$ = MID$(text$, 1, large(embedbegin - 1, 0)) after$ = MID$(text$, embedend + 1) '--extract the command and arg act$ = MID$(text$, embedbegin + 2, 1) arg$ = MID$(text$, embedbegin + 3, large(embedend - (embedbegin + 3), 0)) '--convert the arg to a number arg = str2int(arg$) '--discourage bad arg values (not perfect) IF NOT (arg = 0 AND arg$ <> STRING$(LEN(arg$), "0")) THEN IF arg >= 0 THEN '--only permit postive args '--by default the embed is unchanged insert$ = "${" + act$ + arg$ + "}" '--evalued possible actions SELECT CASE UCASE$(act$) CASE "H": '--Hero name by ID '--defaults blank if not found insert$ = "" where = findhero(arg + 1, 0, 40, 1) IF where >= 0 THEN insert$ = names(where) END IF CASE "P": '--Hero name by Party position IF arg < 40 THEN '--defaults blank if not found insert$ = "" IF hero(arg) > 0 THEN insert$ = names(arg) END IF END IF CASE "C": '--Hero name by caterpillar position '--defaults blank if not found insert$ = "" where = partybyrank(arg) IF where >= 0 THEN insert$ = names(where) END IF CASE "V": '--global variable by ID '--defaults blank if out-of-range insert$ = "" IF arg >= 0 AND arg <= 4095 THEN insert$ = STR$(global(arg)) END IF CASE "S": '--string variable by ID insert$ = "" IF arg >= 0 AND arg <= 31 THEN insert$ = plotstr(arg).s END IF END SELECT text$ = before$ + insert$ + after$ embedend = LEN(before$) + LEN(insert$) + 1 END IF END IF '--skip past this embed start = embedend + 1 LOOP '--enforce limit (if set) IF limit > 0 THEN text$ = LEFT$(text$, limit) END IF END SUB SUB scriptstat (id, stat()) 'contains an assortment of scripting commands that 'depend on access to the hero stat array stat() DIM dummystats(40, 1, 1) 'just need HP and MP SELECT CASE AS CONST id CASE 64'--get hero stat scriptret = stat(bound(retvals(0), 0, 40), bound(retvals(2), 0, 1), bound(retvals(1), 0, 13)) CASE 66'--add hero IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= gen(genMaxHero) THEN FOR i = 37 TO 0 STEP -1 IF hero(i) = 0 THEN slot = i NEXT i 'retvals(0) is the real hero id, addhero removes the 1 again addhero retvals(0) + 1, slot, stat() vishero stat() END IF CASE 67'--delete hero IF howmanyh(0, 40) > 1 THEN i = findhero(bound(retvals(0), 0, 59) + 1, 0, 40, 1) IF i > -1 THEN hero(i) = 0 IF howmanyh(0, 3) = 0 THEN forceparty stat() vishero stat() END IF CASE 68'--swap out hero i = findhero(retvals(0) + 1, 0, 40, 1) IF i > -1 THEN FOR o = 40 TO 4 STEP -1 IF hero(o) = 0 THEN doswap i, o, stat() IF howmanyh(0, 3) = 0 THEN forceparty stat() vishero stat() EXIT FOR END IF NEXT o END IF CASE 69'--swap in hero i = findhero(retvals(0) + 1, 40, 0, -1) IF i > -1 THEN FOR o = 0 TO 3 IF hero(o) = 0 THEN doswap i, o, stat() vishero stat() EXIT FOR END IF NEXT o END IF CASE 83'--set hero stat stat(bound(retvals(0), 0, 40), bound(retvals(3), 0, 1), bound(retvals(1), 0, 13)) = retvals(2) CASE 89'--swap by position doswap bound(retvals(0), 0, 40), bound(retvals(1), 0, 40), stat() vishero stat() CASE 110'--set hero picture IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 40 THEN i = bound(retvals(0), 0, 40) j = bound(retvals(2), 0, 1) stat(i, j, 14) = bound(retvals(1), 0, gen(26 + (j * 4))) IF i < 4 THEN vishero stat() END IF END IF CASE 111'--set hero palette IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 40 THEN i = bound(retvals(0), 0, 40) j = bound(retvals(2), 0, 1) stat(i, j, 15) = bound(retvals(1), -1, 32767) IF i < 4 THEN vishero stat() END IF END IF CASE 112'--get hero picture scriptret = stat(bound(retvals(0), 0, 40), bound(retvals(1), 0, 1), 14) CASE 113'--get hero palette scriptret = stat(bound(retvals(0), 0, 40), bound(retvals(1), 0, 1), 15) CASE 150'--status screen IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN IF hero(retvals(0)) > 0 THEN status retvals(0), stat() END IF END IF CASE 152'--spells menu IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN IF hero(retvals(0)) > 0 THEN spells retvals(0), stat() END IF END IF CASE 154'--equip menu IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN IF hero(retvals(0)) > 0 THEN equip retvals(0), stat() END IF END IF CASE 157'--order menu heroswap 0, stat() CASE 158'--team menu heroswap 1, stat() CASE 183'--setherolevel (who, what, allow forgetting spells) IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 40 AND retvals(1) >= 0 THEN 'we should make the regular level limit customisable anyway stat(retvals(0), 1, 12) = retvals(1) - stat(retvals(0), 0, 12) stat(retvals(0), 0, 12) = retvals(1) exlev(retvals(0), 1) = exptolevel(retvals(1)) exlev(retvals(0), 0) = 0 'XP attained towards the next level updatestatslevelup retvals(0), stat(), dummystats(), retvals(2) 'updates stats and spells END IF CASE 184'--give experience (who, how much) IF retvals(0) = -1 AND liveherocount(stat()) > 0 THEN retvals(1) = retvals(1) / liveherocount(stat()) FOR i = 0 TO 40 IF i = retvals(0) OR (retvals(0) = -1 AND i <= 3) THEN 'dead heroes should be recorded as not gaining levels. stat(i, 1, 12) = 0 'give the XP to the hero only if it is alive if party is target IF retvals(0) <> -1 OR stat(i, 0, 0) > 0 THEN giveheroexperience i, stat(), retvals(1) updatestatslevelup i, stat(), dummystats(), 0 END IF NEXT i CASE 185'--hero levelled (who) scriptret = stat(bound(retvals(0), 0, 40), 1, 12) CASE 186'--spells learnt found = 0 IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 40 THEN FOR i = retvals(0) * 96 TO retvals(0) * 96 + 95 IF readbit(learnmask(), 0, i) THEN IF retvals(1) = found THEN scriptret = spell(retvals(0), (i \ 24) MOD 4, i MOD 24) - 1 EXIT FOR END IF found = found + 1 END IF NEXT IF retvals(1) = -1 THEN scriptret = found 'getcount END IF CASE 269'--totalexperience IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 40 THEN scriptret = 0 FOR i = 0 TO stat(retvals(0), 0, 12) - 1 scriptret += exptolevel(i) NEXT scriptret += exlev(retvals(0), 0) END IF CASE 270'--experiencetolevel scriptret = 0 FOR i = 0 TO retvals(0) - 1 scriptret += exptolevel(i) NEXT CASE 271'--experiencetonextlevel IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 40 THEN scriptret = exlev(retvals(0), 1) - exlev(retvals(0), 0) END IF CASE 272'--setexperience (who, what, allowforget) IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 40 AND retvals(1) >= 0 THEN setheroexperience retvals(0), retvals(1), retvals(2), stat(), exlev() END IF END SELECT END SUB SUB forceparty (stat()) '---MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN ACTIVE PARTY--- fpi = findhero(-1, 0, 40, 1) IF fpi > -1 THEN FOR fpo = 0 TO 3 IF hero(fpo) = 0 THEN doswap fpi, fpo, stat() EXIT FOR END IF NEXT fpo END IF END SUB FUNCTION functiondone 'returns 0 when returning a value to a caller 'returns 1 when all scripts are finished 'returns 2 when reactivating a suspended script 'IF nowscript + 1 < 128 THEN ' '-- when a script terminates, the script directly above it in ' '-- the script buffer must be invalidated for caching ' scrat(nowscript + 1).id = -1 'END IF '--if the finishing script is at the top of the script buffer, '--then nextscroff needs to be changed 'IF scrat(nowscript).size <> 0 THEN nextscroff = scrat(nowscript).off script(scrat(nowscript).scrnum).refcount -= 1 nowscript = nowscript - 1 IF nowscript < 0 THEN functiondone = 1'--no scripts are running anymore ELSE 'check if script needs reloading reloadscript scrat(nowscript) curcmd = cast(ScriptCommand ptr, scrat(nowscript).scrdata + scrat(nowscript).ptr) IF scrat(nowscript).state < 0 THEN '--suspended script is resumed scrat(nowscript).state = ABS(scrat(nowscript).state) functiondone = 2'--reactivating a supended script ELSE scriptret = scrat(nowscript + 1).ret scrat(nowscript).state = streturn'---return functiondone = 0'--returning a value to a caller END IF END IF END FUNCTION SUB subread (si as ScriptInst) 'this sets up a new script by preparing to run at the root command (which should be do) curcmd = cast(ScriptCommand ptr, si.scrdata + si.ptr) scriptret = 0'--default returnvalue is zero si.curargn = 0 si.state = stnext '+5 just-in-case for extra state stuff pushed to stack (atm just switch, +1 ought to be sufficient) checkoverflow(scrst, curcmd->argc + 5) IF curcmd->kind <> tyflow THEN scripterr "Root script command not flow, but " & curcmd->kind si.state = sterror END IF END SUB SUB subdoarg (si as ScriptInst) 'read/load arguments, evaluating immediate values, in a depth-first manner, until either: '-all args for a command have been pushed, stnext to evaluate '-certain flow & math commands need special logic after every evaluated arg, stnext to handle si.state = stnext DIM as integer ptr dataptr = si.scrdata quickrepeat: DIM as ScriptCommand ptr cmdptr = cast(ScriptCommand ptr, dataptr + curcmd->args(si.curargn)) SELECT CASE cmdptr->kind CASE tynumber pushs(scrst, cmdptr->value) CASE tyglobal IF cmdptr->value < 0 OR cmdptr->value > 4095 THEN scripterr "Illegal global variable id " & cmdptr->value si.state = sterror EXIT SUB END IF pushs(scrst, global(cmdptr->value)) CASE tylocal pushs(scrst, heap(si.heap + cmdptr->value)) CASE IS >= tymath, tyflow si.depth += 1 '2 for state + args + 5 just-in-case for extra state stuff pushed to stack (atm just switch, +1 ought to be sufficient) checkoverflow(scrst, 7 + cmdptr->argc) pushs(scrst, si.ptr) pushs(scrst, si.curargn) curcmd = cmdptr si.ptr = (cast(integer, cmdptr) - cast(integer, dataptr)) shr 2 si.curargn = 0 scriptret = 0'--default returnvalue is zero 'this breakpoint is a perfect duplicate of breakstnext, but originally it also caught 'streturn on evaluating numbers, locals and globals 'edit: it's moved about even more now. needs rewriting 'IF scrwatch AND breakstread THEN breakpoint scrwatch, 3 'scriptdump "subdoarg" 'even for flow, first arg always needs evaluation, so don't leave yet! 'EXIT SUB IF curcmd->argc = 0 THEN EXIT SUB GOTO quickrepeat CASE ELSE scripterr "Illegal statement type " & cmdptr->kind si.state = sterror EXIT SUB END SELECT si.curargn += 1 IF si.curargn >= curcmd->argc THEN EXIT SUB IF curcmd->kind = tyflow THEN IF curcmd->value = flowif OR curcmd->value >= flowfor THEN EXIT SUB IF curcmd->kind = tymath THEN IF curcmd->value >= 20 THEN EXIT SUB GOTO quickrepeat END SUB FUNCTION gethighbyte (n) RETURN n SHL 8 END FUNCTION FUNCTION getnpcref (seekid, offset) SELECT CASE seekid CASE -300 TO -1'--direct reference getnpcref = (seekid + 1) * -1 EXIT FUNCTION CASE 0 TO max_npc_defs 'ID found = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 299 IF npc(i).id - 1 = seekid THEN IF found = offset THEN getnpcref = i EXIT FUNCTION END IF found = found + 1 END IF NEXT i END SELECT '--failure getnpcref = -1 END FUNCTION SUB greyscalepal FOR i = bound(retvals(0), 0, 255) TO bound(retvals(1), 0, 255) master(i).r = bound((master(i).r + master(i).g + master(i).b) / 3, 0, 255) master(i).g = master(i).r master(i).b = master(i).r NEXT i END SUB FUNCTION herobyrank (slot) result = -1 IF slot >= 0 AND slot <= 3 THEN j = -1 FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF hero(i) > 0 THEN j = j + 1 IF j = slot THEN result = hero(i) - 1 EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i END IF herobyrank = result END FUNCTION SUB initgame '--back compat game game = workingdir + SLASH + LCASE(trimextension$(trimpath$(sourcerpg))) '--set game according to the archinym IF isfile(workingdir + SLASH + "archinym.lmp") THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN workingdir + SLASH + "archinym.lmp" FOR INPUT AS #fh LINE INPUT #fh, a$ CLOSE #fh a$ = LCASE$(a$) IF LEN(a$) <= 8 THEN game = workingdir + SLASH + a$ END IF displayname$ = getdisplayname$(sourcerpg) setwindowtitle displayname$ clear_box_border_cache END SUB SUB interpolatecat 'given the current positions of the caterpillar party, interpolate their inbetween frames FOR o = 0 TO 10 STEP 5 FOR i = o + 1 TO o + 4 catx(i) = catx(i - 1) + ((catx(o + 5) - catx(o)) / 4) caty(i) = caty(i - 1) + ((caty(o + 5) - caty(o)) / 4) catd(i) = catd(o) NEXT i NEXT o END SUB SUB npcplot FOR i = 0 TO 299 curnpc = ABS(npc(i).id) - 1 IF npc(i).id < 0 THEN '--check reappearance tags for existing but hidden NPCs IF istag(npcs(curnpc).tag1, 1) AND istag(npcs(curnpc).tag2, 1) AND istag(1000 + npcs(curnpc).usetag, 0) = 0 THEN npc(i).id = ABS(npc(i).id) END IF END IF IF npc(i).id > 0 THEN '--check removal tags for existing visible NPCs IF istag(npcs(curnpc).tag1, 1) = 0 OR istag(npcs(curnpc).tag2, 1) = 0 OR istag(1000 + npcs(curnpc).usetag, 0) THEN npc(i).id = npc(i).id * -1 END IF 'IF readbit(tag(), 0, ABS(npcs(curnpc * 15 + 9))) <> SGN(SGN(npcs(curnpc * 15 + 9)) + 1) AND npcs(curnpc * 15 + 9) <> 0 THEN ' npcl(i + 600) = npcl(i + 600) * -1 'END IF 'IF readbit(tag(), 0, ABS(npcs(curnpc * 15 + 10))) <> SGN(SGN(npcs(curnpc * 15 + 10)) + 1) AND npcs(curnpc * 15 + 10) <> 0 THEN ' npcl(i + 600) = npcl(i + 600) * -1 'END IF 'IF npcs(curnpc * 15 + 11) > 0 THEN ' IF readbit(tag(), 0, 1000 + npcs(curnpc * 15 + 11)) = 1 THEN ' npcl(i + 600) = npcl(i + 600) * -1 ' END IF 'END IF END IF NEXT i END SUB SUB onkeyscript (scriptnum) doit = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 5 IF carray(i) THEN doit = 1: EXIT FOR NEXT i IF doit = 0 THEN FOR i = 1 TO 127 IF keyval(i) THEN doit = 1: EXIT FOR NEXT i END IF IF nowscript >= 0 THEN IF scrat(nowscript).state = stwait AND scrat(nowscript).curvalue = 9 THEN '--never trigger a onkey script when the previous script '--has a "wait for key" command active doit = 0 END IF END IF IF doit = 1 THEN rsr = runscript(scriptnum, nowscript + 1, -1, "on-key", plottrigger) END IF END SUB FUNCTION partybyrank (slot) result = -1 IF slot >= 0 AND slot <= 3 THEN j = -1 FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF hero(i) > 0 THEN j = j + 1 IF j = slot THEN result = i EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i END IF partybyrank = result END FUNCTION FUNCTION playtime$ (d, h, m) s$ = "" SELECT CASE d CASE 1 s$ = s$ + STR$(d) + " " + readglobalstring$(154, "day", 10) + " " CASE IS > 1 s$ = s$ + STR$(d) + " " + readglobalstring$(155, "days", 10) + " " END SELECT SELECT CASE h CASE 1 s$ = s$ + STR$(h) + " " + readglobalstring$(156, "hour", 10) + " " CASE IS > 1 s$ = s$ + STR$(h) + " " + readglobalstring$(157, "hours", 10) + " " END SELECT SELECT CASE m CASE 1 s$ = s$ + STR$(m) + " " + readglobalstring$(158, "minute", 10) + " " CASE IS > 1 s$ = s$ + STR$(m) + " " + readglobalstring$(159, "minutes", 10) + " " END SELECT playtime$ = s$ END FUNCTION SUB playtimer STATIC n AS DOUBLE IF TIMER >= n + 1 OR n - TIMER > 3600 THEN n = INT(TIMER) gen(54) = gen(54) + 1 WHILE gen(54) >= 60 gen(54) = gen(54) - 60 gen(53) = gen(53) + 1 WEND WHILE gen(53) >= 60 gen(53) = gen(53) - 60 gen(52) = gen(52) + 1 WEND WHILE gen(52) >= 24 gen(52) = gen(52) - 24 IF gen(51) < 32767 THEN gen(51) = gen(51) + 1 WEND END IF END SUB FUNCTION rankincaterpillar (heroid) result = -1 o = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF hero(i) > 0 THEN IF hero(i) - 1 = heroid THEN result = o o = o + 1 END IF NEXT i rankincaterpillar = result END FUNCTION FUNCTION readfoemap (x, y, wide, high, fh) a$ = CHR$(0) o = 12 + (y * wide) + x IF o <= LOF(fh) THEN GET #fh, o, a$ readfoemap = ASC(a$) ELSE readfoemap = 0 END IF END FUNCTION SUB scriptadvanced (id) 'contains advanced scripting stuff such as pixel-perfect movement SELECT CASE AS CONST id CASE 135'--puthero IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN cropposition retvals(1), retvals(2), 20 catx(retvals(0) * 5) = retvals(1) caty(retvals(0) * 5) = retvals(2) END IF CASE 136'--putnpc npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN cropposition retvals(1), retvals(2), 20 npc(npcref).x = retvals(1) npc(npcref).y = retvals(2) END IF CASE 137'--putcamera gen(cameramode) = stopcam mapx = retvals(0) mapy = retvals(1) limitcamera CASE 138'--heropixelx IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN scriptret = catx(retvals(0)) END IF CASE 139'--heropixely IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN scriptret = caty(retvals(0)) END IF CASE 140'--npcpixelx npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN scriptret = npc(npcref).x END IF CASE 141'--npcpixely npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN scriptret = npc(npcref).y END IF CASE 142'--camerapixelx scriptret = mapx CASE 143'--camerapixely scriptret = mapy CASE 147'--read general IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 104 THEN scriptret = gen(retvals(0)) END IF CASE 148'--write general IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 104 THEN gen(retvals(0)) = retvals(1) END IF CASE 159'--init mouse IF setmouse(mouse()) THEN scriptret = 1 ELSE scriptret = 0 mouserect 0, 319, 0, 199 readmouse mouse() CASE 160'--get mouse x scriptret = mouse(0) CASE 161'--get mouse y scriptret = mouse(1) CASE 162'--mouse button IF retvals(0) <= 1 THEN IF mouse(2) AND 2 ^ retvals(0) THEN scriptret = 1 ELSE scriptret = 0 END IF CASE 163'--put mouse movemouse bound(retvals(0), 0, 319), bound(retvals(1), 0, 199) readmouse mouse() CASE 164'--mouse region mouserect bound(retvals(0), 0, 319), bound(retvals(1), 0, 319), bound(retvals(2), 0, 199), bound(retvals(3), 0, 199) readmouse mouse() CASE 178'--readgmap IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 19 THEN scriptret = gmap(retvals(0)) END IF CASE 179'--writegmap IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 19 THEN gmap(retvals(0)) = retvals(1) IF retvals(0) = 5 THEN setoutside -1 'hint: always use the wrapper IF retvals(0) = 6 AND gmap(5) = 2 THEN setoutside retvals(1) END IF END SELECT END SUB SUB scriptdump (s$) DIM statestr$(7) statestr$(0) = "none" statestr$(1) = "wait" statestr$(2) = "read" statestr$(3) = "return" statestr$(4) = "next" statestr$(5) = "doarg" statestr$(6) = "done" statestr$(7) = "error" IF scrat(nowscript).depth >= 0 THEN indent$ = STRING$(scrat(nowscript).depth, " ") ELSE indent$ = STRING$(ABS(scrat(nowscript).depth), "<") END IF SELECT CASE scrat(nowscript).state CASE 0 TO 7 state$ = statestr$(scrat(nowscript).state) CASE ELSE state$ = "illegal: " & scrat(nowscript).state END SELECT debug indent$ + "[" + s$ + "]" debug indent$ + "script = " & nowscript debug indent$ + "id = " & scrat(nowscript).id & " " & scriptname$(scrat(nowscript).id) debug indent$ + "ptr = " & scrat(nowscript).ptr debug indent$ + "state = " & state$ debug indent$ + "kind = " & curcmd->kind debug indent$ + "value = " & curcmd->value debug indent$ + "argn = " & scrat(nowscript).curargn debug indent$ + "argc = " & curcmd->argc END SUB SUB scriptmisc (id) 'contains a whole mess of scripting commands that do not depend on 'any main-module level local variables or GOSUBs, and therefore 'can be moved out here to save memory SELECT CASE AS CONST id CASE 0'--noop scripterr "encountered clean noop" CASE 1'--Wait (cycles) IF retvals(0) > 0 THEN GOSUB setwaitstate END IF CASE 2'--wait for all GOSUB setwaitstate CASE 3'--wait for hero IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN GOSUB setwaitstate END IF CASE 4'--wait for NPC IF retvals(0) >= -300 AND retvals(0) <= max_npc_defs THEN GOSUB setwaitstate END IF CASE 5'--suspend npcs setbit gen(), 44, suspendnpcs, 1 CASE 6'--suspend player setbit gen(), 44, suspendplayer, 1 CASE 7'--resume npcs setbit gen(), 44, suspendnpcs, 0 CASE 8'--resume player setbit gen(), 44, suspendplayer, 0 CASE 9'--wait for key GOSUB setwaitstate CASE 10'--walk hero IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN SELECT CASE retvals(1) CASE 0'--north catd(retvals(0) * 5) = 0 ygo(retvals(0)) = retvals(2) * 20 CASE 1'--east catd(retvals(0) * 5) = 1 xgo(retvals(0)) = (retvals(2) * 20) * -1 CASE 2'--south catd(retvals(0) * 5) = 2 ygo(retvals(0)) = (retvals(2) * 20) * -1 CASE 3'--west catd(retvals(0) * 5) = 3 xgo(retvals(0)) = retvals(2) * 20 END SELECT END IF CASE 12'--check tag scriptret = ABS(istag(retvals(0), 0)) CASE 13'--set tag IF retvals(0) > 1 AND retvals(0) < 2000 THEN 'there are actually 2048 tags setbit tag(), 0, retvals(0), retvals(1) npcplot END IF CASE 17'--get item IF bound_item(retvals(0), "get item") THEN IF retvals(1) >= 1 THEN getitem retvals(0) + 1, retvals(1) END IF END IF CASE 18'--delete item IF bound_item(retvals(0), "delete item") THEN IF retvals(1) >= 1 THEN delitem retvals(0) + 1, retvals(1) END IF END IF CASE 19'--leader FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF hero(0) > 0 THEN scriptret = hero(0) - 1: EXIT FOR NEXT i CASE 20'--get money gold = gold + retvals(0) CASE 21'--lose money gold = gold - retvals(0) IF gold < 0 THEN gold = 0 CASE 22'--pay money IF gold - retvals(0) >= 0 THEN gold = gold - retvals(0) scriptret = -1 ELSE scriptret = 0 END IF CASE 25'--set hero frame IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN wtog(retvals(0)) = bound(retvals(1), 0, 1) * 2 END IF CASE 27'--suspend overlay setbit gen(), 44, suspendoverlay, 1 CASE 28'--play song 'loadsong game + "." + STR$(retvals(0)) wrappedsong retvals(0) CASE 29'--stop song stopsong CASE 30'--keyval IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) < 127 THEN scriptret = keyval(retvals(0)) AND 3 ELSE debug "invalid scancode keyval(" & retvals(0) & ")" END IF CASE 31'--rank in caterpillar scriptret = rankincaterpillar(retvals(0)) CASE 38'--camera follows hero gen(cameramode) = herocam gen(cameraArg) = bound(retvals(0), 0, 3) * 5 CASE 40'--pan camera gen(cameramode) = pancam gen(cameraArg) = small(large(retvals(0), 0), 3) gen(cameraArg2) = large(retvals(1), 0) * (20 / large(retvals(2), 1)) gen(cameraArg3) = large(retvals(2), 1) CASE 41'--focus camera gen(cameramode) = focuscam gen(cameraArg) = (retvals(0) * 20) - 150 gen(cameraArg2) = (retvals(1) * 20) - 90 gen(cameraArg3) = ABS(retvals(2)) gen(cameraArg4) = ABS(retvals(2)) CASE 42'--wait for camera GOSUB setwaitstate CASE 43'--hero x IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN scriptret = catx(retvals(0) * 5) \ 20 END IF CASE 44'--hero y IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN scriptret = caty(retvals(0) * 5) \ 20 END IF CASE 47'--suspend obstruction setbit gen(), 44, suspendobstruction, 1 CASE 48'--resume obstruction setbit gen(), 44, suspendobstruction, 0 CASE 49'--suspend hero walls setbit gen(), 44, suspendherowalls, 1 CASE 50'--suspend NPC walls setbit gen(), 44, suspendnpcwalls, 1 CASE 51'--resume hero walls setbit gen(), 44, suspendherowalls, 0 CASE 53'--set hero direction IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN catd(retvals(0) * 5) = ABS(retvals(1)) MOD 4 END IF CASE 57, 118'--suspend caterpillar setbit gen(), 44, suspendcatapillar, 1 CASE 58, 119'--resume caterpillar setbit gen(), 44, suspendcatapillar, 0 interpolatecat CASE 59'--wait for text box IF readbit(gen(), 44, suspendboxadvance) = 0 THEN GOSUB setwaitstate END IF CASE 60'--equip where scriptret = 0 IF bound_item(retvals(1), "equip where") THEN IF bound_hero_party(retvals(0), "equip where") THEN loaditemdata buffer(), retvals(1) i = hero(retvals(0)) - 1 IF i >= 0 THEN IF readbit(buffer(), 66, i) THEN scriptret = buffer(49) END IF END IF END IF END IF CASE 62, 168'--suspend random enemies setbit gen(), 44, suspendrandomenemies, 1 '--resume random enemies is not here! it works different! CASE 65'--resume overlay setbit gen(), 44, suspendoverlay, 0 CASE 70'--room in active party scriptret = 4 - howmanyh(0, 3) CASE 71'--lock hero temp = findhero(retvals(0) + 1, 0, 40, 1) IF temp > -1 THEN setbit hmask(), 0, temp, 1 CASE 72'--unlock hero temp = findhero(retvals(0) + 1, 0, 40, 1) IF temp > -1 THEN setbit hmask(), 0, temp, 0 CASE 74'--set death script gen(42) = large(retvals(0), 0) CASE 75'--fade screen out FOR i = 0 TO 2 retvals(i) = bound(iif(retvals(i), retvals(i) * 4 + 3, 0), 0, 255) NEXT fadeout retvals(0), retvals(1), retvals(2) CASE 76'--fade screen in fadein CASE 81'--set hero speed IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN herospeed(retvals(0)) = bound(retvals(1), 0, 20) END IF CASE 82'--inventory scriptret = countitem(retvals(0) + 1) CASE 84'--suspend box advance setbit gen(), 44, suspendboxadvance, 1 CASE 85'--resume box advance setbit gen(), 44, suspendboxadvance, 0 CASE 87'--set hero position IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN cropposition retvals(1), retvals(2), 1 FOR i = 0 TO 4 catx(small(retvals(0) * 5 + i, 15)) = retvals(1) * 20 caty(small(retvals(0) * 5 + i, 15)) = retvals(2) * 20 NEXT i END IF CASE 90'--find hero scriptret = findhero(retvals(0) + 1, 0, 40, 1) CASE 91'--check equipment IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 40 THEN scriptret = eqstuf(retvals(0), bound(retvals(1) - 1, 0, 4)) - 1 ELSE scriptret = 0 END IF CASE 92'--days of play scriptret = gen(51) CASE 93'--hours of play scriptret = gen(52) CASE 94'--minutes of play scriptret = gen(53) CASE 95'--resume NPC walls setbit gen(), 44, suspendnpcwalls, 0 CASE 96'--set hero Z catz(bound(retvals(0), 0, 3) * 5) = retvals(1) CASE 102'--hero direction IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN scriptret = catd(retvals(0) * 5) END IF CASE 103'--reset palette loadpalette master(), gen(genMasterPal) LoadUIColors uilook(), gen(genMasterPal) CASE 104'--tweak palette tweakpalette CASE 105'--read color IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) < 256 THEN IF retvals(1) = 0 THEN scriptret = master(retvals(0)).r / 4 IF retvals(1) = 1 THEN scriptret = master(retvals(0)).g / 4 IF retvals(1) = 2 THEN scriptret = master(retvals(0)).b / 4 END IF CASE 106'--write color IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) < 256 THEN temp = bound(retvals(2), 0, 63) IF retvals(1) = 0 THEN master(retvals(0)).r = iif(temp, temp * 4 + 3, 0) IF retvals(1) = 1 THEN master(retvals(0)).g = iif(temp, temp * 4 + 3, 0) IF retvals(1) = 2 THEN master(retvals(0)).b = iif(temp, temp * 4 + 3, 0) END IF CASE 107'--update palette setpal master() CASE 108'--reseed random IF retvals(0) THEN RANDOMIZE retvals(0) ELSE RANDOMIZE TIMER END IF CASE 109'--grey scale palette greyscalepal CASE 114'--read global IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 4095 THEN scriptret = global(retvals(0)) ELSE scripterr "Cannot read global " & retvals(0) & ". out of range" END IF CASE 115'--write global IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 4095 THEN global(retvals(0)) = retvals(1) ELSE scripterr "Cannot write global " & retvals(0) & ". out of range" END IF CASE 116'--hero is walking IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN IF (xgo(retvals(0)) OR ygo(retvals(0))) THEN scriptret = 1 ELSE scriptret = 0 END IF END IF CASE 127'--teach spell scriptret = trylearn(bound(retvals(0), 0, 40), retvals(1), retvals(2)) CASE 128'--forget spell scriptret = 0 retvals(0) = bound(retvals(0), 0, 40) FOR i = 0 TO 3 FOR j = 0 TO 23 IF spell(retvals(0), i, j) = retvals(1) THEN spell(retvals(0), i, j) = 0 scriptret = 1 END IF NEXT j NEXT i CASE 129'--read spell IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 40 AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= 3 AND retvals(2) >= 0 AND retvals(2) <= 23 THEN scriptret = spell(retvals(0), retvals(1), retvals(2)) ELSE scriptret = 0 END IF CASE 130'--write spell IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 40 AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= 3 AND retvals(2) >= 0 AND retvals(2) <= 23 AND retvals(3) >= 0 THEN spell(retvals(0), retvals(1), retvals(2)) = retvals(3) END IF CASE 131'--knows spell scriptret = 0 retvals(0) = bound(retvals(0), 0, 40) IF retvals(1) > 0 THEN FOR i = 0 TO 3 FOR j = 0 TO 23 IF spell(retvals(0), i, j) = retvals(1) THEN scriptret = 1 EXIT FOR END IF NEXT j NEXT i END IF CASE 132'--can learn spell scriptret = 0 DIM partyslot AS INTEGER DIM heroID as INTEGER partyslot = bound(retvals(0), 0, 40) heroID = hero(partyslot) - 1 IF heroID = -1 THEN debug "can learn spell: fail on empty party slot " & partyslot ELSE IF retvals(1) > 0 THEN DIM her as herodef ptr her = Allocate(sizeof(herodef)) loadherodata her, heroID FOR i = 0 TO 3 FOR j = 0 TO 23 IF spell(partyslot, i, j) = 0 THEN IF her->spell_lists(i,j).attack = retvals(1) AND her->spell_lists(i,j).learned = retvals(2) THEN scriptret = 1 EXIT FOR END IF END IF NEXT j NEXT i Deallocate(her) END IF END IF CASE 133'--hero by slot IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 40 THEN scriptret = hero(retvals(0)) - 1 ELSE scriptret = -1 END IF CASE 134'--hero by rank scriptret = herobyrank(retvals(0)) CASE 145'--pick hero scriptret = onwho(readglobalstring$(135, "Which Hero?", 20), 1) CASE 146'--rename hero by slot IF bound_hero_party(retvals(0), "rename hero by slot") THEN IF hero(retvals(0)) > 0 THEN renamehero retvals(0) END IF END IF CASE 171'--saveslotused IF retvals(0) >= 1 AND retvals(0) <= 32 THEN IF checksaveslot(retvals(0) - 1) = 3 THEN scriptret = 1 ELSE scriptret = 0 END IF CASE 172'--importglobals IF retvals(0) >= 1 AND retvals(0) <= 32 THEN IF retvals(1) = -1 THEN 'importglobals(slot) retvals(1) = 0 retvals(2) = 4095 END IF IF retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= 4095 THEN IF retvals(2) = -1 THEN 'importglobals(slot,id) remval = global(retvals(1)) loadglobalvars retvals(0) - 1, retvals(1), retvals(1) scriptret = global(retvals(1)) global(retvals(1)) = remval ELSE 'importglobals(slot,first,last) IF retvals(2) <= 4095 AND retvals(1) <= retvals(2) THEN loadglobalvars retvals(0) - 1, retvals(1), retvals(2) END IF END IF END IF END IF CASE 173'--exportglobals IF retvals(0) >= 1 AND retvals(0) <= 32 AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(2) <= 4095 AND retvals(1) <= retvals(2) THEN saveglobalvars retvals(0) - 1, retvals(1), retvals(2) END IF CASE 175'--deletesave IF retvals(0) >= 1 AND retvals(0) <= 32 THEN erasesaveslot retvals(0) - 1 END IF CASE 176'--runscriptbyid rsr = runscript(retvals(0), nowscript + 1, 0, "indirect", plottrigger) 'possible to get ahold of triggers IF rsr = 1 THEN '--fill heap with return values FOR i = 1 TO scrat(nowscript - 1).curargc - 1 'flexible argument number! (note that argc has been saved here by runscript) setScriptArg i - 1, retvals(i) NEXT i ELSE scriptret = -1 END IF CASE 180'--mapwidth scriptret = scroll(0) CASE 181'--mapheight scriptret = scroll(1) CASE 187'--getmusicvolume scriptret = fmvol * 17 CASE 188'--setmusicvolume fmvol = bound(retvals(0), 0, 255) \ 16 setfmvol fmvol CASE 189, 307'--get formation song fh = FREEFILE IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= gen(genMaxFormation) THEN OPEN tmpdir & "for.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #fh scriptret = readshort(fh, retvals(0) * 80 + 67) IF id = 307 THEN scriptret -= 1 CLOSE #fh END IF CASE 190'--set formation song 'set formation song never worked, so don't bother with backwards compatibility fh = FREEFILE IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= gen(genMaxFormation) AND retvals(1) >= -2 AND retvals(1) <= gen(genMaxSong) THEN OPEN tmpdir & "for.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #fh WriteShort fh, retvals(0) * 80 + 67, retvals(1) + 1 CLOSE #fh ELSE scriptret = -1 END IF CASE 191'--hero frame IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN scriptret = wtog(retvals(0)) \ 2 END IF CASE 195'--load sound (BACKWARDS COMPATABILITY HACK ) 'This opcode is not exposed in plotscr.hsd and should not be used in any new scripts IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 7 THEN backcompat_sound_slot_mode = -1 backcompat_sound_slots(retvals(0)) = retvals(1) + 1 END IF CASE 196'--free sound (BACKWARDS COMPATABILITY HACK) 'This opcode is not exposed in plotscr.hsd and should not be used in any new scripts IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 7 THEN backcompat_sound_slots(retvals(0)) = 0 END IF CASE 197'--play sound sfxid = backcompat_sound_id(retvals(0)) IF sfxid >= 0 AND sfxid <= gen(genMaxSFX) THEN if retvals(2) then stopsfx sfxid playsfx sfxid, retvals(1) scriptret = -1 END IF CASE 198'--pause sound IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= gen(genMaxSFX) THEN pausesfx retvals(0) scriptret = -1 END IF CASE 199'--stop sound IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= gen(genMaxSFX) THEN stopsfx retvals(0) scriptret = -1 END IF CASE 200'--system hour (time$ is always hh:mm:ss) scriptret = str2int(MID$(TIME$, 1, 2)) CASE 201'--system minute scriptret = str2int(MID$(TIME$, 4, 2)) CASE 202'--system second scriptret = str2int(MID$(TIME$, 7, 2)) CASE 203'--current song scriptret = presentsong CASE 204'--get hero name(str,her) IF retvals(0) > 31 OR retvals(0) < 0 OR retvals(1) < 0 OR retvals(1) > 39 THEN scriptret = 0 ELSE plotstr(retvals(0)).s = names(retvals(1)) scriptret = 1 END IF CASE 205'--set hero name IF retvals(0) > 31 OR retvals(0) < 0 OR retvals(1) < 0 OR retvals(1) > 39 THEN scriptret = 0 ELSE names(retvals(1)) = plotstr(retvals(0)).s scriptret = 1 END IF CASE 206'--get item name(str,itm) scriptret = 0 IF bound_plotstr(retvals(0), "get item name") THEN IF bound_item(retvals(1), "get item name") THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).s = readitemname(retvals(1)) scriptret = 1 END IF END IF CASE 207'--get map name(str,map) IF retvals(0) > 31 OR retvals(0) < 0 OR retvals(1) < 0 OR retvals(1) > gen(genMaxMap) THEN scriptret = 0 ELSE plotstr(retvals(0)).s = getmapname$(retvals(1)) scriptret = 1 END IF CASE 208'--get attack name(str,atk) IF retvals(0) > 31 OR retvals(0) < 0 OR retvals(1) < 0 OR retvals(1) > gen(genMaxAttack) THEN scriptret = 0 ELSE plotstr(retvals(0)).s = readattackname$(retvals(1) + 1) scriptret = 1 END IF CASE 209'--get global string(str,glo) IF retvals(0) > 31 OR retvals(0) < 0 OR retvals(1) < 0 OR retvals(1) > 159 THEN scriptret = 0 ELSE plotstr(retvals(0)).s = readglobalstring$(retvals(1), "", 255) scriptret = 1 END IF CASE 211'--clear string IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).s = "" CASE 212'--append ascii IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 THEN IF retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= 255 THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).s = plotstr(retvals(0)).s + CHR$(retvals(1)) scriptret = LEN(plotstr(retvals(0)).s) END IF END IF CASE 213'--append number IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).s = plotstr(retvals(0)).s & retvals(1) scriptret = LEN(plotstr(retvals(0)).s) END IF CASE 214'--copy string IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= 31 THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).s = plotstr(retvals(1)).s END IF CASE 215'--concatenate strings IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= 31 THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).s = plotstr(retvals(0)).s + plotstr(retvals(1)).s scriptret = LEN(plotstr(retvals(0)).s) END IF CASE 216'--string length IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 THEN scriptret = LEN(plotstr(retvals(0)).s) END IF CASE 217'--delete char IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 THEN IF retvals(1) >= 1 AND retvals(1) <= LEN(plotstr(retvals(0)).s) THEN temp2$ = LEFT$(plotstr(retvals(0)).s, retvals(1) - 1) temp3$ = MID$(plotstr(retvals(0)).s, retvals(1) + 1) plotstr(retvals(0)).s = temp2$ + temp3$ temp3$ = "" temp2$ = "" END IF END IF CASE 218'--replace char IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 AND retvals(2) >= 0 AND retvals(2) <= 255 THEN IF retvals(1) >= 1 AND retvals(1) <= LEN(plotstr(retvals(0)).s) THEN MID$(plotstr(retvals(0)).s, retvals(1), 1) = CHR$(retvals(2)) END IF END IF CASE 219'--ascii from string IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 AND retvals(1) >= 1 AND retvals(1) <= LEN(plotstr(retvals(0)).s) THEN scriptret = plotstr(retvals(0)).s[retvals(1)-1]'you can index strings a la C END IF CASE 220'--position string IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).X = retvals(1) plotstr(retvals(0)).Y = retvals(2) END IF CASE 221'--set string bit IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= 15 THEN if retvals(2) then plotstr(retvals(0)).bits = plotstr(retvals(0)).bits or 2 ^ retvals(1) else plotstr(retvals(0)).bits = plotstr(retvals(0)).bits and not 2 ^ retvals(1) end if END IF CASE 222'--get string bit IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= 15 THEN 'scriptret = readbit(plotstrBits(), retvals(0), retvals(1)) scriptret = plotstr(retvals(0)).bits AND 2 ^ retvals(1) IF scriptret THEN scriptret = 1 END IF CASE 223'--string color IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).Col = bound(retvals(1), 0, 255) plotstr(retvals(0)).BGCol = bound(retvals(2), 0, 255) END IF CASE 224'--string X IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 THEN scriptret = plotstr(retvals(0)).X END IF CASE 225'--string Y IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 THEN scriptret = plotstr(retvals(0)).Y END IF CASE 226'--system day (date$ is always mm-dd-yyyy) scriptret = str2int(MID$(DATE$, 4, 2)) CASE 227'--system month scriptret = str2int(MID$(DATE$, 1, 2)) CASE 228'--system year scriptret = str2int(MID$(DATE$, 7, 4)) CASE 229'--string compare IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= 31 THEN scriptret = (plotstr(retvals(0)).s = plotstr(retvals(1)).s) END IF CASE 230'--read enemy data f = FREEFILE OPEN tmpdir & "dt1.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #f scriptret = ReadShort(f, (CLNG(bound(retvals(0), 0, gen(genMaxEnemy))) * CLNG(320)) + (bound(retvals(1), 0, 159) * 2) + 1) CLOSE #f CASE 231'--write enemy data f = FREEFILE OPEN tmpdir & "dt1.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #f Writeshort f, (CLNG(bound(retvals(0), 0, gen(genMaxEnemy))) * CLNG(320)) + (bound(retvals(1), 0, 159) * 2) + 1, retvals(2) CLOSE #f CASE 232'--trace IF bound_plotstr(retvals(0), "trace") THEN debug "TRACE: " + plotstr(retvals(0)).s END IF CASE 233'--get song name IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 AND retvals(1) >= 0 THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).s = getsongname$(retvals(1)) CASE 235'--key is pressed SELECT CASE retvals(0) CASE 1 TO 127 'keyboard IF keyval(retvals(0)) THEN scriptret = 1 ELSE scriptret = 0 CASE 128 TO 147 'joystick dim b as integer, xaxis as integer, yaxis as integer '0 >= x and y, >= 100 IF io_readjoysane(bound(retvals(1),0,3),b,xaxis,yaxis) THEN IF retvals(0) >= 128 AND retvals(0) <= 143 THEN scriptret = (b SHR (retvals(0) - 128)) AND 1 ELSEIF retvals(0) = 144 THEN 'x left 'debug XSTR$(xaxis) scriptret = abs(xaxis <= -50) 'true = -1... ELSEIF retvals(0) = 145 THEN 'x right scriptret = abs(xaxis >= 50) ELSEIF retvals(0) = 146 THEN 'y up scriptret = abs(yaxis <= -50) ELSEIF retvals(0) = 147 THEN 'y down scriptret = abs(yaxis >= 50) END IF ELSE scriptret = 0 END IF CASE ELSE scriptret = 0 END SELECT CASE 236'--sound is playing sfxid = backcompat_sound_id(retvals(0)) IF sfxid >= 0 AND sfxid <= gen(genMaxSFX) THEN scriptret = sfxisplaying(sfxid) END IF CASE 237'--sound slots (BACKWARDS COMPATABILITY HACK) 'This opcode is not exposed in plotscr.hsd and should not be used in any new scripts IF backcompat_sound_slot_mode THEN scriptret = 8 END IF CASE 238'--search string IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= 31 THEN WITH plotstr(retvals(0)) scriptret = instr(bound(retvals(2), 1, LEN(.s)), .s, plotstr(retvals(1)).s) END WITH ELSE scriptret = 0 END IF CASE 239'--trim string IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 THEN IF retvals(1) = -1 THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).s = trim$(plotstr(retvals(0)).s) ELSE IF retvals(1) <= LEN(plotstr(retvals(0)).s) AND retvals(2) >= 1 THEN retvals(1) = large(retvals(1),1) 'retvals(2) = bound(retvals(2),1,LEN(plotstr(retvals(0)).s)) plotstr(retvals(0)).s = MID$(plotstr(retvals(0)).s,retvals(1),retvals(2)) ELSE plotstr(retvals(0)).s = "" END IF END IF END IF CASE 240'-- string from textbox IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 THEN DIM box AS TextBox retvals(1) = bound(retvals(1),0,gen(genMaxTextbox)) retvals(2) = bound(retvals(2),0,7) LoadTextBox box, retvals(1) plotstr(retvals(0)).s = box.text(retvals(2)) IF NOT retvals(3) THEN embedtext plotstr(retvals(0)).s plotstr(retvals(0)).s = trim$(plotstr(retvals(0)).s) END IF CASE 241'-- expand string(id) retvals(0) = bound(retvals(0),0,31) embedtext plotstr(retvals(0)).s CASE 242'-- joystick button retvals(0) = bound(retvals(0)-1,0,15) retvals(1) = bound(retvals(1),0,3) b = 0 IF io_readjoysane(retvals(1),b,0,0) THEN scriptret = (b SHR retvals(0)) AND 1 ELSE scriptret = 0 END IF CASE 243'-- joystick axis retvals(0) = bound(retvals(0),0,1) retvals(2) = bound(retvals(2),0,3) xaxis = 0 yaxis = 0 IF io_readjoysane(retvals(2),0,xaxis,yaxis) THEN IF retvals(0) = 0 THEN'x axis 'debug "x" + XSTR$(xaxis) scriptret = int((xaxis / 100) * retvals(1)) 'normally, xaxis * 100 ELSEIF retvals(0) = 1 THEN 'y axis 'debug "y" + XSTR$(yaxis) scriptret = int((yaxis / 100) * retvals(1)) 'normally, yaxis * 100 END IF ELSE 'debug "joystick failed" scriptret = 0 END IF CASE 244'--wait for scancode GOSUB setwaitstate CASE 249'--party money scriptret = gold CASE 250'--set money IF retvals(0) >= 0 THEN gold = retvals(0) CASE 251'--setstringfromtable IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 AND script(scrat(nowscript).scrnum).strtable THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).s = read32bitstring$(scrat(nowscript).scrdata + script(scrat(nowscript).scrnum).strtable + retvals(1)) END IF CASE 252'--appendstringfromtable IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 31 AND script(scrat(nowscript).scrnum).strtable THEN plotstr(retvals(0)).s += read32bitstring$(scrat(nowscript).scrdata + script(scrat(nowscript).scrnum).strtable + retvals(1)) END IF CASE 256'--suspendmapmusic setbit gen(), 44, suspendambientmusic, 1 CASE 257'--resumemapmusic setbit gen(), 44, suspendambientmusic, 0 CASE 260'--settimer(id, count, speed, trigger, string, flags) IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) < 16 THEN WITH timers(retvals(0)) IF retvals(1) > -1 THEN .count = retvals(1): .ticks = 0 IF retvals(2) > -1 THEN .speed = retvals(2) ELSEIF retvals(2) = -1 AND .speed = 0 THEN .speed = 18 END IF IF retvals(3)<> -1 THEN .trigger = retvals(3) IF retvals(4) > -1 AND retvals(4) < 32 THEN .st = retvals(4) + 1: plotstr(retvals(4)).s = seconds2str(.count) IF retvals(5)<> -1 THEN .flags = retvals(5) IF .speed < -1 THEN .speed *= -1: .speed -= 1 END WITH END IF CASE 261'--stoptimer IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) < 16 THEN timers(retvals(0)).speed = 0 CASE 262'--readtimer IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) < 16 THEN scriptret = timers(retvals(0)).count CASE 263'--getcolor IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) < 256 THEN scriptret = master(retvals(0)).col END IF CASE 264'--setcolor IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) < 256 THEN retvals(1) = retvals(1) OR &HFF000000 'just in case, set the alpha master(retvals(0)).col = retvals(1) END IF CASE 265'--rgb scriptret = RGB(bound(retvals(0),0,255), bound(retvals(1),0,255), bound(retvals(2),0,255)) CASE 266'--extractcolor dim c as rgbcolor c.col = retvals(0) SELECT CASE retvals(1) CASE 0 scriptret = c.r CASE 1 scriptret = c.g CASE 2 scriptret = c.b END SELECT CASE 268'--loadpalette IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= gen(genMaxMasterPal) THEN loadpalette master(), retvals(0) LoadUIColors uilook(), retvals(0) END IF CASE 273'--milliseconds scriptret = fmod((TIMER * 1000) + 2147483648.0, 4294967296.0) - 2147483648.0 CASE 308'--add enemy to formation (formation, enemy id, x, y, slot = -1) scriptret = -1 IF bound_formation(retvals(0), "add enemy to formation") AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= gen(genMaxEnemy) THEN loadrecord buffer(), tmpdir & "for.tmp", 40, retvals(0) temp = -1 FOR i = 0 TO 7 IF buffer(i * 4) = 0 THEN temp = i: EXIT FOR NEXT IF retvals(4) >= 0 AND retvals(4) <= 7 THEN IF buffer(retvals(4) * 4) = 0 THEN temp = retvals(4) END IF IF temp >= 0 THEN szindex = ReadShort(tmpdir & "dt1.tmp", retvals(1) * 320 + 111) 'picture size IF szindex = 0 THEN size = 34 IF szindex = 1 THEN size = 50 IF szindex = 2 THEN size = 80 buffer(temp * 4) = retvals(1) + 1 buffer(temp * 4 + 1) = large( (small(retvals(2), 230) - size / 2) , 0) 'approximately the 0 - 250 limit of the formation editor buffer(temp * 4 + 2) = large( (small(retvals(3), 199) - size) , 0) END IF storerecord buffer(), tmpdir & "for.tmp", 40, retvals(0) scriptret = temp END IF CASE 309'--find enemy in formation (formation, enemy id, number) IF bound_formation(retvals(0), "find enemy in formation") THEN loadrecord buffer(), tmpdir & "for.tmp", 40, retvals(0) temp = 0 scriptret = -1 FOR i = 0 TO 7 IF buffer(i * 4) > 0 AND (retvals(1) = buffer(i * 4) - 1 OR retvals(1) = -1) THEN IF retvals(2) = temp THEN scriptret = i: EXIT FOR temp += 1 END IF NEXT IF retvals(2) = -1 THEN scriptret = temp END IF CASE 310'--delete enemy from formation (formation, slot) IF bound_formation_slot(retvals(0), retvals(1), "delete enemy from formation") THEN WriteShort tmpdir & "for.tmp", retvals(0) * 80 + retvals(1) * 8 + 1, 0 END IF CASE 311'--formation slot enemy (formation, slot) scriptret = -1 IF bound_formation_slot(retvals(0), retvals(1), "formation slot enemy") THEN scriptret = ReadShort(tmpdir & "for.tmp", retvals(0) * 80 + retvals(1) * 8 + 1) - 1 END IF CASE 312, 313'--formation slot x (formation, slot), formation slot y (formation, slot) IF bound_formation_slot(retvals(0), retvals(1), "formation slot x/y") THEN temp = ReadShort(tmpdir & "for.tmp", retvals(0) * 80 + retvals(1) * 8 + 1) 'enemy id + 1 scriptret = ReadShort(tmpdir & "for.tmp", retvals(0) * 80 + retvals(1) * 8 + (id - 311) * 2 + 1) 'x or y 'now find the position of the bottom center of the enemy sprite IF temp THEN temp = ReadShort(tmpdir & "dt1.tmp", (temp - 1) * 320 + 111) 'picture size IF temp = 0 THEN size = 34 IF temp = 1 THEN size = 50 IF temp = 2 THEN size = 80 IF id = 312 THEN scriptret += size \ 2 ELSE scriptret += size END IF END IF CASE 314'--set formation background (formation, background, animation frames, animation ticks) IF bound_formation(retvals(0), "set formation background") AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= gen(genMaxBackdrop) - 1 THEN loadrecord buffer(), tmpdir & "for.tmp", 40, retvals(0) buffer(32) = retvals(1) buffer(34) = bound(retvals(2) - 1, 0, 49) buffer(35) = bound(retvals(3), 0, 1000) storerecord buffer(), tmpdir & "for.tmp", 40, retvals(0) END IF CASE 315'--get formation background (formation) IF bound_formation(retvals(0), "get formation background") THEN scriptret = ReadShort(tmpdir & "for.tmp", retvals(0) * 80 + retvals(1) * 8 + 32 + 1) END IF CASE 316'--last formation scriptret = lastformation CASE 317'--random formation (formation set) IF retvals(0) >= 1 AND retvals(0) <= 255 THEN scriptret = random_formation(retvals(0) - 1) END IF CASE 318'--formation set frequency (formation set) IF retvals(0) >= 1 AND retvals(0) <= 255 THEN scriptret = ReadShort(game + ".efs", (retvals(0) - 1) * 50 + 1) END IF CASE 319'--formation probability (formation set, formation) IF retvals(0) >= 1 AND retvals(0) <= 255 THEN loadrecord buffer(), game + ".efs", 25, retvals(0) - 1 temp = 0 scriptret = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 20 IF buffer(i) = retvals(1) + 1 THEN scriptret += 1 IF buffer(i) > 0 THEN temp += 1 NEXT 'probability in percentage points IF temp > 0 THEN scriptret = (scriptret * 100) / temp END IF CASE 321'--get hero speed (hero) IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= 3 THEN scriptret = herospeed(retvals(0)) END IF END SELECT EXIT SUB setwaitstate: scrat(nowscript).waitarg = retvals(0) scrat(nowscript).state = stwait RETRACE END SUB SUB scriptnpc (id) 'contains npc related scripting commands SELECT CASE AS CONST id CASE 26'--set NPC frame npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN npc(npcref).frame = bound(retvals(1), 0, 1) * 2 CASE 39'--camera follows NPC npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN gen(cameramode) = npccam gen(cameraArg) = npcref END IF CASE 45'--NPC x npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN scriptret = npc(npcref).x \ 20 CASE 46'--NPC y npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN scriptret = npc(npcref).y \ 20 CASE 52'--walk NPC npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN SELECT CASE retvals(1) CASE 0'--north npc(npcref).dir = 0 npc(npcref).ygo = retvals(2) * 20 CASE 1'--east npc(npcref).dir = 1 npc(npcref).xgo = retvals(2) * -20 CASE 2'--south npc(npcref).dir = 2 npc(npcref).ygo = retvals(2) * -20 CASE 3'--west npc(npcref).dir = 3 npc(npcref).xgo = retvals(2) * 20 END SELECT END IF CASE 54'--set NPC direction npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN npc(npcref).dir = ABS(retvals(1)) MOD 4 CASE 88'--set NPC position npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN cropposition retvals(1), retvals(2), 1 npc(npcref).x = retvals(1) * 20 npc(npcref).y = retvals(2) * 20 END IF CASE 101'--NPC direction npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN scriptret = npc(npcref).dir CASE 117, 177'--NPC is walking npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN IF npc(npcref).xgo = 0 AND npc(npcref).ygo = 0 THEN scriptret = 0 ELSE scriptret = 1 END IF IF id = 117 THEN scriptret = scriptret XOR 1 'Backcompat hack END IF CASE 120'--NPC reference scriptret = 0 IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= max_npc_defs THEN found = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 299 IF npc(i).id - 1 = retvals(0) THEN IF found = retvals(1) THEN scriptret = (i + 1) * -1 EXIT FOR END IF found = found + 1 END IF NEXT i END IF CASE 121'--NPC at spot scriptret = 0 found = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 299 IF npc(i).id > 0 THEN IF npc(i).x \ 20 = retvals(0) THEN IF npc(i).y \ 20 = retvals(1) THEN IF found = retvals(2) THEN scriptret = (i + 1) * -1 EXIT FOR END IF found = found + 1 END IF END IF END IF NEXT i IF retvals(2) = -1 THEN scriptret = found CASE 122'--get NPC ID npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN scriptret = ABS(npc(npcref).id) - 1 ELSE scriptret = -1 END IF CASE 123'--NPC copy count scriptret = 0 IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= max_npc_defs THEN FOR i = 0 TO 299 IF npc(i).id - 1 = retvals(0) THEN scriptret = scriptret + 1 END IF NEXT i END IF CASE 124'--change NPC ID npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 AND retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= max_npc_defs THEN npc(npcref).id = retvals(1) + 1 CASE 125'--create NPC scriptret = 0 IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= max_npc_defs THEN FOR i = 299 TO 0 STEP -1 IF npc(i).id = 0 THEN EXIT FOR NEXT 'for backwards compatibility with games that max out the number of NPCs, try to overwrite tag-disabled NPCs 'delete this bit once we raise the NPC limit IF i = -1 THEN FOR i = 299 TO 0 STEP -1 IF npc(i).id <= 0 THEN EXIT FOR NEXT 'I don't want to raise a scripterr here, again because it probably happens in routine in games like SoJ debug "create NPC: trying to create NPC id " & retvals(0) & " at " & retvals(1)*20 & "," & retvals(2)*20 IF i = -1 THEN debug "create NPC error: couldn't create NPC: too many NPCs exist" ELSE debug "create NPC warning: had to overwrite tag-disabled NPC id " & ABS(npc(i).id)-1 & " at " & npc(i).x & "," & npc(i).y & ": too many NPCs exist" END IF END IF IF i > -1 THEN npc(i).id = retvals(0) + 1 cropposition retvals(1), retvals(2), 1 npc(i).x = retvals(1) * 20 npc(i).y = retvals(2) * 20 npc(i).dir = ABS(retvals(3)) MOD 4 npc(i).xgo = 0 npc(i).ygo = 0 scriptret = (i + 1) * -1 END IF END IF CASE 126 '--destroy NPC npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN npc(npcref).id = 0 CASE 165'--NPC at pixel scriptret = 0 found = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 299 IF npc(i).id > 0 THEN IF npc(i).x <= retvals(0) AND npc(i).x > (retvals(0) - 20) THEN IF npc(i).y <= retvals(1) AND npc(i).y > (retvals(1) - 20) THEN IF found = retvals(2) THEN scriptret = (i + 1) * -1 EXIT FOR END IF found = found + 1 END IF END IF END IF NEXT i IF retvals(2) = -1 THEN scriptret = found CASE 182'--read NPC IF retvals(1) >= 0 AND retvals(1) <= 14 THEN IF retvals(0) >= 0 AND retvals(0) <= max_npc_defs THEN scriptret = GetNPCD(npcs(retvals(0)), retvals(1)) ELSE npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN IF npc(npcref).id THEN scriptret = GetNPCD(npcs(ABS(npc(npcref).id) - 1), retvals(1)) END IF END IF END IF CASE 192'--NPC frame npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN scriptret = npc(npcref).frame \ 2 CASE 193'--NPC extra npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN IF retvals(1) MOD 2 = 1 THEN '1 scriptret = npc(npcref).extra1 ELSEIF retvals(1) MOD 2 = 0 THEN '2 scriptret = npc(npcref).extra2 END IF END IF CASE 194'--set NPC extra npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) IF npcref >= 0 THEN IF retvals(1) MOD 2 = 1 THEN '1 npc(npcref).extra1 = retvals(2) ELSEIF retvals(1) MOD 2 = 0 THEN '2 npc(npcref).extra2 = retvals(2) END IF END IF ' CASE ???'--get NPC raw ' npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) ' s = bound(retvals(1),0,8) ' 'scriptret = npc(npcref).rawdat(s) ' scriptret = CPtr(integer ptr,@npc(npcref))[s] ' CASE ???'--set NPC raw ' npcref = getnpcref(retvals(0), 0) ' s = bound(retvals(1),0,8) ' CPtr(integer ptr,@npc(npcref))[s] = retvals(2) END SELECT END SUB SUB breakpoint (mode, callspot) ' callspot = 1 stnext ' callspot = 2 stdone ' callspot = 3 stread - (skipping to end of a command?) ' callspot = 4 at top of main loop, after loading onkeypress IF stepmode = 0 THEN GOTO breakin IF nowscript = -1 AND stepmode <> stepscript THEN stepmode = 0 waitforscript = 999 waitfordepth = 999 EXIT SUB END IF 'STEPPING LOGIC 'some generic logic for going up scripts/commands IF waitforscript <> 999 THEN IF nowscript > waitforscript THEN EXIT SUB ELSEIF nowscript < waitforscript THEN waitforscript = 999 waitfordepth = 999 ELSE 'if final objective is a script, not a depth, stop IF waitfordepth = 999 THEN waitforscript = 999 END IF IF scrat(nowscript).depth > waitfordepth THEN EXIT SUB ELSE waitforscript = 999 waitfordepth = 999 END IF END IF SELECT CASE stepmode CASE stependscript GOTO breakin CASE stepscript ' IF callspot = 1 THEN IF curcmd->kind = tyscript THEN GOTO breakin ' IF callspot = 2 THEN GOTO breakin IF lastscriptnum <> nowscript THEN GOTO breakin CASE stepargsdone, stepup, stepnext IF callspot = 1 THEN IF scrat(nowscript).curargn < curcmd->argc OR scrat(nowscript).curargn = 0 THEN EXIT SUB IF curcmd->kind = tyflow AND curcmd->value = flowif THEN EXIT SUB END IF GOTO breakin END SELECT 'IF callspot = 1 THEN 'stnext '' IF (mode AND 4) AND curcmd->kind <> tyscript THEN EXIT SUB ' 'only used to print off evaluated list of arguments '' IF ((mode AND breakreadcmd) <> 0) AND (scrat(nowscript).curargn < curcmd->argc OR scrat(nowscript).curargn = 0) THEN EXIT SUB ' IF scrat(nowscript).curargn < curcmd->argc OR scrat(nowscript).curargn = 0 THEN EXIT SUB '' IF (mode AND breakargsdone) THEN EXIT SUB ' IF curcmd->kind = tyflow AND curcmd->value = flowif THEN EXIT SUB 'END IF 'END STEPPING LOGIC EXIT SUB breakin: 'clear breakpoint bits mode = mode AND 3 stepmode = 0 scriptwatcher mode, 0 END SUB SUB scriptwatcher (mode, drawloop) STATIC localsscroll, globalsscroll STATIC selectedscript, bottom, viewmode, lastscript 'viewmode: 0 = script state, 1 = local variables, 2 = global variables IF nowscript >= 0 THEN WITH scrat(nowscript) .curkind = curcmd->kind .curvalue = curcmd->value .curargc = curcmd->argc END WITH END IF 'debug "watch mode=" & mode & " callspot = " & callspot & " stepmode = " & stepmode _ ' & " curscript = " & nowscript & " curdepth = " & scrat(nowscript).depth & " waitscr = " & waitforscript & " waitdepth = " & waitfordepth 'initialise state IF mode = 1 THEN waitforscript = 999: waitfordepth = 999: stepmode = 0 redraw: 'if in stepping mode, make a copy so debug info can be redrawn, need to keep dpage clean 'if called from displayall, need to keep a clean copy of nearly-drawn page to be used next tick IF drawloop AND mode = 1 THEN page = dpage ELSE copypage dpage, vpage page = vpage END IF 'edgeprint callmode & " " & viewmode & " " & callspot, 140, 4, uilook(uiText), page selectedscript = bound(selectedscript, 0, nowscript) IF selectedscript = lastscript THEN selectedscript = nowscript lastscript = nowscript IF nowscript >= 0 THEN SELECT CASE scrat(nowscript).curkind CASE tynumber, tyglobal, tylocal hasargs = 0 CASE ELSE hasargs = 1 END SELECT END IF 'Note: the colours here are fairly arbitrary rectangle 0, 0, 320, 4, uilook(uiBackground), page rectangle 0, 0, (320 / scriptmemMax) * totalscrmem, 2, uilook(uiSelectedItem), page rectangle 0, 2, (320 / 2048) * scrat(nowscript + 1).heap, 2, uilook(uiSelectedItem + 1), page ol = 191 IF mode > 1 AND viewmode = 0 THEN IF nowscript = -1 THEN edgeprint "Advanced debug mode: no scripts", 0, ol, uilook(uiDescription), page ol -= 9 ELSE decmpl$ = scriptstate$(selectedscript) FOR i = 5 TO 0 STEP -1 IF LEN(decmpl$) > i * 40 THEN edgeprint MID$(decmpl$, i * 40 + 1), 0, ol, uilook(uiDescription), page ol -= 9 END IF NEXT ' edgeprint "Last return value: " & scriptret, 0, ol, uilook(uiDescription), page ' ol -= 9 END IF END IF IF mode > 1 AND viewmode = 1 THEN reloadscript scrat(selectedscript) WITH scrat(selectedscript) IF script(.scrnum).vars = 0 THEN edgeprint "Has no variables", 0, ol, uilook(uiText), page ol -= 9 ELSE scriptargs = script(.scrnum).args FOR i = small((script(.scrnum).vars - localsscroll - 1) \ 3, 3) TO 0 STEP -1 FOR j = 0 TO 2 localno = localsscroll + i * 3 + j IF localno < script(.scrnum).vars THEN temp$ = localvariablename$(localno, scriptargs) & "=" edgeprint temp$, j * 96, ol, uilook(uiText), page edgeprint STR$(heap(.heap + localno)), j * 96 + 8 * LEN(temp$), ol, uilook(uiDescription), page END IF NEXT ol -= 9 NEXT IF scriptargs = 999 THEN edgeprint script(.scrnum).vars & " local variables and arguments:", 0, ol, uilook(uiText), page ELSE edgeprint (script(.scrnum).vars - scriptargs) & " local variables and " & scriptargs & " arguments:", 0, ol, uilook(uiText), page END IF ol -= 9 END IF edgeprint "Return value = " & .ret, 0, ol, uilook(uiText), page ol -= 9 END WITH END IF IF mode > 1 AND viewmode = 2 THEN FOR i = 4 TO 0 STEP -1 FOR j = 0 TO 3 globalno = globalsscroll + i * 4 + j edgeprint globalno & "=", j * 72, ol, uilook(uiText), page edgeprint STR$(global(globalno)), j * 72 + 8 * LEN(globalno & "="), ol, uilook(uiDescription), page NEXT ol -= 9 NEXT edgeprint "Global variables:", 0, ol, uilook(uiText), page ol -= 9 END IF 'IF mode > 1 THEN ' edgeprint "argc=" & scrat(selectedscript).curargc & " argn=" & scrat(selectedscript).curargn & " ptr=" & scrat(selectedscript).ptr, 0, ol, uilook(uiDescription), page ' ol -= 9 'END IF edgeprint "# Name Depth State CmdKn CmdID", 0, ol, uilook(uiText), page ol -= 9 IF mode = 1 THEN bottom = nowscript - (ol - 6) \ 9 selectedscript = nowscript ELSE bottom = small(bottom, selectedscript) bottom = large(bottom, selectedscript - (ol - 6) \ 9) END IF FOR i = large(bottom, 0) TO nowscript 'if script is about to be executed, don't show it as having been already IF scrat(i).curargn >= scrat(i).curargc AND i <> nowscript THEN lastarg = -1 ELSE lastarg = 0 IF mode > 1 AND i = selectedscript THEN col = uilook(uiSelectedItem) ELSE col = uilook(uiText) edgeprint STR$(i), 0, ol, col, page edgeprint LEFT$(scriptname$(scrat(i).id), 14), 16, ol, col, page edgeprint STR$(scrat(i).depth), 136, ol, col, page IF scrat(i).state < 0 THEN edgeprint "Suspended", 184, ol, col, page ELSEIF scrat(i).state = stwait THEN SELECT CASE scrat(i).curvalue CASE 1'--wait number of ticks waitcause$ = "wait(" & scrat(i).waitarg & ")" CASE 2'--wait for all waitcause$ = "waitforall" CASE 3'--wait for hero waitcause$ = "waitforhero(" & scrat(i).waitarg & ")" CASE 4'--wait for NPC waitcause$ = "waitfornpc(" & scrat(i).waitarg & ")" CASE 9'--wait for key waitcause$ = "waitforkey(" & scrat(i).waitarg & ")" CASE 244'--wait for scancode waitcause$ = "waitscancode(" & scrat(i).waitarg & ")" CASE 42'--wait for camera waitcause$ = "waitforcamera" CASE 59'--wait for text box waitcause$ = "waitfortextbox" CASE ELSE waitcause$ = "Cmd " & scrat(i).curvalue & " caused wait" END SELECT edgeprint waitcause$, 184, ol, col, page ELSEIF scrat(i).state = stnext AND scrat(i).curkind = tyscript AND lastarg THEN edgeprint "Called #" & i + 1, 184, ol, col, page ELSEIF scrat(i).state = stnext AND scrat(i).curkind = tyfunct AND scrat(i).curvalue = 176 AND lastarg THEN edgeprint "Called #" & i + 1 & " by ID", 184, ol, col, page ELSE edgeprint STR$(scrat(i).state), 184, ol, col, page edgeprint STR$(scrat(i).curkind), 232, ol, col, page edgeprint STR$(scrat(i).curvalue), 280, ol, col, page END IF ol = ol - 9 IF ol < 6 THEN EXIT FOR NEXT i IF mode > 1 AND drawloop = 0 THEN setpal master() setvispage page w = getkey IF w = 68 THEN mode = 0: clearkey(68) 'f10 IF w = 47 THEN viewmode = loopvar(viewmode, 0, 2, 1): GOTO redraw 'v IF w = 73 THEN 'pgup selectedscript += 1 localsscroll = 0 GOTO redraw END IF IF w = 81 THEN 'pgdw selectedscript -= 1 localsscroll = 0 GOTO redraw END IF IF w = 12 OR w = 74 THEN '- IF viewmode = 1 THEN localsscroll = large(0, localsscroll - 4): GOTO redraw IF viewmode = 2 THEN globalsscroll = large(0, globalsscroll - 12): GOTO redraw END IF IF w = 13 OR w = 78 THEN '+ IF viewmode = 1 THEN localsscroll = small(large(script(scrat(selectedscript).scrnum).vars - 11, 0), localsscroll + 4): GOTO redraw IF viewmode = 2 THEN globalsscroll = small(4076, globalsscroll + 12): GOTO redraw END IF 'stepping IF w = 49 THEN 'n 'step till next script mode or= breakstnext OR breakstdone OR breaklooptop stepmode = stepscript lastscriptnum = nowscript END IF IF w = 22 THEN 'u mode or= breakstnext stepmode = stepup waitfordepth = scrat(selectedscript).depth - 1 waitforscript = nowscript END IF IF w = 17 THEN 'w mode or= breakstnext waitforscript = selectedscript stepmode = stependscript END IF IF w = 31 THEN 's mode or= breakstread OR breakstnext OR breakloopbrch stepmode = stepnext END IF IF w = 33 THEN 'f 'mode or= breakstread mode or= breakstnext OR breakloopbrch stepmode = stepargsdone waitforscript = nowscript waitfordepth = scrat(selectedscript).depth 'it would be more useful to wait for the calling command to finish IF hasargs = 0 THEN waitfordepth -= 1 END IF END IF IF drawloop AND mode > 1 THEN 'displayall: dpage was copied to vpage SWAP dpage, vpage END IF 'just incase was swapped out above IF nowscript >= 0 THEN reloadscript scrat(nowscript) END IF END SUB SUB setdebugpan gen(cameramode) = pancam gen(cameraArg2) = 1 gen(cameraArg3) = 5 END SUB SUB subreturn (si AS ScriptInst) si.depth -= 1 IF si.depth < 0 THEN si.state = stdone ELSE pops(scrst, si.curargn) pops(scrst, si.ptr) curcmd = cast(ScriptCommand ptr, si.scrdata + si.ptr) '--push return value pushs(scrst, scriptret) si.curargn += 1 si.state = stnext'---try next arg IF si.curargn >= curcmd->argc THEN EXIT SUB IF curcmd->kind = tyflow THEN IF curcmd->value = flowif OR curcmd->value >= flowfor THEN EXIT SUB IF curcmd->kind = tymath THEN IF curcmd->value >= 20 THEN EXIT SUB si.state = stdoarg END IF END SUB SUB unwindtodo (si AS ScriptInst, levels) 'unwinds the stack until the specified number of dos have been stripped 'leaves the interpreter as if the last do block had successfully finished 'this means repeat in the case of for and while loops 'note: we assume the calling command has popped its args WHILE levels > 0 si.depth -= 1 IF si.depth < 0 THEN si.state = stdone EXIT SUB END IF pops(scrst, si.curargn) pops(scrst, si.ptr) curcmd = cast(ScriptCommand ptr, si.scrdata + si.ptr) IF curcmd->kind = tyflow AND curcmd->value = flowdo THEN levels -= 1 'first pop do's evaluated arguments before stopping END IF 'pop arguments IF curcmd->kind = tyflow AND curcmd->value = flowswitch THEN 'unlike all other flow, switch stack usage != argn scrst.pos -= 2 'state, matching value ELSE scrst.pos -= si.curargn END IF WEND 'return to normality subreturn si END SUB SUB templockexplain PRINT "Either " + exename + " is already running in the background, or it" PRINT "terminated incorrectly last time it was run, and was unable to clean up" PRINT "its temporary files. The operating system is denying access to the" PRINT "files in " + workingdir PRINT PRINT "If this problem persists, manually delete playing.tmp" PRINT PRINT "Error code"; ERR END SUB SUB tweakpalette FOR i = bound(retvals(3), 0, 255) TO bound(retvals(4), 0, 255) master(i).r = bound(master(i).r + retvals(0) * 4, 0, 255) master(i).g = bound(master(i).g + retvals(1) * 4, 0, 255) master(i).b = bound(master(i).b + retvals(2) * 4, 0, 255) NEXT i END SUB FUNCTION vehiclestuff (disx, disy, vehedge) STATIC aheadx, aheady result = 0 IF readbit(veh(), 6, 0) THEN '--scramble----------------------- '--part of the vehicle automount where heros scramble-- IF npc(veh(5)).xgo = 0 AND npc(veh(5)).ygo = 0 THEN '--npc must stop before we mount targx = npc(veh(5)).x targy = npc(veh(5)).y untrigbit = 0 GOSUB vehscramble END IF END IF'--scramble mount IF readbit(veh(), 6, 1) THEN '--rise---------------------- tmp = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF catz(i * 5) < veh(21) THEN catz(i * 5) = catz(i * 5) + large(1, small(4, (veh(21) - catz(i * 5)) / 2)) ELSE tmp = tmp + 1 END IF NEXT i IF tmp = 4 THEN setbit veh(), 6, 1, 0 END IF END IF IF readbit(veh(), 6, 2) THEN '--fall------------------- tmp = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF catz(i * 5) > 0 THEN catz(i * 5) = catz(i * 5) - large(1, small(4, (veh(21) - catz(i * 5)) / 2)) ELSE tmp = tmp + 1 END IF NEXT i IF tmp = 4 THEN FOR i = 0 TO 3 catz(i * 5) = 0 NEXT i setbit veh(), 6, 2, 0 setbit veh(), 6, 3, 1 '--dismount END IF END IF IF readbit(veh(), 6, 3) THEN '--dismount--------------- setbit veh(), 6, 3, 0 IF vehpass(veh(20), readmapblock(disx, disy, 0), -1) THEN '--dismount point is landable FOR i = 0 TO 15 catx(i) = catx(0) caty(i) = caty(0) catd(i) = catd(0) catz(i) = 0 NEXT i IF readbit(veh(), 9, 6) = 1 THEN ' Dismount-ahead is true setbit veh(), 6, 5, 1'--ahead aheadx = disx * 20 aheady = disy * 20 ELSE setbit veh(), 6, 4, 1'--clear vehicle END IF ELSE '--dismount point is unlandable IF veh(21) THEN setbit veh(), 6, 1, 1'--riseagain END IF END IF END IF IF readbit(veh(), 6, 4) THEN '--clear IF veh(16) < 0 THEN result = veh(16) IF veh(16) > 0 THEN result = 1 + veh(16) IF veh(14) > 1 THEN setbit tag(), 0, veh(14), 0 IF readbit(veh(), 9, 6) AND readbit(veh(), 9, 7) = 0 THEN '--dismount-ahead is true, dismount-passwalls is false SELECT CASE catd(0) CASE 0 ygo(0) = 20 CASE 1 xgo(0) = -20 CASE 2 ygo(0) = -20 CASE 3 xgo(0) = 20 END SELECT END IF herospeed(0) = veh(7) IF herospeed(0) = 3 THEN herospeed(0) = 10 npc(veh(5)).xgo = 0 npc(veh(5)).ygo = 0 '--clear vehicle FOR i = 0 TO 21 veh(i) = 0 NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 15 catx(i) = catx(0) caty(i) = caty(0) catd(i) = catd(0) catz(i) = 0 NEXT i gam.random_battle_countdown = range(100, 60) END IF IF readbit(veh(), 6, 5) THEN '--ahead targx = aheadx targy = aheady untrigbit = 5 GOSUB vehscramble END IF IF veh(6) = 0 THEN IF txt.showing = NO AND readbit(gen(), 44, suspendplayer) = 0 THEN FOR i = 0 TO 1 IF carray(4 + i) > 1 AND xgo(0) = 0 AND ygo(0) = 0 THEN SELECT CASE veh(12 + i) CASE -2 '-disabled CASE -1 result = 1 CASE 0 '--dismount xgo(0) = 0: ygo(0) = 0 IF veh(21) THEN setbit veh(), 6, 2, 1 ELSE setbit veh(), 6, 3, 1 END IF CASE IS > 0 result = veh(12 + i) * -1 END SELECT END IF NEXT i END IF END IF'--normal RETURN result EXIT FUNCTION vehscramble: catsize = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF hero(i) > 0 THEN catsize += 1 NEXT tmp = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF i >= catsize THEN tmp += 1 ELSE scramx = catx(i * 5) scramy = caty(i * 5) IF ABS(scramx - targx) < large(herospeed(i), 4) THEN scramx = targx xgo(i) = 0 ygo(i) = 0 END IF IF ABS(scramy - targy) < large(herospeed(i), 4) THEN scramy = targy xgo(i) = 0 ygo(i) = 0 END IF IF ABS(targx - scramx) > 0 AND xgo(i) = 0 THEN xgo(i) = 20 * SGN(scramx - targx) END IF IF ABS(targy - scramy) > 0 AND ygo(i) = 0 THEN ygo(i) = 20 * SGN(scramy - targy) END IF IF vehedge THEN xgo(i) = xgo(i) * -1 : ygo(i) = ygo(i) * -1 IF scramx - targx = 0 AND scramy - targy = 0 THEN tmp = tmp + 1 catx(i * 5) = scramx caty(i * 5) = scramy END IF NEXT i IF tmp = 4 THEN setbit veh(), 6, untrigbit, 0 IF veh(15) < 0 THEN result = veh(15) IF veh(15) > 0 THEN result = 1 + veh(15) herospeed(0) = veh(8) IF herospeed(0) = 3 THEN herospeed(0) = 10 '--null out hero's movement FOR i = 0 TO 3 xgo(i) = 0: ygo(i) = 0 NEXT i '--transfer any residual NPC movement 'xgo(0) = npcl(veh(5) + 1500) 'ygo(0) = npcl(veh(5) + 1800) 'npcl(veh(5) + 1500) = 0 'npcl(veh(5) + 1800) = 0 '--!!! IF untrigbit = 5 THEN setbit veh(), 6, 4, 1'--clear IF veh(21) THEN setbit veh(), 6, 1, 1'--rise END IF RETRACE END FUNCTION FUNCTION vehpass (n, tile, default) '--true means passable '--false means impassable v = default SELECT CASE n CASE 1 v = (tile AND 16) CASE 2 v = (tile AND 32) CASE 3 v = ((tile AND 16) = 16) AND ((tile AND 32) = 32) CASE 4 v = ((tile AND 16) = 16) OR ((tile AND 32) = 32) CASE 5 v = NOT ((tile AND 16) = 16) CASE 6 v = NOT ((tile AND 32) = 32) CASE 7 v = NOT (((tile AND 16) = 16) OR ((tile AND 32) = 32)) CASE 8 v = -1 END SELECT v = ABS(SGN(v)) * -1 vehpass = v 'tiles '1 north '2 east '4 south '8 west '16 vehicle A '32 vehicle B '64 harm tile '128 overhead END FUNCTION SUB vishero (stat()) 'FIXME: this needs to be rewritten to use Frame objects rather than a screen page o = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF hero(i) > 0 THEN getpal16 pal16(), o, stat(i, 1, 15), 4, stat(i, 1, 14) setpicstuf buffer(), 1600, 2 loadset game + ".pt4", stat(i, 1, 14), 5 * o o = o + 1 END IF NEXT i FOR i = o TO 3 '--black out unused heros rectangle 0, i * 5, 320, 5, 0, 2 NEXT i END SUB SUB wrapaheadxy (x, y, direction, distance, unitsize) 'alters X and Y ahead by distance in direction, wrapping if neccisary 'unitsize is 20 for pixels, 1 for tiles aheadxy x, y, direction, distance IF gmap(5) = 1 THEN wrapxy x, y, scroll(0) * unitsize, scroll(1) * unitsize END IF END SUB SUB cropposition (BYREF x, BYREF y, unitsize) IF gmap(5) = 1 THEN wrapxy x, y, scroll(0) * unitsize, scroll(1) * unitsize ELSE x = bound(x, 0, (scroll(0) - 1) * unitsize) y = bound(y, 0, (scroll(1) - 1) * unitsize) END IF END SUB FUNCTION wrappass (x, y, xgo, ygo, isveh) ' returns true if blocked by terrain DIM pd(3) wrappass = 0 tilex = x: tiley = y p = readpassblock(tilex, tiley) FOR i = 0 TO 3 tilex = x: tiley = y wrapaheadxy tilex, tiley, i, 1, 1 IF tilex < 0 OR tilex >= scroll(0) OR tiley < 0 OR tiley >= scroll(1) THEN pd(i) = 15 ELSE pd(i) = readpassblock(tilex, tiley) END IF NEXT i IF ygo > 0 AND movdivis(ygo) AND ((p AND 1) = 1 OR (pd(0) AND 4) = 4 OR (isveh AND vehpass(veh(18), pd(0), 0))) THEN ygo = 0: wrappass = 1 IF ygo < 0 AND movdivis(ygo) AND ((p AND 4) = 4 OR (pd(2) AND 1) = 1 OR (isveh AND vehpass(veh(18), pd(2), 0))) THEN ygo = 0: wrappass = 1 IF xgo > 0 AND movdivis(xgo) AND ((p AND 8) = 8 OR (pd(3) AND 2) = 2 OR (isveh AND vehpass(veh(18), pd(3), 0))) THEN xgo = 0: wrappass = 1 IF xgo < 0 AND movdivis(xgo) AND ((p AND 2) = 2 OR (pd(1) AND 8) = 8 OR (isveh AND vehpass(veh(18), pd(1), 0))) THEN xgo = 0: wrappass = 1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION wrapcollision (xa, ya, xgoa, ygoa, xb, yb, xgob, ygob) x1 = (xa - bound(xgoa, -20, 20)) \ 20 x2 = (xb - bound(xgob, -20, 20)) \ 20 y1 = (ya - bound(ygoa, -20, 20)) \ 20 y2 = (yb - bound(ygob, -20, 20)) \ 20 IF gmap(5) = 1 THEN wrapcollision = (x1 - x2) MOD scroll(0) = 0 AND (y1 - y2) MOD scroll(1) = 0 ELSE wrapcollision = (x1 = x2) AND (y1 = y2) END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION wraptouch (x1, y1, x2, y2, distance) 'whether 2 walkabouts are within distance pixels horizontally + vertically wraptouch = 0 IF gmap(5) = 1 THEN IF ABS((x1 - x2) MOD (scroll(0) * 20 - distance)) <= distance AND ABS((y1 - y2) MOD (scroll(1) * 20 - distance)) <= distance THEN wraptouch = 1 ELSE IF ABS(x1 - x2) <= 20 AND ABS(y1 - y2) <= 20 THEN wraptouch = 1 END IF END FUNCTION SUB wrappedsong (songnumber) IF songnumber <> presentsong THEN playsongnum songnumber presentsong = songnumber ELSE resumesong END IF END SUB SUB stopsong presentsong = -1 pausesong 'this is how you stop the music END SUB SUB wrapxy (x, y, wide, high) '--wraps the given X and Y values within the bounds of width and height x = ((x MOD wide) + wide) MOD wide 'negative modulo is the devil's creation and never helped me once y = ((y MOD high) + high) MOD high END SUB SUB readstackcommand (state as ScriptInst, stk as Stack, i) state.curargn = reads(stk, i) state.ptr = reads(stk, i - 1) DIM cmdptr as ScriptCommand ptr = cast(ScriptCommand ptr, state.scrdata + state.ptr) state.curkind = cmdptr->kind state.curvalue = cmdptr->value state.curargc = cmdptr->argc i -= 2 END SUB FUNCTION localvariablename$ (value, scriptargs) 'get a variable name from a local variable number 'locals (and args) numbered from 0 IF scriptargs = 999 THEN 'old HS file localvariablename$ = "local" & value ELSEIF value < scriptargs THEN localvariablename$ = "arg" & value ELSE localvariablename$ = "var" & (value - scriptargs) END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION mathvariablename$ (value, scriptargs) 'get a variable name from an variable id number passed to a math function or for 'locals (and args) numbered from 0 IF value >= 0 THEN mathvariablename$ = "global" & value ELSEIF scriptargs = 999 THEN 'old HS file mathvariablename$ = "local" & (-value - 1) ELSEIF -value <= scriptargs THEN mathvariablename$ = "arg" & (-value - 1) ELSE mathvariablename$ = "var" & (-value - scriptargs - 1) END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION scriptstate$ (targetscript) IF nowscript <= -1 THEN EXIT FUNCTION IF targetscript = -1 OR targetscript = nowscript THEN recurse = 2 ELSE recurse = 3 END IF 'recurse 0 = only top script 'recurse 1 = top script plus calling scripts 'recurse 2 = all scripts, including suspended ones 'recurse 3 = only the specified script DIM flowname$(15), flowtype(15), state as ScriptInst, laststate as ScriptInst flowtype(0) = 0: flowname$(0) = "do" flowtype(3) = 1: flowname$(3) = "return" flowtype(4) = 3: flowname$(4) = "if" flowtype(5) = 0: flowname$(5) = "then" flowtype(6) = 0: flowname$(6) = "else" flowtype(7) = 2: flowname$(7) = "for" flowtype(10) = 2: flowname$(10) = "while" flowtype(11) = 1: flowname$(11) = "break" flowtype(12) = 1: flowname$(12) = "continue" flowtype(13) = 1: flowname$(13) = "exit" flowtype(14) = 1: flowname$(14) = "exitreturn" flowtype(15) = 3: flowname$(15) = "switch" DIM mathname$(22) = {_ "random", "exponent", "mod", "divide", "multiply", "subtract"_ ,"add", "xor", "or", "and", "equal", "!equal", "<<", ">>"_ ,"<=", ">=", "setvar", "inc", "dec", "not", "&&", "||", "^^"_ } stkbottom = -(scrst.pos - scrst.bottom) 'pointer arithmetic seems to be 31-bit signed (breakage on negative diff)! stkpos = 0 wasscript = nowscript 'macro disabled for fb 0.15 compat 'copyobj(state, scrat(wasscript)) memcpy(@(state),@(scrat(wasscript)),LEN(scrat(wasscript))) state.curkind = curcmd->kind state.curvalue = curcmd->value state.curargc = curcmd->argc memcpy(@(laststate),@(state),LEN(state)) 'so we can grab extra data on the current script reloadscript scrat(nowscript), 0 'debug "state = " & state.state 'debug "depth = " & state.depth 'debug "kind = " & state.curkind 'debug "val = " & state.curvalue 'debug "argn = " & state.curargn 'debug "argc = " & state.curargc 'FOR i = stkbottom TO -1 ' dstr$ = dstr$ + xstr$(readstackdw(i)) 'NEXT 'debug "stack contents = " + dstr$ IF state.state = stdoarg THEN GOTO jmpdoarg IF state.state = stnext THEN IF recurse <> 3 THEN IF state.curkind = tyflow AND state.curvalue = flowfor AND state.curargn = 4 THEN 'print variable, start, end, and step of a for loop outstr$ = "(" & mathvariablename$(reads(scrst, stkpos - 3), script(state.scrnum).args) outstr$ += "," & reads(scrst, stkpos - 2) outstr$ += "," & reads(scrst, stkpos - 1) outstr$ += "," & reads(scrst, stkpos) & ")" ELSEIF state.curargn >= state.curargc AND iif(state.curkind <> tyflow, 1, flowtype(state.curvalue) = 1) THEN 'print the evaluated list of arguments from the stack if they are all done outstr$ = "(" IF state.curkind = tymath AND state.curvalue >= 16 AND state.curvalue <= 18 THEN outstr$ += mathvariablename$(reads(scrst, stkpos - 1), script(state.scrnum).args) outstr$ += "," & reads(scrst, stkpos) ELSE FOR i = state.curargn - 1 TO 0 STEP -1 outstr$ += STR$(reads(scrst, stkpos - i)) IF i <> 0 THEN outstr$ += "," NEXT END IF outstr$ += ")" END IF END IF IF state.curargn = 0 THEN hideoverride = -1 GOTO jmpnext END IF DO jmpread: jmpreturn: jmpwait: cmd$ = "" hidearg = 0 IF hideoverride THEN hidearg = -1: hideoverride = 0 SELECT CASE state.curkind CASE tynumber outstr$ = STR$(state.curvalue) CASE tyflow cmd$ = flowname$(state.curvalue) IF state.depth = 0 THEN cmd$ = scriptname$(state.id) IF flowtype(state.curvalue) = 0 THEN IF state.curargc = 0 THEN hidearg = -1: cmd$ += "()" IF flowtype(state.curvalue) = 1 THEN hidearg = -1: IF state.curargn = 0 THEN cmd$ += ":" IF flowtype(state.curvalue) = 2 THEN IF state.curargn = state.curargc - 1 THEN hidearg = -1: cmd$ += "()" IF state.curvalue = flowwhile AND state.curargn = 0 THEN hidearg = -1 END IF IF state.curvalue = flowif THEN hidearg = -1 IF state.curargn > 0 AND state.curargn < state.curargc THEN cmd$ += "()" END IF IF state.curvalue = flowswitch THEN hidearg = -1 IF state.curargn = 0 THEN cmd$ += ":" ELSE cmd$ += "(" & reads(scrst, stkpos + 1) & ")" ' ???? IF state.curargn + 1 = state.curargc THEN cmd$ += " else" 'hack to replace the 'do' with 'else' (hspeak outputs a do instead of an else) IF LEN(outstr$) > 1 THEN outstr$ = MID$(outstr$, 3) hidearg = -2 ELSEIF state.curargn >= state.curargc THEN 'an extra step the stepper currently pauses on ELSEIF laststate.curkind = tyflow AND laststate.curvalue = flowdo THEN cmd$ += " case()" ELSE cmd$ += " case" IF state.curargn < state.curargc THEN cmd$ += ":" ELSE cmd$ += "()" END IF END IF END IF CASE tyglobal outstr$ = "global" + STR$(state.curvalue) CASE tylocal 'locals can only appear in the topmost script, which we made sure is loaded outstr$ = localvariablename$(state.curvalue, script(state.scrnum).args) CASE tymath cmd$ = mathname$(state.curvalue) CASE tyfunct cmd$ = "cmd" + STR$(state.curvalue) CASE tyscript 'IF recurse < 3 AND state.curargn >= state.curargc THEN 'currently executing this script (must have already printed it out) 'cmd$ = "==>>" 'ELSE cmd$ = scriptname$(state.curvalue) 'END IF END SELECT 'debug "kind = " + STR$(state.curkind) 'debug "cmd$ = " + cmd$ IF cmd$ <> "" THEN IF outstr$ = "" THEN outstr$ = cmd$ ELSE IF (state.curargc = 1) AND (state.curargn = 0) AND (hidearg = 0) THEN outstr$ = cmd$ + ": " + outstr$ ELSEIF state.curargn < state.curargc AND hidearg = 0 THEN outstr$ = cmd$ + ":" + STR$(state.curargn + 1) + "/" + STR$(state.curargc) + " " + outstr$ ELSEIF hidearg = -2 THEN outstr$ = cmd$ + outstr$ ELSE outstr$ = cmd$ + " " + outstr$ END IF END IF END IF 'don't check this because script might be queued up due to timers and triggers but not run, consuming 0 stack 'IF stkpos <= stkbottom THEN EXIT DO state.depth -= 1 IF state.depth < 0 THEN IF recurse = 0 THEN EXIT DO 'load next script wasscript -= 1 IF wasscript = targetscript THEN outstr$ = "" IF wasscript < targetscript THEN IF recurse <> 2 THEN EXIT DO IF wasscript < 0 THEN EXIT DO 'macro disabled for fb 0.15 compat 'copyobj(state, scrat(wasscript)) memcpy(@(state),@(scrat(wasscript)),LEN(scrat(wasscript))) reloadscript state, 0 IF scrat(wasscript).state < 0 THEN IF recurse = 2 OR recurse = 3 THEN 'deal with state (can only be wait? - goto streturn) CONTINUE DO ELSE EXIT DO END IF ELSE CONTINUE DO ' state.depth -= 1 'returning from a script kind or runscriptbyid command END IF END IF memcpy(@(laststate),@(state),LEN(state)) readstackcommand state, scrst, stkpos jmpnext: jmpdoarg: 'ditch arguments IF state.curkind = tyflow AND state.curvalue = flowswitch AND state.curargn > 0 THEN IF state.curargn >= state.curargc THEN 'result of last case/do remains (?) stkpos -= 3 ELSE stkpos -= 2 END IF ELSE stkpos -= state.curargn END IF IF stkpos < stkbottom THEN scripterr "state corrupt; stack underflow " & (stkpos - stkbottom): EXIT DO LOOP IF stkpos > stkbottom AND wasscript < 0 THEN scripterr "state corrupt; stack garbage " & (stkpos - stkbottom) scriptstate$ = TRIM$(outstr$) reloadscript scrat(nowscript) END FUNCTION FUNCTION backcompat_sound_id (id AS INTEGER) IF backcompat_sound_slot_mode THEN 'BACKWARDS COMPATABILITY HACK IF id >= 0 AND id <= 7 THEN RETURN backcompat_sound_slots(id) - 1 END IF ELSE 'Normal playsound mode RETURN id END IF END FUNCTION '======== FIXME: move this up as code gets cleaned up =========== OPTION EXPLICIT SUB loadsay (box_id) DIM j AS INTEGER DIM rsr AS INTEGER DO '--This loop is where we find which box will be displayed right now gen(genTextboxBackdrop) = 0 txt.choice_cursor = 0 '--load data from the textbox lump LoadTextBox txt.box, box_id FOR j = 0 TO 7 embedtext txt.box.text(j), 38 NEXT j '-- evaluate "instead" conditionals IF istag(txt.box.instead_tag, 0) THEN '--do something else instead IF txt.box.instead < 0 THEN rsr = runscript(-txt.box.instead, nowscript + 1, -1, "instead", plottrigger) txt.sayer = -1 EXIT SUB ELSE IF box_id <> txt.box.instead THEN box_id = txt.box.instead CONTINUE DO' Skip back to the top of the loop and get another box END IF END IF END IF EXIT DO'--We have the box we want to display, proceed LOOP '--Store box ID number for later reference txt.id = box_id '-- set tags indicating the text box has been seen. IF istag(txt.box.settag_tag, 0) THEN IF ABS(txt.box.settag1) > 1 THEN setbit tag(), 0, ABS(txt.box.settag1), SGN(SGN(txt.box.settag1) + 1) IF ABS(txt.box.settag2) > 1 THEN setbit tag(), 0, ABS(txt.box.settag2), SGN(SGN(txt.box.settag2) + 1) END IF '--make a sound if the choicebox is enabled IF txt.box.choice_enabled THEN MenuSound gen(genAcceptSFX) '-- update backdrop if necessary IF txt.box.backdrop > 0 THEN gen(genTextboxBackdrop) = txt.box.backdrop correctbackdrop END IF '-- change music if necessary IF txt.box.music > 0 THEN txt.remember_music = presentsong wrappedsong txt.box.music - 1 END IF '-- evaluate menu conditionals IF istag(txt.box.menu_tag, 0) THEN add_menu txt.box.menu END IF '--Get the portrait load_text_box_portrait txt.box, txt.portrait txt.showing = YES txt.fully_shown = NO txt.show_lines = 0 END SUB SUB load_text_box_portrait (BYREF box AS TextBox, BYREF gfx AS GraphicPair) 'WARNING: There is another version of this in customsubs.bas 'If you update this here, make sure to update that one too! DIM img_id AS INTEGER = -1 DIM pal_id AS INTEGER = -1 DIM hero_id AS INTEGER = -1 DIM her AS HeroDef WITH gfx IF .sprite THEN sprite_unload @.sprite IF .pal THEN palette16_unload @.pal SELECT CASE box.portrait_type CASE 1' Fixed ID number img_id = box.portrait_id pal_id = box.portrait_pal CASE 2' Hero by caterpillar hero_id = herobyrank(box.portrait_id) CASE 3' Hero by party slot IF box.portrait_id >= 0 AND box.portrait_id <= UBOUND(hero) THEN hero_id = hero(box.portrait_id) - 1 END IF END SELECT IF hero_id >= 0 THEN loadherodata @her, hero_id img_id = her.portrait pal_id = her.portrait_pal END IF IF img_id >= 0 THEN .sprite = sprite_load(game & ".pt8", img_id, 1, 50, 50) .pal = palette16_load(game & ".pal", pal_id, 8, img_id) END IF END WITH END SUB