'OHRRPGCE GAME - Even more various unsorted routines '(C) Copyright 1997-2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) ' '$DYNAMIC DEFINT A-Z #include "compat.bi" #include "allmodex.bi" #include "common.bi" #include "gglobals.bi" #include "const.bi" #include "scrconst.bi" #include "uiconst.bi" #include "loading.bi" 'basic subs and functions DECLARE SUB verquit () DECLARE SUB playtimer () DECLARE FUNCTION str2int% (stri$) DECLARE FUNCTION str2lng& (stri$) DECLARE FUNCTION isonscreen% (x%, y%) DECLARE FUNCTION framewalkabout% (x%, y%, framex%, framey%, mapwide%, maphigh%, wrapmode%) DECLARE SUB setScriptArg (arg%, value%) DECLARE SUB wrapaheadxy (x%, y%, direction%, distance%, mapwide%, maphigh%, wrapmode%) DECLARE SUB aheadxy (x%, y%, direction%, distance%) DECLARE SUB wrapxy (x%, y%, wide%, high%) DECLARE SUB keyhandleroff () DECLARE FUNCTION partybyrank% (slot%) DECLARE FUNCTION herobyrank% (slot%) DECLARE FUNCTION rankincaterpillar% (heroid%) DECLARE SUB renamehero (who%) DECLARE FUNCTION trylearn% (who%, atk%, learntype%) DECLARE SUB correctbackdrop () DECLARE FUNCTION gethighbyte% (n%) DECLARE SUB wrappedsong (songnumber%) DECLARE SUB delitem (it%, num%) DECLARE FUNCTION getnpcref% (seekid%, offset%) DECLARE SUB suspendresume (id%) DECLARE SUB scriptwatcher (page%) DECLARE SUB onkeyscript (scriptnum%) DECLARE SUB greyscalepal () DECLARE SUB tweakpalette () DECLARE SUB vishero (stat%()) DECLARE SUB forceparty (stat%()) DECLARE SUB scriptdump (s$) DECLARE FUNCTION vehpass% (n%, tile%, default%) DECLARE FUNCTION readfoemap% (x%, y%, wide%, high%, fh%) DECLARE FUNCTION playtime$ (d%, h%, m%) DECLARE FUNCTION functiondone% () DECLARE FUNCTION functionread% () DECLARE FUNCTION averagelev% (stat%()) DECLARE FUNCTION countitem% (it%) DECLARE FUNCTION movdivis% (xygo%) DECLARE FUNCTION onwho% (w$, alone) DECLARE SUB heroswap (iAll%, stat%()) DECLARE FUNCTION runscript% (n%, index%, newcall%, er$, trigger%) DECLARE SUB scripterr (e$) DECLARE SUB itstr (i%) DECLARE FUNCTION findhero% (who%, f%, l%, d%) DECLARE FUNCTION howmanyh% (f%, l%) DECLARE FUNCTION consumeitem% (index%) DECLARE FUNCTION istag% (num%, zero%) DECLARE SUB doswap (s%, d%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB control () DECLARE SUB equip (pt%, stat%()) DECLARE FUNCTION items% (stat%()) DECLARE SUB spells (pt%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB status (pt%, stat%()) DECLARE SUB getnames (stat$()) DECLARE SUB resetlmp (slot%, lev%) DECLARE FUNCTION battle (form%, fatal%, exstat%()) DECLARE FUNCTION atlevel% (now%, a0%, a99%) DECLARE SUB snapshot () DECLARE FUNCTION checksaveslot (slot%) DECLARE SUB defaultc () DECLARE SUB loadsay (box_id AS INTEGER) DECLARE SUB cathero () DECLARE SUB readjoysettings () DECLARE SUB loadmap_gmap(mapnum%) DECLARE SUB loadmap_npcl(mapnum%) DECLARE SUB loadmap_npcd(mapnum%) DECLARE SUB loadmap_tilemap(mapnum%) DECLARE SUB loadmap_passmap(mapnum%) DECLARE SUB loadmaplumps (mapnum%, loadmask%) DECLARE FUNCTION mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) DECLARE SUB savemapstate_gmap(mapnum%, prefix$) DECLARE SUB savemapstate_npcl(mapnum%, prefix$) DECLARE SUB savemapstate_npcd(mapnum%, prefix$) DECLARE SUB savemapstate_tilemap(mapnum%, prefix$) DECLARE SUB savemapstate_passmap(mapnum%, prefix$) DECLARE SUB freescripts (mem%) DECLARE FUNCTION loadscript% (n%) DECLARE SUB limitcamera () DECLARE SUB cropposition (BYREF x, BYREF y, unitsize) DECLARE SUB npcplot () REM $STATIC SUB cathero DIM zsort(3), catermask(0) '--if riding a vehicle and not mounting and not hiding leader and not hiding party then exit IF veh(0) AND readbit(veh(), 6, 0) = 0 AND readbit(veh(), 6, 4) = 0 AND readbit(veh(), 6, 5) = 0 AND readbit(veh(), 9, 4) = 0 AND readbit(veh(), 9, 5) = 0 THEN EXIT SUB IF readbit(gen(), 101, 1) = 1 AND (veh(0) = 0 OR readbit(veh(), 9, 4) = 0) THEN '--caterpillar party (normal) '--this should Y-sort catermask(0) = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 3 FOR o = 0 TO 3 IF readbit(catermask(), 0, o) = 0 THEN j = o NEXT o FOR o = 0 TO 3 IF caty(o * 5) - mapy < caty(j * 5) - mapy AND readbit(catermask(), 0, o) = 0 THEN j = o END IF NEXT o zsort(i) = j setbit catermask(), 0, j, 1 NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF framewalkabout(catx(zsort(i) * 5), caty(zsort(i) * 5) + gmap(11), framex, framey, scroll(0) * 20, scroll(1) * 20, gmap(5)) THEN loadsprite buffer(), 0, 200 * ((catd(zsort(i) * 5) * 2) + INT(wtog(zsort(i)) / 2)), zsort(i) * 5, 20, 20, 2 drawsprite buffer(), 0, pal16(), zsort(i) * 16, framex, framey - catz(zsort(i) * 5), dpage END IF NEXT i ELSE '--non-caterpillar party, vehicle no-hide-leader (or backcompat pref) IF framewalkabout(catx(0), caty(0) + gmap(11), framex, framey, scroll(0) * 20, scroll(1) * 20, gmap(5)) THEN loadsprite buffer(), 0, 200 * ((catd(0) * 2) + INT(wtog(0) / 2)), 0, 20, 20, 2 drawsprite buffer(), 0, pal16(), 0, framex, framey - catz(0), dpage END IF END IF END SUB FUNCTION cropmovement (x, y, xgo, ygo) 'crops movement at edge of map, or wraps 'returns true if ran into wall at edge cropmovement = 0 IF gmap(5) = 1 THEN '--wrap walking IF x < 0 THEN x = x + scroll(0) * 20 IF x >= scroll(0) * 20 THEN x = x - scroll(0) * 20 IF y < 0 THEN y = y + scroll(1) * 20 IF y >= scroll(1) * 20 THEN y = y - scroll(1) * 20 ELSE '--crop walking IF x < 0 THEN x = 0: xgo = 0: cropmovement = 1 IF x > (scroll(0) - 1) * 20 THEN x = (scroll(0) - 1) * 20: xgo = 0: cropmovement = 1 IF y < 0 THEN y = 0: ygo = 0: cropmovement = 1 IF y > (scroll(1) - 1) * 20 THEN y = (scroll(1) - 1) * 20: ygo = 0: cropmovement = 1 END IF END FUNCTION SUB defaultc DIM cconst(12) = {72,80,75,77,57,28,29,1,56,1,15,36,51} DIM joyconst(3) = {150,650,150,650} FOR i = 0 TO 12 csetup(i) = cconst(i) NEXT i FOR i = 9 TO 12 joy(i) = joyconst(i - 9) NEXT i EXIT SUB END SUB SUB drawnpcs FOR i = 0 TO 299 '-- for each NPC instance IF npc(i).id > 0 THEN '-- if visible o = npc(i).id - 1 z = 0 drawnpcX = 0 drawnpcY = 0 IF framewalkabout(npc(i).x, npc(i).y + gmap(11), drawnpcX, drawnpcY, scroll(0) * 20, scroll(1) * 20, gmap(5)) THEN IF veh(0) AND veh(5) = i THEN z = catz(0) '--special vehicle magic IF z AND readbit(veh(), 9, 8) = 0 THEN '--shadow rectangle npc(i).x - mapx + 6, npc(i).y - mapy + gmap(11) + 13, 8, 5, uilook(uiShadow), dpage rectangle npc(i).x - mapx + 5, npc(i).y - mapy + gmap(11) + 14, 10, 3, uilook(uiShadow), dpage END IF sprite_draw npcs(o).sprite + (2 * npc(i).dir) + npc(i).frame \ 2, npcs(o).pal, drawnpcX, drawnpcY - z, 1, -1, dpage 'edgeprint STR$(i), drawnpcX, drawnpcY + gmap(11) - z, uilook(uiText), dpage END IF END IF NEXT i END SUB SUB forcedismount (catd()) IF veh(0) THEN '--clear vehicle on loading new map-- IF readbit(veh(), 9, 6) AND readbit(veh(), 9, 7) = 0 THEN '--dismount-ahead is true, dismount-passwalls is false SELECT CASE catd(0) CASE 0 ygo(0) = 20 CASE 1 xgo(0) = -20 CASE 2 ygo(0) = -20 CASE 3 xgo(0) = 20 END SELECT END IF IF veh(16) > 0 THEN loadsay veh(16) END IF IF veh(16) < 0 THEN rsr = runscript(ABS(veh(16)), nowscript + 1, -1, "dismount", plottrigger) END IF IF veh(14) > 1 THEN setbit tag(), 0, veh(14), 0 herospeed(0) = veh(7) IF herospeed(0) = 3 THEN herospeed(0) = 10 FOR i = 0 TO 21 veh(i) = 0 NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 15 catx(i) = catx(0) caty(i) = caty(0) NEXT i gam.random_battle_countdown = range(100, 60) END IF END SUB FUNCTION framewalkabout (x, y, framex, framey, mapwide, maphigh, wrapmode) 'Given an X and a Y returns true if a walkabout at that 'spot would be on-screen, and false if off-screen. 'Also checks wraparound map, and sets framex and framey 'to the position on screen where the walkabout should 'be drawn (relative to the top-left corner of the screen, 'not the top left corner of the map) '--by default, assume we will not draw the walkaout yesdraw = 0 IF isonscreen(x, y) THEN '--walkabout is on-screen yesdraw = 1 framex = x - mapx framey = y - mapy ELSE IF wrapmode = 1 THEN '--in wrap-mode '--I hope this checking isn't too slow! DO '--just so I can exit do IF isonscreen(x - mapwide, y) THEN '--off-left yesdraw = 1 framex = (x - mapwide) - mapx framey = y - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x + mapwide, y) THEN '--off-right yesdraw = 1 framex = (x + mapwide) - mapx framey = y - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x, y - maphigh) THEN '--off-top yesdraw = 1 framex = x - mapx framey = (y - maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x, y + maphigh) THEN '--off-bottom yesdraw = 1 framex = x - mapx framey = (y + maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x - mapwide, y - maphigh) THEN '--off-top-left yesdraw = 1 framex = (x - mapwide) - mapx framey = (y - maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x + mapwide, y - maphigh) THEN '--off-top-right yesdraw = 1 framex = (x + mapwide) - mapx framey = (y - maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x - mapwide, y + maphigh) THEN '--off-bottom-left yesdraw = 1 framex = (x - mapwide) - mapx framey = (y + maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF IF isonscreen(x + mapwide, y + maphigh) THEN '--off-bottom-right yesdraw = 1 framex = (x + mapwide) - mapx framey = (y + maphigh) - mapy EXIT DO END IF EXIT DO LOOP END IF END IF framewalkabout = yesdraw END FUNCTION SUB initgamedefaults lastsaveslot = 0 '--items CleanInventory inventory() '--money gold = gen(genStartMoney) '--hero's speed FOR i = 0 TO 3 herospeed(i) = 4 NEXT i '--hero's position FOR i = 0 TO 15 catx(i) = gen(102) * 20 caty(i) = gen(103) * 20 catd(i) = 2 NEXT i END SUB SUB innRestore (stat()) FOR i = 0 TO 3 IF hero(i) > 0 THEN '--hero exists IF stat(i, 0, 0) <= 0 AND readbit(gen(), 101, 4) THEN '--hero is dead and inn-revive is disabled ELSE '--normal revive stat(i, 0, 0) = stat(i, 1, 0) stat(i, 0, 1) = stat(i, 1, 1) resetlmp i, stat(i, 0, 12) END IF END IF NEXT i END SUB FUNCTION isonscreen (x, y) IF x >= mapx - 20 AND x <= mapx + 340 AND y >= mapy - 20 AND y <= mapy + 200 THEN isonscreen = -1 ELSE isonscreen = 0 END IF '17*20=340 '10*20=200 END FUNCTION SUB setmapxy SELECT CASE gen(cameramode) CASE herocam mapx = catx(gen(cameraArg)) - 150 mapy = caty(gen(cameraArg)) - 90 CASE npccam mapx = npc(gen(cameraArg)).x - 150 mapy = npc(gen(cameraArg)).y - 90 CASE pancam ' 1=dir, 2=ticks, 3=step IF gen(cameraArg2) > 0 THEN aheadxy mapx, mapy, gen(cameraArg), gen(cameraArg3) gen(cameraArg2) -= 1 END IF IF gen(cameraArg2) <= 0 THEN gen(cameramode) = stopcam CASE focuscam ' 1=x, 2=y, 3=x step, 4=y step temp = gen(cameraArg) - mapx IF ABS(temp) <= gen(cameraArg3) THEN gen(cameraArg3) = 0 mapx = gen(cameraArg) ELSE mapx += SGN(temp) * gen(cameraArg3) END IF temp = gen(cameraArg2) - mapy IF ABS(temp) <= gen(cameraArg4) THEN gen(cameraArg4) = 0 mapy = gen(cameraArg2) ELSE mapy += SGN(temp) * gen(cameraArg4) END IF limitcamera IF gen(cameraArg3) = 0 AND gen(cameraArg4) = 0 THEN gen(cameramode) = stopcam END SELECT limitcamera END SUB SUB limitcamera IF gmap(5) = 0 THEN 'when cropping the camera to the map, stop camera movements that attempt to go over the edge oldmapx = mapx oldmapy = mapy mapx = bound(mapx, 0, scroll(0) * 20 - 320) mapy = bound(mapy, 0, scroll(1) * 20 - 200) IF oldmapx <> mapx THEN IF gen(cameramode) = pancam THEN gen(cameramode) = stopcam IF gen(cameramode) = focuscam THEN gen(cameraArg3) = 0 END IF IF oldmapy <> mapy THEN IF gen(cameramode) = pancam THEN gen(cameramode) = stopcam IF gen(cameramode) = focuscam THEN gen(cameraArg4) = 0 END IF END IF IF gmap(5) = 1 THEN 'Wrap the camera according to the center, not the top-left mapx += 160 mapy += 160 wrapxy mapx, mapy, scroll(0) * 20, scroll(1) * 20 mapx -= 160 mapy -= 160 END IF END SUB SUB setScriptArg (arg, value) IF script(scrat(nowscript).scrnum).args > arg THEN heap(scrat(nowscript).heap + arg) = value END IF END SUB SUB showplotstrings FOR i = 0 TO 31 '-- for each string IF plotstr(i).bits AND 1 THEN '-- only display visible strings IF plotstr(i).bits AND 2 THEN '-- flat text textcolor plotstr(i).Col, plotstr(i).BGCol printstr plotstr(i).s, plotstr(i).X, plotstr(i).Y, dpage ELSE '-- with outline edgeprint plotstr(i).s, plotstr(i).X, plotstr(i).Y, plotstr(i).Col, dpage END IF END IF NEXT i END SUB FUNCTION str2int (stri$) n = 0 s$ = LTRIM$(stri$) sign = 1 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(s$) c$ = MID$(s$, i, 1) IF c$ = "-" AND i = 1 THEN sign = -1 c = ASC(c$) - 48 IF c >= 0 AND c <= 9 THEN n = n * 10 + (c * sign) END IF NEXT i str2int = n END FUNCTION FUNCTION str2lng& (stri$) n& = 0 s$ = LTRIM$(stri$) sign = 1 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(s$) c$ = MID$(s$, i, 1) IF c$ = "-" AND i = 1 THEN sign = -1 c = ASC(c$) - 48 IF c >= 0 AND c <= 9 THEN n& = n& * 10 + (c * sign) END IF NEXT i str2lng& = n& END FUNCTION FUNCTION strgrabber (s$, maxl) AS INTEGER STATIC clip$ DIM old$ old$ = s$ '--BACKSPACE support IF keyval(14) > 1 AND LEN(s$) > 0 THEN s$ = LEFT$(s$, LEN(s$) - 1) '--SHIFT support shift = 0 IF keyval(54) > 0 OR keyval(42) > 0 THEN shift = 1 '--adding chars IF LEN(s$) < maxl THEN '--SPACE support IF keyval(57) > 1 THEN s$ = s$ + " " ELSE '--all other keys FOR i = 2 TO 53 IF keyval(i) > 1 AND keyv(i, shift) > 0 THEN s$ = s$ + CHR$(keyv(i, shift)) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i END IF END IF 'Return true of the string has changed RETURN (s$ <> old$) END FUNCTION SUB makebackups 'what is this for? Since some lumps can be modified at run time, we need to keep a 'backup copy, and then only edit the copy. The original is never used directly. 'enemy data copyfile game + ".dt1", tmpdir & "dt1.tmp" 'formation data copyfile game + ".for", tmpdir & "for.tmp" 'if you add lump-modding commands, you better well add them here >:( END SUB SUB correctbackdrop IF gen(58) THEN '--restore text box backdrop loadpage game + ".mxs", gen(58) - 1, 3 EXIT SUB END IF IF gen(50) THEN '--restore script backdrop loadpage game + ".mxs", gen(50) - 1, 3 EXIT SUB END IF 'loadpage game + ".til", gmap(0), 3 END SUB SUB cleanuptemp findfiles workingdir + SLASH + ALLFILES, 0, tmpdir + "filelist.tmp", buffer() fh = FREEFILE OPEN tmpdir + "filelist.tmp" FOR INPUT AS #fh DO UNTIL EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, filename$ IF usepreunlump = 0 THEN 'normally delete everything KILL workingdir + SLASH + filename$ ELSE 'but for preunlumped games only delete specific files ext$ = justextension$(filename$) IF ext$ = "tmp" OR ext$ = "bmd" THEN KILL workingdir + SLASH + filename$ END IF END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh KILL tmpdir + "filelist.tmp" findfiles tmpdir + ALLFILES, 0, tmpdir + "filelist.tmp", buffer() fh = FREEFILE OPEN tmpdir + "filelist.tmp" FOR INPUT AS #fh DO UNTIL EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, filename$ IF filename$ = "filelist.tmp" THEN CONTINUE DO ' skip this, deal with it later IF NOT isdir(tmpdir & filename$) THEN KILL tmpdir & filename$ END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh KILL tmpdir + "filelist.tmp" END SUB FUNCTION checkfordeath (stat()) checkfordeath = 0' --default alive o = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 3 '--for each slot IF hero(i) > 0 THEN '--if hero exists o = o + 1 IF stat(i, 0, 0) <= 0 AND stat(i, 1, 0) > 0 THEN o = o - 1 END IF NEXT i IF o = 0 THEN checkfordeath = 1 END FUNCTION SUB aheadxy (x, y, direction, distance) '--alters the input X and Y, moving them "ahead" by distance in direction IF direction = 0 THEN y = y - distance IF direction = 1 THEN x = x + distance IF direction = 2 THEN y = y + distance IF direction = 3 THEN x = x - distance END SUB SUB exitprogram (needfade) 'DEBUG debug "Exiting Program" 'DEBUG debug "fade screen" IF needfade THEN fadeout 0, 0, 0 'DEBUG debug "Cleanup Routine" '--open files 'DEBUG debug "Close foemap handle" CLOSE #foemaph '--script stack 'DEBUG debug "Release script stack" releasestack destroystack(scrst) '--reset audio closemusic 'DEBUG debug "Restore original FM volume" '--working files 'DEBUG debug "Kill working files" cleanuptemp RMDIR tmpdir + "playing.tmp" RMDIR tmpdir 'DEBUG debug "Remove working directory" IF usepreunlump = 0 THEN RMDIR workingdir 'DEBUG debug "Restore Old Graphics Mode" restoremode 'DEBUG debug "Terminate NOW (boom!)" SYSTEM END SUB SUB keyboardsetup 'There is a different implementation of this in customsubs for CUSTOM DIM keyconst(103) as string = {"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","-","=","","","q","w","e","r","t","y","u","i","o","p","[","]","","","a","s","d","f","g","h","j","k","l",";","'","`","","\","z","x","c","v","b","n","m",",",".","/", _ "!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","_","+","","","Q","W","E","R","T","Y","U","I","O","P","{","}","","","A","S","D","F","G","H","J","K","L",":"," ","~","","|","Z","X","C","V","B","N","M","<",">","?"} FOR o = 0 TO 1 FOR i = 2 TO 53 temp$ = keyconst$((i - 2) + o * 52) IF temp$ <> "" THEN keyv(i, o) = ASC(temp$) ELSE keyv(i, o) = 0 NEXT i NEXT o keyv(40, 1) = 34 END SUB SUB verquit copypage dpage, vpage quitprompt$ = readglobalstring$(55, "Quit Playing?", 20) quityes$ = readglobalstring$(57, "Yes", 10) quitno$ = readglobalstring$(58, "No", 10) dd = 2 ptr2 = 0 setkeys DO setwait speedcontrol setkeys tog = tog XOR 1 playtimer control wtog(0) = loopvar(wtog(0), 0, 3, 1) IF carray(5) > 1 THEN abortg = 0: setkeys: flusharray carray(),7,0: EXIT DO IF (carray(4) > 1 AND ABS(ptr2) > 20) OR ABS(ptr2) > 50 THEN IF ptr2 < 0 THEN abortg = 1: fadeout 0, 0, 0 setkeys flusharray carray(), 7, 0 EXIT SUB END IF IF carray(2) > 0 THEN ptr2 = ptr2 - 5: dd = 3 IF carray(3) > 0 THEN ptr2 = ptr2 + 5: dd = 1 centerbox 160, 95, 200, 42, 15, dpage loadsprite buffer(), 0, 200 * ((dd * 2) + INT(wtog(0) / 2)), 0 * 5, 20, 20, 2 drawsprite buffer(), 0, pal16(), 0, 150 + (ptr2), 90, dpage edgeprint quitprompt$, xstring(quitprompt$, 160), 80, uilook(uiText), dpage col = uilook(uiMenuItem): IF ptr2 < -20 THEN col = uilook(uiSelectedItem + tog) '10 + tog * 5 edgeprint quityes$, 70, 96, col, dpage col = uilook(uiMenuItem): IF ptr2 > 20 THEN col = uilook(uiSelectedItem + tog) '10 + tog * 5 edgeprint quitno$, 256 - LEN(quitno$) * 8, 96, col, dpage SWAP vpage, dpage setvispage vpage dowait LOOP END SUB FUNCTION titlescr titlescr = -1 ' default return true for success loadpage game + ".mxs", gen(genTitle), 3 needf = 2 IF gen(genTitleMus) > 0 THEN wrappedsong gen(genTitleMus) - 1 setkeys DO setwait speedcontrol setkeys control IF carray(5) > 1 THEN titlescr = 0 ' return false for cancel EXIT DO END IF IF carray(4) > 1 OR carray(5) > 1 THEN EXIT DO FOR i = 2 TO 88 IF keyval(i) > 1 THEN EXIT DO END IF NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 1 gotj(i) = readjoy(joy(), i) IF gotj(i) THEN IF joy(2) = 0 OR joy(3) = 0 THEN joy(2) = -1: joy(3) = -1 readjoysettings joy(2) = -1: joy(3) = -1 EXIT DO ELSE gotj(i) = 0 END IF END IF NEXT i SWAP vpage, dpage setvispage vpage copypage 3, dpage IF needf = 1 THEN needf = 0 fadein END IF IF needf > 1 THEN needf = needf - 1 dowait LOOP END FUNCTION SUB reloadnpc (stat()) vishero stat() FOR i = 0 TO max_npc_defs setpicstuf buffer(), 1600, 2 with npcs(i) if .sprite then sprite_unload(@.sprite) if .pal then palette16_unload(@.pal) .sprite = sprite_load(game + ".pt4", .picture, 8, 20, 20) .pal = palette16_load(game + ".pal", .palette, 4, .picture) end with NEXT i END SUB FUNCTION mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) RETURN tmpdir & prefix$ & mapnum END FUNCTION SUB savemapstate_gmap(mapnum, prefix$) fh = FREEFILE OPEN mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) + "_map.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #fh PUT #fh, , gmap() CLOSE #fh END SUB SUB savemapstate_npcl(mapnum, prefix$) fh = FREEFILE OPEN mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) + "_l.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #fh PUT #fh, , npc() CLOSE #fh END SUB SUB savemapstate_npcd(mapnum, prefix$) fh = FREEFILE OPEN mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) + "_n.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #fh 'PUT #fh, , npcs() dim i as integer for i = lbound(npcs) to ubound(npcs) with npcs(i) put #fh, ,.picture put #fh, ,.palette put #fh, ,.movetype put #fh, ,.speed put #fh, ,.textbox put #fh, ,.facetype put #fh, ,.item put #fh, ,.pushtype put #fh, ,.activation put #fh, ,.tag1 put #fh, ,.tag2 put #fh, ,.usetag put #fh, ,.script put #fh, ,.scriptarg put #fh, ,.vehicle end with next CLOSE #fh END SUB SUB savemapstate_tilemap(mapnum, prefix$) savetiledata mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) + "_t.tmp", scroll(), 3 END SUB SUB savemapstate_passmap(mapnum, prefix$) savetiledata mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) + "_p.tmp", pass() END SUB SUB savemapstate (mapnum, savemask = 255, prefix$) fh = FREEFILE IF savemask AND 1 THEN savemapstate_gmap mapnum, prefix$ END IF IF savemask AND 2 THEN savemapstate_npcl mapnum, prefix$ END IF IF savemask AND 4 THEN savemapstate_npcd mapnum, prefix$ END IF IF savemask AND 8 THEN savemapstate_tilemap mapnum, prefix$ END IF IF savemask AND 16 THEN savemapstate_passmap mapnum, prefix$ END IF END SUB SUB loadmapstate_gmap (mapnum, prefix$, dontfallback = 0) fh = FREEFILE filebase$ = mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) IF NOT isfile(filebase$ + "_map.tmp") THEN IF dontfallback = 0 THEN loadmap_gmap mapnum EXIT SUB END IF OPEN filebase$ + "_map.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #fh GET #fh, , gmap() CLOSE #fh loadmaptilesets tilesets(), gmap() correctbackdrop SELECT CASE gmap(5) '--outer edge wrapping CASE 0, 1'--crop edges or wrap setoutside -1 CASE 2 setoutside gmap(6) END SELECT END SUB SUB loadmapstate_npcl (mapnum, prefix$, dontfallback = 0) fh = FREEFILE filebase$ = mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) IF NOT isfile(filebase$ + "_l.tmp") THEN IF dontfallback = 0 THEN loadmap_npcl mapnum EXIT SUB END IF OPEN filebase$ + "_l.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #fh GET #fh, , npc() CLOSE #fh 'Evaluate whether NPCs should appear or disappear based on tags npcplot END SUB SUB loadmapstate_npcd (mapnum, prefix$, dontfallback = 0) fh = FREEFILE filebase$ = mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) IF NOT isfile(filebase$ + "_n.tmp") THEN IF dontfallback = 0 THEN loadmap_npcd mapnum EXIT SUB END IF OPEN filebase$ + "_n.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #fh for i = lbound(npcs) to ubound(npcs) with npcs(i) get #fh, ,.picture get #fh, ,.palette get #fh, ,.movetype get #fh, ,.speed get #fh, ,.textbox get #fh, ,.facetype get #fh, ,.item get #fh, ,.pushtype get #fh, ,.activation get #fh, ,.tag1 get #fh, ,.tag2 get #fh, ,.usetag get #fh, ,.script get #fh, ,.scriptarg get #fh, ,.vehicle end with next CLOSE #fh 'Evaluate whether NPCs should appear or disappear based on tags npcplot 'load NPC graphics reloadnpc stat() END SUB SUB loadmapstate_tilemap (mapnum, prefix$, dontfallback = 0) filebase$ = mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) IF NOT isfile(filebase$ + "_t.tmp") THEN IF dontfallback = 0 THEN loadmap_tilemap mapnum ELSE DIM AS SHORT mapsize(1), propersize(1) fh = FREEFILE OPEN maplumpname$(mapnum, "t") FOR BINARY AS #fh GET #fh, 8, propersize() CLOSE #fh OPEN filebase$ + "_t.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #fh GET #fh, 8, mapsize() CLOSE #fh IF mapsize(0) = propersize(0) AND mapsize(1) = propersize(1) THEN loadtiledata filebase$ + "_t.tmp", scroll(), 3 '--as soon as we know the dimensions of the map, enforce hero position boundaries cropposition catx(0), caty(0), 20 ELSE IF dontfallback = 0 THEN loadmap_tilemap mapnum END IF END IF END SUB SUB loadmapstate_passmap (mapnum, prefix$, dontfallback = 0) filebase$ = mapstatetemp$(mapnum, prefix$) IF NOT isfile(filebase$ + "_p.tmp") THEN IF dontfallback = 0 THEN loadmap_passmap mapnum ELSE DIM AS SHORT mapsize(1), propersize(1) fh = FREEFILE OPEN maplumpname$(mapnum, "p") FOR BINARY AS #fh GET #fh, 8, propersize() CLOSE #fh OPEN filebase$ + "_p.tmp" FOR BINARY AS #fh GET #fh, 8, mapsize() CLOSE #fh IF mapsize(0) = propersize(0) AND mapsize(1) = propersize(1) THEN loadtiledata filebase$ + "_p.tmp", pass() ELSE IF dontfallback = 0 THEN loadmap_passmap mapnum END IF END IF END SUB SUB loadmapstate (mapnum, loadmask, prefix$, dontfallback = 0) IF loadmask AND 1 THEN loadmapstate_gmap mapnum, prefix$, dontfallback END IF IF loadmask AND 2 THEN loadmapstate_npcl mapnum, prefix$, dontfallback END IF IF loadmask AND 4 THEN loadmapstate_npcd mapnum, prefix$, dontfallback END IF IF loadmask AND 8 THEN loadmapstate_tilemap mapnum, prefix$, dontfallback END IF IF loadmask AND 16 THEN loadmapstate_passmap mapnum, prefix$, dontfallback END IF END SUB SUB deletemapstate (mapnum, killmask, prefix$) filebase$ = mapstatetemp(mapnum, "map") IF killmask AND 1 THEN safekill filebase$ + "_map.tmp" IF killmask AND 2 THEN safekill filebase$ + "_l.tmp" IF killmask AND 4 THEN safekill filebase$ + "_n.tmp" IF killmask AND 8 THEN safekill filebase$ + "_t.tmp" IF killmask AND 16 THEN safekill filebase$ + "_p.tmp" END SUB SUB deletetemps 'deletes game-state temporary files when exiting back to the titlescreen findfiles tmpdir + ALLFILES, 0, tmpdir + "filelist.tmp", buffer() fh = FREEFILE OPEN tmpdir + "filelist.tmp" FOR INPUT AS #fh DO UNTIL EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, filename$ filename$ = LCASE$(filename$) IF RIGHT$(filename$,4) = ".tmp" AND (LEFT$(filename$,3) = "map" OR LEFT$(filename$,5) = "state") THEN KILL tmpdir + filename$ END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh KILL tmpdir + "filelist.tmp" END SUB FUNCTION decodetrigger (trigger, trigtype) DIM buf(19) 'debug "decoding " + STR$(trigger) + " type " + STR$(trigtype) decodetrigger = trigger 'default IF trigger >= 16384 THEN fname$ = workingdir + SLASH + "lookup" + STR$(trigtype) + ".bin" IF isfile(fname$) THEN IF loadrecord (buf(), fname$, 20, trigger - 16384) THEN decodetrigger = buf(0) IF buf(0) = 0 THEN scripterr "Script " + readbinstring(buf(), 1, 36) + " is not imported" END IF END IF END IF END IF END FUNCTION SUB killallscripts 'this kills all running scripts. 'for use in cases of massive errors, quiting to titlescreen or loading a game. FOR i = nowscript TO 0 STEP -1 IF scrat(i).scrnum > -1 THEN script(scrat(i).scrnum).refcount -= 1 NEXT nowscript = -1 destroystack(scrst) 'temp createstack(scrst) END SUB SUB resetinterpreter 'unload all scripts and wipe interpreter state. use when quitting the game. killallscripts freescripts(0) END SUB SUB reloadscript (si as ScriptInst, updatestats) IF si.scrnum = -1 THEN si.scrnum = loadscript(si.id) IF si.scrnum = -1 THEN killallscripts: EXIT SUB script(si.scrnum).refcount += 1 IF updatestats THEN script(si.scrnum).totaluse += 1 END IF IF updatestats THEN scriptctr += 1 script(si.scrnum).lastuse = scriptctr END IF END SUB SUB debug_npcs () debug "NPC types:" FOR i AS INTEGER = 0 TO max_npc_defs debug " ID " & i & ": pic=" & npcs(i).picture & " pal=" & npcs(i).palette NEXT debug "NPC instances:" FOR i AS INTEGER = 0 TO 299 WITH npc(i) IF .id <> 0 THEN DIM AS INTEGER drawX, drawY IF framewalkabout(npc(i).x, npc(i).y + gmap(11), drawX, drawY, scroll(0) * 20, scroll(1) * 20, gmap(5)) THEN debug " " & i & ": ID=" & SGN(.id) * (ABS(.id) - 1) & " x=" & .x & " y=" & .y & " screenx=" & drawX & " screeny=" & drawY ELSE debug " " & i & ": ID=" & SGN(.id) * (ABS(.id) - 1) & " x=" & .x & " y=" & .y END IF END IF END WITH NEXT END SUB SUB npc_debug_display () DIM temp AS STRING STATIC tog tog = tog XOR 1 FOR i AS INTEGER = 0 TO 299 WITH npc(i) IF .id <> 0 THEN DIM AS INTEGER drawX, drawY IF framewalkabout(npc(i).x, npc(i).y + gmap(11), drawX, drawY, scroll(0) * 20, scroll(1) * 20, gmap(5)) THEN textcolor uilook(uiText), 0 'the numbers can overlap quite badly, try to squeeze them in temp = STR$(SGN(.id) * (ABS(.id) - 1)) printstr MID$(temp, 1, 1), drawX, drawY + 4, dpage printstr MID$(temp, 2, 1), drawX + 7, drawY + 4, dpage printstr MID$(temp, 3, 1), drawX + 14, drawY + 4, dpage textcolor uilook(uiDescription), 0 temp = STR$(i + 1) printstr MID$(temp, 1, 1), drawX, drawY + 12, dpage printstr MID$(temp, 2, 1), drawX + 7, drawY + 12, dpage printstr MID$(temp, 3, 1), drawX + 14, drawY + 12, dpage END IF END IF END WITH NEXT END SUB