'OHRRPGCE - game.bi '(C) Copyright 1997-2006 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability 'See README.txt for code docs and apologies for crappyness of this code ;) 'Auto-generated by MAKEBI from game.bas #IFNDEF GAME_BI #DEFINE GAME_BI #INCLUDE "game_udts.bi" declare function valid_item_slot(item_slot as integer) as integer declare function valid_item(itemid as integer) as integer declare function valid_hero_party(who as integer, minimum as integer=0) as integer declare function really_valid_hero_party(byval who as integer, byval minimum as integer=0) as integer declare function valid_menuslot(menuslot as integer) as integer declare function valid_menuslot_and_mislot(menuslot as integer, mislot as integer) as integer declare function valid_plotstr(n as integer) as integer declare function valid_formation(form as integer) as integer declare function valid_formation_slot(form as integer, slot as integer) as integer declare function valid_zone(id as integer) as integer declare function valid_tile_pos(x as integer, y as integer) as integer declare sub loadmap_gmap(mapnum) declare sub loadmap_npcl(mapnum) declare sub loadmap_npcd(mapnum) declare sub loadmap_tilemap(mapnum) declare sub loadmap_passmap(mapnum) declare sub loadmap_zonemap(mapnum) declare sub loadmaplumps (mapnum, loadmask) declare sub menusound(byval s as integer) declare sub usemenusounds (byval deckey as integer = scUp, byval inckey as integer = scDown) declare sub dotimer(byval l as integer) declare function dotimerbattle() as integer declare function dotimermenu() as integer declare sub dotimerafterbattle() declare function count_sav(filename as string) as integer declare function add_menu (record as integer, allow_duplicate as integer=no) as integer declare sub remove_menu (slot as integer, byval run_on_close as integer=YES) declare sub bring_menu_forward (slot as integer) declare function menus_allow_gameplay () as integer declare function menus_allow_player () as integer declare sub player_menu_keys () declare sub check_menu_tags () declare function game_usemenu (state as menustate) as integer declare function find_menu_id (id as integer) as integer declare function find_menu_handle (handle) as integer declare function find_menu_item_handle_in_menuslot (handle as integer, menuslot as integer) as integer declare function find_menu_item_handle (handle as integer, byref found_in_menuslot) as integer declare function assign_menu_item_handle (byref mi as menudefitem) as integer declare function assign_menu_handles (byref menu as menudef) as integer declare function menu_item_handle_by_slot(menuslot as integer, mislot as integer, visible_only as integer=yes) as integer declare function find_menu_item_slot_by_string(menuslot as integer, s as string, mislot as integer=0, visible_only as integer=yes) as integer declare function allowed_to_open_main_menu () as integer declare function random_formation (byval set as integer) as integer declare sub init_default_text_colors() DECLARE FUNCTION activate_menu_item(mi AS MenuDefItem, BYVAL menuslot AS INTEGER, BYVAL newcall AS INTEGER=YES) AS INTEGER DECLARE SUB init_text_box_slices(txt AS TextBoxState) DECLARE SUB cleanup_text_box () DECLARE SUB refresh_map_slice() DECLARE SUB refresh_map_slice_tilesets() DECLARE FUNCTION vehicle_is_animating() AS INTEGER DECLARE SUB reset_vehicle(v AS vehicleState) DECLARE SUB dump_vehicle_state() DECLARE SUB usenpc(BYVAL cause AS INTEGER, BYVAL npcnum AS INTEGER) DECLARE SUB sfunctions (BYVAL cmdid AS INTEGER) DECLARE FUNCTION first_free_slot_in_party() AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION first_free_slot_in_active_party() AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION first_free_slot_in_reserve_party() AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION free_slots_in_party() AS INTEGER #ENDIF