#IFNDEF __UICONST_BI__ #DEFINE __UICONST_BI__ 'OHRRPGCE - UICONST.BI - UI colour constants ' 'Please read LICENSE.txt for GPL License details and disclaimer of liability ' CONST uiColors = 62 'last color entry CONST uiBackground = 0 'background colour (not for transparent! transparent is always 0) CONST uiMenuItem = 1 'normal menu item CONST uiDisabledItem = 2 'disabled menu item CONST uiSelectedItem = 3 'selection, alternates 3 & 4 CONST uiSelectedItem2 = 4 'selection, for when thou wishest no alternation CONST uiSelectedDisabled = 5 'selected disabled item, 5 & 6 CONST uiHighlight = 7 'background to selected menu item CONST uiHighlight2 = 8 'background used in equip menu CONST uiTimeBar = 9 'hero's time bar CONST uiTimeBarFull = 10 'time bar when full CONST uiHealthBar = 11 'hero's health bar CONST uiHealthBarFlash = 12 'health bar flash colour (?) CONST uiText = 13 'Default text colour CONST uiOutline = 14 'Text outline colour CONST uiDescription = 15 'Spell description CONST uiGold = 16 'Total cash CONST uiShadow = 17 'Vehicle shadow CONST uiTextBox = 18 'Text box styles, 15 * (bg & border) CONST uiTextBoxFrame = 48 'Text box border picture set, 15 ints (not colours) 'When you add more constants you MUST update how UI colours are automatically remapped, in nearestui in menus.bas 'and also the indication of used master palette colour in masterpalettemenu 'GuessDefaultUIColors #ENDIF