Map00 tilemap is missing

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This error message means that the tilemap data for the first map in the game you are editing is missing or corrupted. This may possibly mean that your RPG file is damaged. (You should always keep backup copies of your file!)

If it always happens[edit]

If this error message always happens on all games, or if it happens when you try to create a new game, it may be a sign of another problem. custom.exe creates temporary files in a folder named working.tmp. This folder is normally located in the same folder as custom.exe, but if that location is not writeable, it will create working.tmp in your My Documents folder instead. Check to see if working.tmp exists in either of those places.


At least one user has reported that they got this error message when running custom on Windows Vista as a regular user. They solved the problem bu running as administrator instead. (The OHRRPGCE is not supposed to require Administrator privileges, so if you have this same experience, please mention it here: Talk:Does OHR work with Windows Vista?)