--Dorumagesu 08:39, 19 November 2007 (PST)I am Dorumagesu. I like making games on OHRRPGCE.
Dorumagesu is originally a boss from the RPG game [Dragonquest 8: Sky, Sea, Land and the Cursed Princess]. I don't know why, but I like this name, and use it for basically everything I need an account for. I have joined this site at the beginning of November, and I have made a lot of edits. I have made 2 games, and 1 crashes, so the 2nd one is a redo.:-(
I keep on getting bugs on my file. How unlucky! HAHAHA My most recent one is attack corrupting.
I might release my OHRRPGCE Game [Dummy the Happy Face] soon, The second week of December at the latest. Maybe more later. It is about a happy face travelling the world!
I am almost finished my game, so could somebody tell me how to post it on this wiki? Please? I don't know how.☺ Just to tell you that the guys from my school said the graphics were bad, but I don't care whatsoever. If you think they are, just put it on Dorumagesu's talk page. Thank you.
10 December 2007 --Dorumagesu: Sorry my game is not on the site yet. I'll try to put it by the end of the year.
Game finally online!!![edit]
--Dorumagesu 17:27, 10 December 2007 (PST) I have finally put my game on this website!!!!! Please go to Game:Dummy the Happy Face and download it from there. Don't forget to download OHRRPGCE as well. Have a nice day!
Walkthrough started[edit]
The walkthrough of Game:Dummy the Happy Face has been started. Anyone who has downloaded and played the game can fill it in. I will do the editing for all mistakes.
Progressing well......[edit]
I am partially done the walkthrough and the enemies in the game. Please wait a bit more for these to get finished.
Oh bla....[edit]
I know I'm not done the walkthough and enemy list of "Dummy the Happy Face", but I'm going to release my next game soon. It is called 'Knights of Pudora". There's no plot idea yet though. If you have ideas, please help me. Just a quick claim to Fenrir Lunarsis and Artimus Bena that the game sounds like "Vikings of Midgard", but the name for my game was something I thought up randomly.
Once again, a post about my game. This isn't that of a big thing, as it isn't my debut game, but I still am proud of it. I'm not done yet, but here is a screenshot.
I might not be releasing my new game until later next year. Sorry if you waited too much.
Sorry, I haven't worked on my game for a week, so it might not get finished for a while.
Again... I was grounded for 3 months... couldn't work on it...
I installed ubuntu and re-installed Windows, thus KOP is gone. Sorry for the inconvienience.
I have finally considered re-starting KOP! It's still in the early planning stages, but I'll promise that it will be better that DTHF. Thanks.
If you have any ideas I could use for Knights of Pudora, as I'm a bit stuck in ideas, feel free to notify me on my talk page or my email address, . Thanks.