User talk:Mametchi3000

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Levelup trigger[edit]

Hi! I answered your question. We really should add a level-up script trigger to the engine so that you don't need to hook the after-battle script. Would be pretty nice to add triggers for a hero reaching a certain level too; I hadn't thought of it. And by coincidence, just last week James added a way to turn on a tag when a hero is a certain level, or within a range of levels. So maybe that could be extended to script triggers.

I don't know why you left a note on Pkmnfrk‎'s (Mike's) user page; he hasn't been active for many years. Sometimes nobody notices questions on the wiki for a few days; you can get a faster response on Slime Salad, IRC or Discord.

May I... case closed[edit]

Mametchi3000: May I upload a file?

Bob the Hamster (talk) 15:27, 12 December 2017 (PST): Possibly! What do you have in mind?

Mametchi3000: Development chart, in blocks.

Bob the Hamster (talk) 07:47, 9 January 2018 (PST): Yay! You now have upload access. Go, use these powers for good and not for evil! ;)

Mametchi3000: ThxCya

What is going on?[edit]

Bob the Hamster (talk) 08:59, 30 January 2018 (PST): What was going on with the list of quotes, Mametchi3000? I could see that you created it, then that you deleted it, and then that you flagged it as having been vandalized... If you are just looking for something to do on the wiki, there are a list of suggestions here: Improving the Wiki