Using the special letters of foreign languages
Since 2012, the OHRRPGCE recognises the system keyboard settings and therefore should place the correct characters on screen. Before that, the language-specific characters for other languages like French, Spanish, German and Swedish were missing, but now the extended chracter set, that the OHR uses, looks like this:
In a current OHRRPGCE folder, the extended character set can be found in Ohrrpgce/import/fonts/OHRRPGCE Default.ohf. The Latin-1.ohf can be used for that purpose, too. It can be imported in Custom.exe under Edit Graphics --> Edit Font --> Import Font.
Now, Ää, Öö, Üü, ß, Èè, Éé and so on can be used.
These special characters can be used feely in strings like this:
$9 = "Präzision"
When editing text boxes, the key combination Ctrl+Space might be useful, as it opens a table with the whole character set, where an obscure character can be picked then.