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This article is about the OHRRPGCE FMF project, which is an alternate implementation of the OHRRPGCE for Java mobile phones. Technical implementation details discussed here should not be confused with those of the RPG format

BFF is a simple compression of FOR. (I'm trying to get away from the formation/formation set confusion. Hence, EFX represents "Encounter Sets" and BFF represents, among other things, "Battle Formations.")

Battle Formation Record[edit]

Data Meaning
BYTE Battle background
BYTE Battle music +1, 0 if none. (WIP functionality not implemented yet)
BYTE Background animation frames -1
INT Background anim speed (ticks per frame)
BYTE Number of enemies, X in this set.
X times
Enemy Type
Enemy X
Enemy Y

The concept of an "empty record" is very unclear in FOR, since GEN stores the number of entries. Hence, BFF has no concept of "empty record elimination."

List of Lumps specific to the XRPG format. Other lumps comply with existing .RPG lump specifications.

HEADER.LMP . _FNT.png . .PT4_# . .PT6_# . .HERO_#.png . SEZ . EFX . BFF . FOE . _TIL_#.png . _MXS_#.png . ###.MAP . HRO . ATK . SCRIPTS_#.HF . SCRIPTS.LST