Compiling in Windows 9x

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This article only applies to the DOS/QuickBasic 16-bit version. It is not relevant for the current 32/64 bit Windows/Linux/Mac/etc versions

If you are using Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows ME, compiling the old Hasta-la-qb version is pretty easy. After you are done Getting Quickbasic, and have installed the OHRRPGCE source code in C:\OHRRPGCE\ just run the OHRRPGCE Hacking shortcut, and a DOS window will pop up. You can then type: compile

If you have installed the source code to a different directory other than C:\OHRRPGCE, or if you have installed QuickBasic 4.5 to some directory other than C:\QB45\ or if you are using QuickBasic 7.1, you will need to edit env-set.bat

See Also[edit]