Keyboard Shortcuts

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See Also: Keyboard controls in OHRRPGCE Games

The best place to check keyboard shortcuts is to press F1 anywhere in Custom. This page may not be up to date!


↑ and ↓ arrow keys move up and down through the menus
← and → arrow keys change the current value
< and > (period and comma) change the current value
SPACE or ENTER Enter a sub-menu
ESC Exit back to the previous menu
A-Z 0-9 Type in numbers and text, use backspace to clear numbers and text
F1 calls up help on any menu
- (minus) switches between positive and negative numbers
CTRL+C Copy the currently selected value
CTRL+V Paste the currently selected value
CTRL+SPACE When editing text, bring up a menu of special characters

Map Editor[edit]

all modes[edit]

↑ → ↓ ← move the cursor
ALT ↑ → ↓ ← pan the whole screen
SHIFT ↑ → ↓ ← move the cursor much faster
F2 switch to Tilemap mode
F3 switch to Wallmap mode (passability)
F4 switch to Door mode
F5 switch to NPC mode
F6 switch to Foemap mode
F7 switch to Zonemap mode
TAB turn on and off a box that will show you what portion of the map you are looking at.

tilemap mode[edit]

SPACE place a tile/use the current tool
< and > (period and comma) change which tile you will place
ENTER bring up a menu of available tiles, arrow keys to pick, ENTER again to confirm
G pick the selected tile to be the same as the tile under the cursor (this was CAPSLOCK in older builds)
CTRL+Z Undo (shared history across all map edit modes)
CTRL+S fill the screen with the current tile.
~ display mini-map
CTRL+H move the hero's starting location
1 or 2 to mark a tile as animating
CTRL+1 or CTRL+2 make all instances of the selected tile animate
D turn on or off default tile passability
CTRL+L enter the layers menu
PgUp and PgDown change which layer you are working on
CTRL+J jiggle the current layer


CTRL+D Draw tool
CTRL+B Box tool
CTRL+F "Paint bucket"-type fill tool
CTRL+R Replace tool: press space to replace all tiles like the one under the cursor
CTRL+M "Mark" (copy) a rectangular area (copies all visible map layers, walls, zones, and foemap)
CTRL+C "Clone" (paste) a previously copied/marked area (pastes map layers, walls, zones, and foemap)

wallmap mode[edit]

SPACE While Drawing: makes a tile impassable. SPACE again makes it passable. Other effects for other tools.
CTRL ↑ makes the tile impassable on the top.
CTRL ↓ makes the tile impassable on the bottom.
CTRL ← makes the tile impassable on the left side.
CTRL → makes the tile impassable on the right side.
H mark a tile as a harm-tile. Harm-tiles can be made to inflict damage on your hero when you step on them
A make this tile special for vehicles (Default Airship cannot land here)
B make this tile special for vehicles (Default boat can dock here)
O make a tile overhead. Overhead tiles will be draw over sprites instead of under them. This is obsolete. you should use layers in Tilemap mode instead
CTRL+Z Undo (shared history across all map edit modes)
CTRL+S fill the screen completely with walls
+ and - changes whether the Box and Paint tools add walls or remove all walls


CTRL+D Draw tool
CTRL+B Box tool
CTRL+P "Paint" a continuous regions of tiles on the current tilemap layer with solid walls
CTRL+M "Mark" (copy) a rectangular area (copies all visible map layers, walls, zones, and foemap)
CTRL+C "Clone" (paste) a previously copied/marked area (pastes map layers, walls, zones, and foemap)

door mode[edit]

SPACE Place a door (or remove an existing door)
ENTER Create or edit a link for this door

NPC mode[edit]

< and > (period and comma) Choose which NPC to place
SPACE Place an NPC
If you press space over an NPC you have already placed, it will be removed
CTRL ↑ Place an NPC facing north. other NPCs on the spot will not be removed
CTRL ↓ Place an NPC facing south. other NPCs on the spot will not be removed
CTRL ← Place an NPC facing west. other NPCs on the spot will not be removed
CTRL → Place an NPC facing east. other NPCs on the spot will not be removed

foemap mode[edit]

< and > (period and comma) Choose which enemy formation set to place. (0 to erase)
SPACE Place formation set
Number keys Type formation set number
CTRL+Z Undo (shared history across all map edit modes)
CTRL+S Put the current formation set on all tiles on the screen


CTRL+D Draw tool
CTRL+B Box tool
CTRL+F "Paint bucket"-type fill tool
CTRL+R Replace tool: press space to replace the formation under the cursor across the whole map
CTRL+P "Paint" a continuous regions of tiles on the current tilemap layer with the current formation
CTRL+M "Mark" (copy) a rectangular area (copies all visible map layers, walls, zones, and foemap)
CTRL+C "Clone" (paste) a previously copied/marked area (pastes map layers, walls, zones, and foemap)

zonemap mode[edit]

Common to both sub-modes:

M Change submode
E Edit info/triggers for current zone
CTRL+Z Undo (shared history across all map edit modes)

Edit sub-mode[edit]

< and > Change current zone
Number keys Type current zone number
SPACE Use current tool
CTRL+S Put the current zone on all tiles on the screen
DELETE Remove this tile from the zone


CTRL+D Draw tool
CTRL+B Box tool
CTRL+F "Paint bucket"-type fill tool
CTRL+P "Paint" a continuous regions of tiles on the current tilemap layer with the current zone
CTRL+M "Mark" (copy) a rectangular area (copies all visible map layers, walls, zones, and foemap)
CTRL+C "Clone" (paste) a previously copied/marked area (pastes map layers, walls, zones, and foemap)

View sub-mode[edit]

< and > Select zone in the side menu
SPACE (Only if the selected zone in the side menu is locked) Draw on the selected zone
L Lock selected zone
H Hide selected zone
T Switch between lines, dots and segments for visualisation
A Autoshow zones: make them visible when you move the cursor over them
S Show other: hint at where invisible zones are

Sprite Editor[edit]

  • < = go left one color on palette
  • > = go right one color on palette
  • [ = switch one palette left
  • ] = switch one palette right
  • D = draw tool
  • F = fill tool
  • O = oval tool
  • A = airbrush tool
  • M = Mark tool (copy a rectangular area)
  • C = Clone tool (paste a previously copied/marked area)
  • L = line tool
  • B = box (rectangle) tool
  • R = replace tool
  • S = scroll tool
  • P = Open Palette browser
  • I = import sprites
  • E = Export sprites
  • Arrows = move cursor
  • Space Bar = use tool
  • ALT+Arrows = choose color on master palette
  • + - = rotate sprite
  • Backspace = horizontal flip
  • Enter+Arrows = change center of cloned sprite brush
  • CTRL+Z = undo
  • CTRL+C = copies the sprite
  • CTRL+V = pastes the sprite
  • CTRL+T = Copies sprites, treating color 0 as transparent
  • ALT+C = Copies 16-color palette
  • ALT+V = Pastes 16-color palette

Tile Editor[edit]

  • Arrows = move cursor
  • Space Bar = use tool
  • ALT+Arrows = choose color on master palette
  • D = Draw tool
  • B = Box (rectangle) tool
  • L = Line tool
  • F = fill tool
  • O = Oval or Circle tool
  • A = Airbrush tool
  • R = Replace tool
  • M = Mark tool (copy a rectangular area)
  • C = Clone tool (paste a previously copied/marked area)
  • [ = Rotates tile 90 degrees counterclockwise
  • ] = rotates tile 90 degrees clockwise
  • Backspace = flips tile horizontally
  • CTRL+Backspace = flips tile vertically
  • Enter+Arrows = change center of cloned sprite brush