Scripts:Activate doors with a use key

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If you want to be able to activate all your doors with the use key you can set the following script as the global or per-map on-keypress script.

If you don't want the player to be able to activate a door by stepping on it, either put walls around it, or use the suspenddoors command to prevent doors from activating normally (for example, place that command in a map autorun script, or in your new-game and load-game scripts to affect the whole game).

plotscript, use doors on keypress, begin
  if (player is suspended || hero is walking(me)) then (exit script)
  if (keypress(use key)) then, begin
    variable (x, y, door)
    x := hero x(me)
    y := hero y(me)
    # Find the tile in front of the hero
    switch (hero direction(me)) do, begin
      case (up)    y -= 1
      case (down)  y += 1
      case (left)  x -= 1
      case (right) x += 1
    door := door at spot(x, y)
    if (door > -1) then (use door(door))

Note that this script won't work for activating a door over the edge of a wrap-around map.

A simple solution for a single door is to place an invisible NPC at the door and make it run this script:

plotscript, door, door id, begin
  use door (door id)

Set the Script Argument on the NPC to the right door ID.