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Topics related to Plotscripting belong in this category
See also Plotscripting Dictionary and Example scripts
Pages in category "Plotscripting"
The following 190 pages are in this category, out of 190 total.
- Eressoft's Free Script Package
- ERROR:in line 746 of plotscr.hsd define trigger,begin expected top-level declaration but found definetrigger. Why does this error occur?
- ERROR:In line X of dummyplotscripts.hss Song:I'll Wander the World. This isn't a variable, constant, or anything else. It exists in my hsi file, but it says it isn't. What should I do?
- Expected name but defineoperator block ended
- Expected number but found
- Expected top-level declaration but found
- Hamspeak
- Hamster Whisper
- Hamster Wrench
- HamsterSpeak Specification
- How can I allow the player to rename someone before they join their team?
- How can I make copies of NPCs do distinct things?
- How can I make copies of NPCs do the same thing?
- How can I make it so that an event will happen, when an NPC is pushed onto a certain tile?
- How can I make it so that an inn restores HP, but not MP?
- How can I run a script instead of/before/after the menu comes up?
- How can I set or remove animating maptiles with plotscripting?
- How do I add a timer?
- How do I add arguments to my script and how do I use them?
- How do I advance a text box without pressing the space bar?
- How do I allow players to rename characters?
- How do I change a hero's walkabout and battle graphic set, whether the hero is in the party or not, and regardless of what slot the hero is in, using plotscripting?
- How do I change enemies' stats with plotscripting?
- How do I change the main hero during a cutscene so that the player can't notice it?
- How do I change the walkabout graphic set of an NPC using Plotscripting?
- How do I convert my scripts from old to new syntax?
- How do I delete a script?
- How do I destroy more than one copy of an NPC at a time?
- How do I display map names?
- How do I end the demo, 1rst version, 2nd version of my game?
- How do I end the game?
- How do I enter names through strings?
- How do I enter NPC references through strings?
- How do I get it to run a script when I level up a certain hero (me)?
- How do I give the screen little and/or big shake?
- How do I implement a "suspend save" feature?
- How do I implement autosave?
- How do I import my scripts without launching custom.exe and then going in the script managment menu?
- How do I increase or decrease the value of a global variable?
- How do I know I have to use more than one hss file?
- How do I level up my hero using plotscripting?
- How do I link plotscripts together?
- How do I link script files together?
- How do I make "fake" doors?
- How do I make a "backdrop point"?
- How do I make a "Save Point using strings & slices"?
- How do I make a "vending machine?"
- How do I make a battle start when you bump into an NPC?
- How do I make a church?
- How do I make a HS file?
- How do I make a HSI file?
- How do I make a HSS file?
- How do I make a INN using a menu edited under Custom?
- How do I make a save slot load automatically instead of the load menu when the game launches?
- How do I make a shop that can be used only one, two or three times?
- How do I make a text box using slices?
- How do I make a treasure chest that contains many items and/or more than $32767?
- How do I make an "enemy-repelling" item?
- How do I make an animated title screen?
- How do I make an escape item?
- How do I make an event happen when the player presses a key at a certain X and Y on a map?
- How do I make an inn in which you can also save the game?
- How do I make an item you have to be a certain level to use/equip?
- How do I make an NPC disappear after ending its plotscript by making it walk out of view?
- How do I make an NPC disappear when you talk to it but reappear when you leave and reenter the map?
- How do I make an NPC heal the hero?
- How do I make an NPC hurt the hero?
- How do I make an NPC say something different later?
- How do I make choices in a dialog box?
- How do I make emoticons?
- How do I make gradual fade in and fade out?
- How do I make heroes and npcs invisible?
- How do I make several NPCs say something different later?
- How do I make the screen scroll?
- How do I make the story continue after you die in battle?
- How do I mix colors together?
- How do I prevent a dead hero from reviving at the Inn?
- How do I prevent a hero in the reserve party from appearing in the team menu?
- How do I randomly set a tag?
- How do I read or write data in a saved game without loading that saved game?
- How do I restart my game after the player had lost?
- How do I restore my hero's stats during a plotscript?
- How do I run a plotscript after a battle?
- How do I run a plotscript before a battle?
- How do I start a cutscene after passing a door?
- How do I trigger a script when a hero reaches a certain level?
- How do I use plotscripts to make an NPC disappear permanently?
- How do I use scancodes?
- How do I write if statements with complex conditions (2 or 3 conditions)?
- How do I write strings?
- How does plotscripting work?
- How does script-debug mode work?
- How long is a game tick?
- HS Decompiler
- HS Importer
- HSpeak
- HssEd
- HUD Scripting Tutorial
- I can't compile my script because it says that I haven't defined a standard command!
- I can't read the HSPEAK error screen!
- I don't get plotscripting at all, and the tutorial is still too confusing for me. Can anyone explain how to do it?
- I get an error message about illegal wait substate
- I have made a script library. Who shall I ask to put it online?
- I made an Item that is supposed to permanently alter stats, but every time I use a recovery item it gets undone, why?
- I need to rename heroes but I don't want the player to see (or notice) something on the screenplay. How should I proceed?
- I still get "Script error! Failed to unlump (scriptid).hsx"; I used the right format for more than one script in a file.
- I've got a message that says expected top level declaration but found "archinym.lmp" when I compile. What does that mean?
- I've lost my scripts! How can I get them back?
- If I put more than one plotscript into one file, how do I make only one at a time begin when I need it?
- If statement has 2 conditions. It should have only one. Use and and or for complex conditions
- In a plotscript, how does it know which NPC 2 to use, if there's a new list of NPCs for every map?
- Is it possible to put two NPCs on the same X,Y position with Plotscripting?
- Is it possible to use Variables in place of (i.e., use them in the same fashion as) tags?
- Is there a limit to how big a plotscript can be?
- Is there a way to enable NPCs to walk through each other?
- Scancode.hsi
- Script buffer overflow
- Script dump
- Script error! Script (scriptid) does not exist
- Script:Circular or spiral motion
- Scripting advice
- Scripting help
- Scripts:Skippable cutscene
- Slice Collection Editor Tutorial
- Slices FAQ
- Slices Tutorial
- Sound Effects
- Special Plotscripts
- Scripts:Stop slice on wall collision
- Ways to refer to a hero in a script
- What are all the ways to trigger a script?
- What are HamsterSpeak flow control commands?
- What are the differences between a variable and a global variable?
- What are the differences between the "walk hero " command and "walk to X/Y" command?
- What are the differences between the different keypress commands?
- What are the RGB values for the different colors?
- What is a constant and how do I use it?
- What is a script argument for?
- What is a script/plotscript and how do I write them?
- What is a string and how do I use it?
- What is a variable?
- What should I do if my script has bugs?
- What stats does an inn restore?
- When I compile my script it says that stat:hp is not a valid name, but it is in my hsi file! Can anyone tell me what is going on?
- When I drag my HS file onto HSPEAK, I get an error message not related to my actual code. What am I doing wrong?
- When should I use strings?
- When will BattleScripting be added to the OHRRPGCE?
- When will the show load menu command be implemented?
- Where can I find the plotscripting dictionary?
- Why do my scripts lock up on the "Wait for NPC" command?
- Why does my script take hours to compile?
- Why doesn't my Game-Over plotscript work?
- Why doesn't my Load-Game plotscript work?
- Why doesn't the set NPC Z command exist?
- Why don't my special plotscripts work?
- Will the O.H.R.RPG.C.E. ever support rotating/scaling images like the Super Nintendo's MODE7?