Special Plotscripts
The reason this article has been marked is: needs to be redone in menu: namespace
Special plotscripts are plotscripts that you can set to be called from 4 specific situations.
New-Game Script[edit]
This script is run when the player selects "New" from the save file selector, or hits a key on the titlescreen with a game that does not have any saves yet or the load menu has disabled in the General Bitsets. If the titlescreen is disabled and there's no games to load, then this script is run instead of the titlescreen.
Game-Over Script[edit]
This script is run when every hero in the party dies by losing all of their HP.
Load-Game Script[edit]
This script is run when the player loads a saved game.
Menu-Action Script[edit]
Whenever the player presses Escape or Alt to open the menu, this script will be run instead. This can be useful for custom menu systems, or for disabling the menu entirely. If this is not specified, Menu 0 will be opened.