Talk:Downloadable Resources

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RPeG Audio link isn't working for me. Is it just me? I'd really like some new music! Perhaps you could include some more music in the next OHR update?

You guys, the website for RPeG has been seized by web squatters. Not sure if you can do anything about that, but I just thought I'd announce it.

Bob the Hamster: You are right. I would swear those are the same squatters who ate rpgcreations

Yoshiboy: What is a web squatter anyway?

Bob the Hamster: A web squatter is someone why buys up available domains (often ones that have just recently expired) and fills them with advertising links. Sometimes they try to re-sell the domain at a hugely inflated price. For example, a web squatter currently owns and are offering it for sale for over $500. It is only worth about $10 (and I wouldn't pay a penny for it myself). The worse thing squatters do is steal domains from people who forgot to renew theirs. The only way to get a domain back is to pay an absurd amount of money, or to hire a lawyer and sue them (which probably won't work anyway, if you cannot prove a trademark on the name)

They did, didn't they?![edit]

Dr. Baconman: So THAT'S what happened to Sword of Jade's instruction manual.