User talk:Ohr.brazilian.traductor
Damn! It´s late and I need to get out of the house of my sister because I need to go to my house to eat. The Pcs on my house are broken, so i need to use my sister´s pc to edit the documentation (the cool thing is that she and her husband are working, so i can continue tomorrow. I hope)
And, thanks for including me in the not evil list.
I hope that "my talk" is for this: to say anything that i want. Cool idea.
Bob the Hamster: Welcome to the wiki! Yes, you can put anything you want in your user page and your talk page. Generally nobody else besides yourself will edit your user page, and people will edit your talk page when they want to ask you a question.
ohr.brazilian.traductor: Thanks! I leave some pages blank because (again) i have no time and i will update gradualy (i have to finish the atualization of the atttacks in battle). And what are the time of login? Yesterday i forgot to logout and today, in some times i was logged out.
brtradutor: the problems don't stop. Now that i have a computer the system crash when i am on the net and i don't know why. I need to refresh the docs later because itś starting again. I intend to put the br: namespace and put the plotscript dictionary on-line (its much documentation, so it will be put in parts).
brtradutor: passei mal ontem e hoje consegui atualizar algo. But I have work for 1 year [[1]] and I can update only after this, unless I have some time during the work. Só porque agora tem banda larga em casa...