Game:Wandering Hamster/secrets

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Cheat Shop[edit]

There is a CHEAT SHOP! At the beginning of the game, go to the Plip Tamer's House west of Flanat. Search the trees on the left side of the entrance for a place where you can push your way under the trees. There is a small area where you can walk around beneath the trees. The cheat shop is directly to the left, but if you walk straight towards it, your way will be blocked by an invisible pushable barrier. Instead stay as low as possible, move left, and then push up to get the barrier out of your way. Then you can walk left to the cheat shop.

Cactus Shrine[edit]

In Broaste's castle, near the room where you find the Myrmidon suit, there is a rough spot on the wall. Search there to find a hidden door which takes you to a mysterious room containing only a cactus banner.