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I agree to release my contributions to this wiki as public domain when possible.
Feature wish:
- Option to specify whether or not Vancian (Level MP) casting can use a higher level slot when the available slot is not available
- Battle script (see my talk on that page for more info)
- Allow experience awards to be negative (currently they are 0 to 32767, so in a signed 16-bit value you could go as low as -32768)
- Fast-forward key even if debugging is turned off
- More customization of equipment slots
- Target class "any except self"
- Hero extra fields 0,1,2
- Set whether currency symbol is a prefix or suffix
- Spell lists that delete a spell whenever it is used (can be used for lists that are prepared by script?)
- Seperate string and blob types in RELOAD
- Bitsets to tell enemies to provide cover against attacks that do or do not have specific element bitsets (for example, cover against all non-flying, or cover against all psychic); this prevents heroes from targeting enemies which are farther away from the one providing cover, so once they die it will be possible to target those beyond him
- Allow heroes to auto-perform an attack upon death (for example this may be used to perform an attack which kills all other heroes in case the game is you are supposed to keep a specific hero alive; another example is a simple counterattack; another example is to allow one of his body-parts to be used as an item in the current battle; yet another example is for that attack to instead-chain into a script)
Text RELOAD format idea:
- Comment starts with # and goes to end of line (ignored when parsing)
- Integer, with an optional - or + and then number in decimal format, or 0x (or 0X) and hex codes
- Floating point as a number with a . in it; scientific notation also possible
- Identifier as a bare word starting with a letter or underscore and containing letters, underscores, and digits; or any text in " marks, using "" to represent a literal " (the delimiters aren't part of the identifier name) (this is needed to represent empty node names)
- String with ' surrounding it; you can use '' to represent a literal ' (no other escapes are possible)
- Blob, starting with x' or X' followed by hex codes of the blob data; put another ' at the end
- Equal sign = after an identifier put a value in a node
- Braces { and } after a node to include a list of children nodes inside of the braces
- Brackets [ and ] after an identifier to make a list of nodes without specifying their name (these are children of the current parent; it isn't a new parent; the name before the [ becomes the name of all of these nodes) (so values have no delimiters not even equal sign; they can still have child nodes themselves though as normal)
- The sign $ represents a null value; it is only necessary inside of bracketed lists