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The DT1 lump stores the data for all enemies in the game. It has no header, and the length of each record is stored in BINSIZE.BIN (currently 744 bytes)

Formal Specs[edit]

About Formal Specs

Offset Data Meaning
Record start
0-16 FVSTR (1i+16i=17i) Name of Enemy
17 INT Thievability of Enemy:

-1 = Is not thievable
0 = Once only
1 >= Infinitely thievable

18 INT Stealable item
19 INT Item Steal Chance %
20 INT Rare stealable item
21 INT Rare Item Steal Chance % (if regular steal failed)
22 INT Dissolve animation

0=Use default in gen(genEnemyDissolve)
1=Random pixels
3=Diagonal vanish
4=Sink into ground
8=Phase out

23 INT Dissolve animation length in ticks (0=default: Squash,Vapourise,Phase out use sprite width/5, others use sprite width/2)
24 INT Death sound effect ID + 1 (0 for default, -1 for none)
25 INT Battle targeting cursor X offset (relative to top-center)
26 INT Battle targeting cursor Y offset (relative to top-center)
27-52 INT (26) Unused
53 INT Picture
54 INT Palette, or -1 for default
55 INT Picture Size:

0 = Small (From PT1)
1 = Medium (From PT2)
2 = Large (From PT3)

56 INT Gold reward
57 INT Experience reward
58 INT Item reward
59 INT Item drop %
60 INT Rare item
61 INT Rare item drop % (If a regular item is not dropped)
64 INT Strength
65 INT Accuracy
66 INT Defense
67 INT Dodge
68 INT Magic
69 INT Will
70 INT Speed
71 INT Counter
72 INT MP~
73 INT Extra Hits
74-78 Enemy Bitsets BIT (8) 0 - 7: Weak to Elemental 1 - 8 (Obsolete, see #Note 1)
BIT (8) 8 - 15: Strong to Elemental 1 - 8 (Obsolete, see #Note 1)
BIT (8) 16 - 23: Absorbs Elemental 1 - 8 (Obsolete, see #Note 1)
BIT (8) 24 - 31: Is Enemytype 1 - 8 (Obsolete, see #Note 1)
BIT (22) 32 - 53: Unused
BIT 54: Harmed by Cure
BIT 55: MP Idiot
BIT 56: Boss
BIT 57: Unescapable
BIT 58: Die Without Boss
BIT 59: Flee instead of Die
BIT 60: Untargetable by Enemies
BIT 61: Untargetable by Heros
BIT 62: Win battle even if left alive
BIT 63: Never flinch when hit
BIT 64: Ignored for "Alone" AI
BIT 65: Give rewards even if left alive (This is a WIP feature)
BIT 66: Controlled by the player (This is a WIP feature)
BIT 67: Turncoat, attacks its allies (This is a WIP feature)
BIT 68: Defector, grouped with heroes (This is a WIP feature)
BIT (12) 69 - 79: Unused
79 INT Enemy to Spawn on death + 1
80 INT Enemy to Spawn on Non-Elemental Death + 1
81 INT Enemy to Spawn when alone + 1
82 INT Enemy to Spawn on Non-Elemental Hit + 1
83-90 INT (8) Enemy to Spawn on Elemental 1 - 8 Hit + 1
91 INT Number of enemy copies to spawn on spawn trigger
92-96 INT (5) Regular attacks + 1, 0 if unused
97-101 INT (5) Desperation attacks + 1, 0 if unused
102-106 INT (5) Alone attacks + 1, 0 if unused
107-114 INT (8) Counter attack to elementals 0-7. atk_id + 1, 0=none
115-126 INT (12) Counter attack damage to stats. atk_id + 1, 0=none
127-182 INT (56) Counter attack to elementals 8-63. atk_id + 1, 0=none
183-238 INT (56) Enemy to Spawn on Elemental 9-64 Hit + 1
239-366 FLOAT32 (64) Damage taken from elemental 1-64 (1.0 is 100%) #Note 1
367 INT On-death bequest attack. Attack ID+1 or 0 for none.
368 INT Counter attack to non-elemental attack. atk_id + 1, 0=none
369 INT Dissolve-in animation at battle start, or when spawned

0=No dissolve, appear instantly
1=Random pixels
3=Diagonal vanish
4=Sink into ground
8=Phase out

370 INT Dissolve-in animation length in ticks (0=default: Squash,Vapourise,Phase out use sprite width/5, others use sprite width/2)
371 INT On a multi-element hit:
0: only use first matching spawn condition
1: process all conditions

Note 1[edit]

The old elemental and enemytype bits should only be used to load the enemy's elemental resists if fixEnemyElementals is OFF. (Default to 1.0. For elements 1 to 8: multiply by -1.0 for absorb, 2.0 for weak, 0.12 for strong. For elements 9 to 16: Set to 1.8 if the 'is enemytype i-8' is set.)

If fixEnemyElementals is ON, load elemental resists from the new data; the old bits contain garbage.

Note 2[edit]

Before 2002, offsets 17-52 used to be an FVSTR containing a death message, which was never implemented, but which could be edited in Custom, and a number of people did. It is blanked out by the engine if attack.bin does not exist.

References to other lumps[edit]

Field Indicating record in lump:
Stealable/Rare Stealable item ITM
Death sound effect (sound file)
Picture PT1,PT2 or PT3, according to Picture Size field
Palette PAL
Enemy to spawn on/when * DT1 (this lump)
*attack* DT6