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HSpeak is the compiler for HamsterSpeak, the scripting language used for Plotscripting. It produces compiled scripts with the extension .hs which can then be imported.

Custom invokes HSpeak automatically when you "Compile and/or Import Scripts", so you never need to run it manually.

But if you really want, you can also run it via one of the Plotscripting Tools or you can edit your plotscripts in any text editor and compile them directly, either by dragging-and-dropping your script file onto HSpeak or by running HSpeak from a terminal/command prompt.

On Mac OS X, the hspeak executable is stored inside the OHRRPGCE-Custom app bundle, at OHRRPGCE-Custom.app/Contents/MacOS/support/hspeak. On other platforms it is an executable file named hspeak or hspeak.exe.

Run HSpeak without arguments to see up to date information on command-line arguments. Currently, only arguments useful to end users are:

   -f fast mode. Disables some optimization
   -j don't wait for a keypress when finished if there's no error or warning
   -k don't wait for a keypress when finished
   -n don't add debug info, or a copy of the source code, to .hs file
   -w suppress warnings
   -u show warnings for unused variables
   -y overwrite the destination file without asking
   --incdir <path>
      also search this directory for include files

HSpeak is the only part of the OHRRPGCE written in the Euphoria programmming language.

See Also[edit]