How do I make a battle where the heroes attack automatically?

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The reason this article has been marked is: It actually is possiblenow to make heroes attack automatically, so this needs a complete rewrite.

A battle cannot be fully automated. There is no BattleScripting equivalent to Plotscripting

Simulating Automatic attack[edit]

This can be done through the attack-chain system.

Chaining an attack to itself[edit]

As an example, we will create an attack where the hero will continuously hit the enemy with the same attack over and over again.


Select 'Chaining' and you'll see this menu:


Go down to 'Chain to:' and select the infinite attack (In this case, we're only using one attack: Slice). Then set the chain rate to 100% so that it always links.


When you try this out, you'll find that this attack will be used like a multi-hit attack and will chain over and over again without giving the poor foe to catch a breath to hit you back. This makes for a bad battle, to fix this, you've got to alter the attack's delay.


Select 'Damage Settings' and you'll see the submenu for it. Go down to 'Delay before attack'. The number that you set will be counted in ticks (Roughly 16 ticks in one second). Set this to however long you want the hero to wait before attacking again. I consider 150 ticks to be long enough, but you may think differently. It all depends on the pace of your battle.


And that's really all there is.

"Hold on a second, Mister!"[edit]

"All you did was show me how to do a multi-hit attack the stupid way!"

Well, I suppose I did. You probably want to make your automatic attack a little more sparkly, don't you?

All right then. Let's chain two attacks together:

attack 1)Power-Up attack 2)Slice

Power-up will raise the hero's strength (derr) and slice will hit the enemy.

So, we'll create a new attack: Power up.


First things first, the target should be the hero (self), so you should be able to set that. Secondly, go to the 'damage settings' submenu and look below:


From what I did:

Damage Math: The damage has been set so that the hero's strength will increase by 7% each time this skill is used.

Base ATK stat: This is actually useless with the damage math in place.

Target stat: Alter's the hero's strength instead of his health.

Extra Damage%: sets the change in the hero's strength.

Now, the delay should be zero, so that the slice attack will instantaneous follow after power-up. The sequence should be: Slice, wait, Power-up, Slice, wait, etc.

The most important part of the Power-up skill is to change the target. Unlike Slice, you're targetting the hero to increase his strength.


Select the 'Target Settings'


Now change enemy to hero (self). This will strengthen the hero, and not the enemy.

TwinHamster's final alternative[edit]

The last thing I can think of would be to create an enemy and pretend it's a hero. Set the enemy graphic so that it faces the other enemies (left), and make all of the enemy-hero attacks target its allies.

Stay put, Hamster![edit]

What!? You want to set up an auto-battle function, as seen in various commercial RPG's, in which your heroes will all choose random attacks to use on their own? Well, you'll have to script it out yourself!