How do I make a save point?
The Final Fantasy series popularized the concept of a "Save Point", a special spot that lets you save your game on a map that doesn't normally allow you to save. There is no built-in "Save Point" feature in the OHRRPGCE, but there are multiple ways to make them. One simple way is as follows:
The first thing you need to do is make a shop. From the main menu pick Edit Shops. in the shop editor, make a new shop and name it "Save Point". Now pick Select Shop Menu Items and enable Save, and make sure everything else is disabled.
Now go back to the main menu, and go into Edit Text Boxes. Make a new text box that says "You can save your game here" or whatever. Then go into the Edit Conditionals menu. You will see a line that says:
Never do the following restore party's HP and MP
Change that to:
Always do the following go to shop # Save Point
Next, create an NPC who looks like a save point. (Traditionally save points are sparkles of blue light, but there's no rule that says they have to be--in some games a save point is a high-tech device the heroes use, or a magic circle that they stand on, or even a person they talk to.) Assign the text box you just made to that NPC. Put the NPC on your map, and boom! You have a save point!
If you're willing to do a little bit of plotscripting, then instead of making a shop you can have your text box call a script that uses the save menu command. Here's an extremely simple example of such a script:
plotscript, save point, begin save menu end