Quick-Start: Maps

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By the End of This Section you Should...

  • be able to edit maptiles and maptile sets
  • add default passability to certain tiles

NOTE: Merge these screenshots

Creating a Tileset[edit]

To edit your maptiles, fire up Custom and navigate to "Edit Graphics".

You might notice that at the bottom there's an option to Import/Export Maptile sets.

It is indeed possible to work with your art in an external program and then import said art into the OHR, but that's for a later segment.

After getting to the Edit Graphics menu, you should see a bunch of options before you.

For now, go to "Edit Maptiles"

The next screen should only have "Tile Set 0" showing up if this is a brand new project.

Select "Tile Set 0" to proceed to the next screen.

You will now be at the screen from where you can control all the different things about your tileset. They are:

  • Draw Tiles - Lets you create and edit tiles. You can also use copy, paste, and transparent paste.
  • Cut Tiles from Tilesets - Lets you copy tiles between tilesets
  • Cut Tiles from Backdrops - Lets you create tiles from a backdrop
  • Set Default Passability - Lets you set whether a tile acts as a wall in any direction
  • Define Tile Animation - Lets you set whether a tile is animated
  • Background color - Lets you change the background colour. This has no in-game effect, and is intended to help you if you need to see what you are doing.

We'll get to all of the rest eventually, but for now, select "Draw Tiles" so we can get to making some tiles.

Drawing Maptiles[edit]

Huh? What's this? A blank screen and, whoah, my mouse works! Yup, this area is one of the few places where you'll get mouse support in the OHRRPGCE. This massive blank screen is not just a blank screen, it's actually your entire tileset. It's blank, because we have yet to draw anything.

You can copy and paste tiles with CTRL+C and CTRL+V respectively. You can paste with CTRL+T to respect transparency.

These are the controls for editing graphics:

Use mouse or arrow keys to select a tile or frame. Click or press enter whilst over it to begin editing it. You can use the current tool with primary click or SPACEBAR. You can move the cursor with mouse or arrow keys. Secondary click or ENTER sets the current colour to whatever colour is under the cursor.

You can select the current tool by clicking its corresponding icon, or pressing the corresponding shortcut key.

Chapter04 09.png

You can use shortcut keys to switch between tools quickly.

  • 'D' - Draw tool. Allows freehand drawing.
  • 'B' - Box tool. Draws square or rectangle shapes.
  • 'L' - Line tool. Draws straight lines.
  • 'F' - Fill tool. Changes all adjacent pixels of the same colour as that under the tool to the currently selected colour in the palette.
  • 'R' - Replace tool. Changes all pixels of the same colour as that under the tool to the currently selected colour in the palette.
  • 'O' - Oval tool. Draws circles and ovals.
  • 'A' - Airbrush tool. Sprays pixels semi-randomly. It has settings you can change by clicking on the buttons that appear, or using '+' and *'-' to change the area and CTRL + '+' and CTRL + '-' to change the density of the spray (mist)
  • 'S' - Scroll tool. Allows you to move the canvas in any direction. For maptiles, this causes the canvas to wrap to the opposite side. For other graphics, this causes a loss of data.
  • 'M' - Mark tool. Lets you select an area for cloning.
  • 'C' - Clone tool. While the Clone tool is active, you can use '[' and ']' to rotate the cloned selection.
  • '[' and ']' contents - Rotates the canvas counter-clockwise and clockwise respectively
  • BACKSPACE - Flips the canvas horizontally
  • CTRL + BACKSPACE - Flips the canvas vertically.

Undo history

To the right of your canvas you can see your undo/redo history. It shows the last 6 operations you preformed on the tile, and allows you to revert to any of them. You can either click them directly or use CTRL + Z to undo. You can use CTRL + Y to redo. Be careful! If you make any changes to a tile, you will not be able to redo any actions. Similarly, if you leave the editor, you will lose your undo/redo history.


Passability basically shows whether or not you can walk through a tile. You can set a tile to be passable/impassible from the north, south, east, and west individually. For example, a wall would most likely by impassible in all directions, a floor would be passable in all directions, and a fence might only be impassible to the south.

Exit back out to the main menu of the maptile editor and choose "Set Default Passability."

Select the tile and set all of the "Impassible" options on. There should be a flashing box around the tile.

Each side of that box signifies that the tile is impassible from a specific direction.

You can also set a tile to be impassable by pressing CTRL and a relevant arrow key while the tile is highlighted.


Resize Map - You can hold SHIFT to add/remove tiles quicker

Layers and Tilesets - Adding, rearranging layers and multiple tilesets

'+' to add a layer, '-' to delete a layer.
Shift+Arrows to move layers up/down including the Hero/NPC Layer

(It has info text to the same effect in the editor)

Editing the map. Shortcut keys, SHIFT for faster movement, G to Get a tile, etc., (copy/paste from the help file)

Edit Tilemap - Placing Tiles

Edit Wallmap (Passability) - You can use SPACEBAR or Press CTRL + a relevant arrow key

Doors - Making links between doors on different maps, and making sure they work as intended (2-way, conditional)


- Music
- Minimap
- Save Anywhere
- Remember Tile/NPC Data
- NPC Move/Avoid Zones

-Display Settings

- Foot Offset (Z-Axis)
- Display Map Name
- Harm-Tile Flash, Harm-Tile Damage
- Map Edge Mode
- Default Edge Tile


Cover in plotscripting