Scripts:Day of the week

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The scripts below calculate the day of the week given a date no earlier than 1900. The calc weekday number script can then be used like this:

 n := calc weekday number(system year, system month, system day)
 switch(n) do(
   case(0) $0="Sunday"
   case(1) $0="Monday"
   case(2) $0="Tuesday"
   case(3) $0="Wednesday"
   case(4) $0="Thursday"
   case(5) $0="Friday"
   case(6) $0="Saturday"
 show string(0)

An .rpg file demonstrating it is here: Weekday Tool


script, calc weekday number, y, m, d, begin
  # Return value is:
  # 0 = Sunday
  # 1 = Monday
  # 2 = Tuesday
  # 3 = Wednesday
  # 4 = Thursday
  # 5 = Friday
  # 6 = Saturday
  # This function is only smart enough to handle days starting with 1900AD
  dnum := 1 # January 1900 began on a Monday
  for(i, 1900, y -- 1) do(
    dnum += days in year(i)
  for(i, 1, m -- 1) do(
    dnum += days in month(y, i)
  dnum += d -- 1
  exit returning(dnum ,mod, 7)

script, days in month, y, m, begin
  switch(m) do(
    case(1) d := 31
    case(2) d := days in february(y)
    case(3) d := 31
    case(4) d := 30
    case(5) d := 31
    case(6) d := 30
    case(7) d := 31
    case(8) d := 31
    case(9) d := 30
    case(10) d := 31
    case(11) d := 30
    case(12) d := 31
  exit returning(d)

script, days in february, y, begin
  if(is leap year(y)) then(
    exit returning(29)
  exit returning(28)

script, days in year, y, begin
  if(is leap year(y)) then(
    exit returning(366)
  exit returning(365)

script, is leap year, y, begin
  variable(leap year)
  leap year := false # Common year
  if((y ,mod, 4) == 0) then(
    leap year := true # Leap year
    if(y ,mod, 100 == 0) then(
      leap year := false # Exceptional Common Year
      if(y ,mod, 400 == 0) then(
        leap year := true # Century leap year
  exit returning(leap year)