Uploads by Kizul Emeraldfire

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
20:42, 21 May 2007 Rain2.ogg (file) 202 KB Loopable ambient sound effect for rain (OUTdoors version) 1
20:40, 21 May 2007 Rain.ogg (file) 239 KB A loopable ambient sound effect for rain (Indoors version) 2
16:13, 31 March 2007 TextboxBloop8-Bit.ogg (file) 6 KB Sound effect for text appearing in a textbox. 1
19:21, 16 November 2006 OHR 8×16.png (file) 3 KB Whenever it gets implemented — here's the 8×16 O.H.R. font. I was bored and was still thinking about the O.H.R. having an 8×16 font, and I thought I'd help out by drawing this up. None of these letters are ripped from any games — if the pixels are a 1
15:34, 7 November 2006 ChargedLightningAttack8-Bit.ogg (file) 30 KB A sound effect for an attack/spell that charges and releases a wave of electricity on the enemy. 1
15:34, 7 November 2006 ChargedSonicBoomAttack8-Bit.ogg (file) 26 KB A sound effect for an attack/spell that charges and releases a sonic boom. 1
15:31, 7 November 2006 Slash8-Bit.ogg (file) 8 KB A slashing sound effect for swords and other sharp objects. (Boosted the volume — is better now.) 2
15:31, 7 November 2006 Crush8-Bit.ogg (file) 9 KB A crushing sound effect. Made primarily for hammers and very large, wooden mallets. (Boosted the volume — is better now.) 2
10:16, 3 November 2006 Menu8-Bit.ogg (file) 11 KB A sound effect for launching the Main Menu. 1
10:14, 3 November 2006 Select8-Bit.ogg (file) 7 KB 8-bit NES-style sound effect: Sound effect for a moving the menu cursor. (cut out a huge hunk of white space at the beginning of the file) 2
08:30, 3 November 2006 MediumExplosion8-Bit.ogg (file) 17 KB 8-bit NES-style sound effect: A larger explosion (for things like dynamite and destructive spells) 2
08:29, 3 November 2006 SmallExplosion8-Bit.ogg (file) 8 KB 8-bit NES-style sound effect: A small explosion (for a gunshot or a popping balloon) 2
16:14, 31 October 2006 Cancel8-Bit.ogg (file) 8 KB 8-bit NES-style sound effect: Just the opposite of the Confirm sound effect. This one's for going back to the previous menu (from Spells or Order to the Main Menu), saying “I’m not sleepy yet.” to the innkeeper, etc.… 1
16:08, 31 October 2006 Confirm8-Bit.ogg (file) 6 KB 8-bit NES-style sound effect: Confirmation sound effect (for going into a submenu (like from the Main Menu to Items or Status), saying “Sure, I’ll sleep here tonight!” to an innkeeper, etc.…) 1
16:02, 31 October 2006 Collision8-Bit.ogg (file) 6 KB 8-bit NES-style sound effect: Bumping into a wall/NPC. 1
16:02, 31 October 2006 Heal8-Bit.ogg (file) 20 KB 8-bit NES-style sound effect: A sound effect for a healing attack/item/spell. 1
16:01, 31 October 2006 DownStairs8-Bit.ogg (file) 22 KB 8-bit NES-style sound effect: walking down a staircase. 1
15:54, 31 October 2006 UpStairs8-Bit.ogg (file) 26 KB 8-bit NES-style sound effect: walking up a staircase (renamed version, since I don't know how to delete files) 1
15:39, 31 October 2006 UpStairs.ogg (file) 26 KB 8-bit NES-style sound effect: walking up a staircase. 1