Talk:BAM Format

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Mike: I have myself a question about looping. When the song loops over a finite loop, and then later loops back to the beginning of the song, it won't do the inner loop a second time, will it? Or, am I missing something?

Edit: Wait, the primary situation this would occur in is a normal song that uses an inner loop, but has the default infinite playback loop (jump to tag 0) at the end. So, should we assume that an infinite jump to tag 0 is a "full reset" or something? By that, I mean all jumps and tags are reset to their default values. That's how I'll implement it, any way...

Bob: Yes, that is correct. A finite loop should be re-run each time it is encountered. Rather than making an loop back to the beginning be a mgaical "reset all" condition, I think it would be more appropriate to reset each individual finite loop as soon as that finite loop finishes. I believe that is more consistent with the ASM implementation.

Mike: OH, reseting when it's done. Why didn't that occur to me...? That makes very good sense...