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Bob the Hamster: I see the url for browsing the code online, what is the url for checking out the repository with the subversion client?

Inferior Minion: I use Apache as my SVN server. Use the following command:

svn checkout

I should really add a Makefile, but I currently use Eclipse which manages the makefile for me. I've uploaded a zip of the Debug directory, which is basically the makefile and folder structure in which the object files are created, here. Put the Debug directory in the same location as the src directory and then run make from within Debug. I really don't want to include that makefile with the source, but creating the makefile without the use of an IDE would be a pain. The only other thing I should mention is that as of right now, main is hardcoded to use a Jade.RPG file found in my home directory when no arguments are passed to ohr++. Either change that path in main.cpp or run ohr++ as follows:

./ohr++ /path/to/RPG

Bob the Hamster: I have had no luck with the Linux makefiles in I'm not even sure where to put them (I have every location that made any degree of sense to me, and none of them worked) Any special reason why they are not in subversion?

Inferior Minion: They're not in the svn for that very reason. Eclipse is automatically generating them when I compile, and the managed make has been rather buggy (forcing me to clean the entire project at times just to compile a small change). If I was manually writing the makefile, it would be in there, but thinking about dealing with the dependencies gives me a headache :).

Hopefully this clears things up:

When in my home directory, I run the svn checkout command. This creates ~/ohr++/. I then downloaded to ~/ohr++/ and unzipped. Here is a listing of my directory structure:

~/ohr++/src/ <-- Contains Source Code
~/ohr++/Debug/ <-- Contains the makefiles and is created when unzipping

cd ~/ohr++/Debug/

make should now work. I then call ohr++ using the following command:

~/ohr++/Debug/ohr++ /path/to/RPG

The only dependency you might not have is freeglut

Bob the Hamster: Your local paths appear to be hard-coded into the makefiles.

james@doomtrain:~/src/ohr++/Debug$ make
Building file: ../src/rpg/Archinym.cpp
Invoking: GCC C++ Compiler
g++ -I/home/inferiorminion/workspace/ohr++/src/include -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -osrc/rpg/Archinym.o ../src/rpg/Archinym.cpp
../src/rpg/Archinym.cpp:1:26: error: rpg/Archinym.h: No such file or directory
../src/rpg/Archinym.cpp:3: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘&’ token
../src/rpg/Archinym.cpp:15: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘&’ token
../src/rpg/Archinym.cpp:21: error: ‘Archinym’ has not been declared
../src/rpg/Archinym.cpp:21: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘Archinym’ with no type
../src/rpg/Archinym.cpp: In function ‘int Archinym()’:
../src/rpg/Archinym.cpp:22: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
make: *** [src/rpg/Archinym.o] Error 1

Inferior Minion: Aha! Didn't even think to check for that. I've gone through all the files and replaced any instance of a hardcoded directory with relative paths. Remove the old Debug directory, redownload, and try again. Hopefully that gets it all. I might add this latest version to the svn (assuming it works), as editing it has given me a bit of insight into how eclipse is creating the thing.

Bob the Hamster: Works fine now. I can compile. Looks good!

Inferior Minion: Glad to hear it :D

James Paige: Now I am getting this exact same error message again when I try to compile.

Inferior Minion: I've added the Debug and Release Makefiles to the subversion repository


The windows demo doesn't work and this project has not been worked on since November so this should be considered dormant

Inferior Minion: November was only a month ago, and given the holiday season and finals, drop in production makes sense. This project is not dormant.

When you try to use the Windows Demo, are you dragging an .RPG file into the executable? If you simply try to run the executable, it will try to load the file "test.rpg" (located in the same folder). If you are dragging in an .RPG, is there an error message associated with it?


James Paige: does not work for me. + is an illegal character in a hostname.

Inferior Minion: Try

James Paige: yes, that works fine, thanks! :)