User:Ronin Catholic
Nathan Karr is a man. That is, a miserable pile of secrets. The username Ronin Catholic was chosen when he was 17 years old, and even 17 years later he still finds it a hilarious pun to allude to both his appreciation of Japanese/American popcultural crossover and his deeply held religious convictions.
He's been making games since 2003. The most noteworthy are remakes of his older games, woefully incomplete demos, lurid games made during times of spiritual sickness he now regrets, and the following two projects:
In 2020's Ridiculous Game Contest, stipulated to base games' mechanics and presentation around what was achievable in the original four map version of the OHRRPGCE, was entitled A Quest. After some revisions and presentation improvements, in early 2021 he released an updated version of the game for sale (though the original demo using ripped music and no sound effects can still be found on Slime Salad). link.
Also in 2020, he released TutOHRial - a game intended to teach new users how easy it is to make a game in the OHRRPGCE. As of this posting is considered in its final release, though a very similar (and much improved) tutorial is in the works now that he's had even more time to clear his head of unsavory distractions.
Where To Find[edit] under the pseudonym Cheeseforge
GitHub, formerly Bugzilla, where he files engine bugs and feature requests.