Web port
This page is a collection of notes about the emscripten web port.
As of December2024 the web port is fully functional, including persistent save slots.
Trying it[edit]
Nightly is available here: https://hamsterrepublic.com/ohrrpgce/nightly/ohrrpgce-player-web-wip.zip
It won't work from file:// urls. You need to run a local webserver to serve the files for local testing.
If you have python installed, you can run this from the same folder where the files are located:
python3 -m http.server
And then open http://localhost:8000/ohrrpgce-game.html in your browser
RPG files[edit]
You can press ctrl+shift+L to open up a form that lets you upload rpg files.
The web port uses a fake filesystem based on the ohrrpgce-game.data file. This file is just a bunch of other files concatenated together with no separator. The filenames, offsets, and file sizes are all defined in ohrrpgce-game.js in the loadPackage() function.
For the FreeBasic code that reads, updates, and rewrites the ohrrpgce-game.data file, see the functions extract_web_data_files() and recreate_web_data_file() in distribmenu.bas
loadPackage Function[edit]
{ "files": [ { "filename": "/games/collider.rpg", "start": 0, "end": 549733 }, { "filename": "/games/inputtest.rpg", "start": 549733, "end": 1085391 }, { "filename": "/games/turntest.rpg", "start": 1085391, "end": 1499371 } ], "remote_package_size": 1499371 }