What is MP Idiot?

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In the enemy editor, under bitsets, you will find a bit called MP Idiot. When this bit is turned on, the enemy will lose a turn in battle whenever it tries to use a spell that it does not have enough MP to cast. This is apropriate for an enemy who does not know how to fight when it runs out of magic.

Enemies that do not have this bit turned on will avoid using spells when they have insufficient MP, and they will use their other attacks instead. This is appropriate for an enemy who keeps fighting with other attacks when it runs out of magic.

Note! This bit only affects MP costs. If an attack can't be cast because of other costs it has, then the enemy won't waste turns by picking the attack, regardless of "MP Idiot". On the other hand there are also things which will cause any enemy to lose its turn by picking an attack it can't do: this happens if the attack has no valid targets, or if it has a delay and the situation has changed after the delay and the attack is no longer valid.