What is Motherhamster?

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For years, rumors floated around in the OHRRPGCE community about a thing called HamsterWheel. HamsterWheel was a new Game-Making project being worked on by James Paige and Brian Fisher, which is now better known as Motherhamster. The base game class in Motherhamster is named Hamsterwheel.

What is MotherHamster[edit]

Motherhamster is a python game engine built on top of pygame. You need to program to use motherhamster, but the programming is not so terribly difficult. Motherhamster supports built-in editors for game data, and makes it easy to create new classes that can be saved, loaded, and edited.

What is Motherhamster NOT?[edit]

Motherhamster is NOT an upgrade to the OHRRPGCE, it is not a sequel, it is a whole new animal. Motherhamster should not be confused with the FreeBasic port of the OHRRPGCE, nor should it be confused with any of the OHRRPGCE Source Ports.

Wow! So should I stop work right now on my OHRRPGCE projects, and switch to Motherhamster?[edit]

No, probably not. The OHRRPGCE and Motherhamster have very different uses. Motherhamster is a programmers tool, and the OHRRPGCE is intended for non-programmers. The only reason you might want to consider switching is if your Plotscripting is getting so big and complicated that it feels like programming.

But doesn't this mean the OHRRPGCE is dead?[edit]

The OHRRPGCE won't die until people stop using it. I have no plans to stop working on it... well, EVER. I have no plans to stop supporting OHRRPGCE users. Why? Cause I still enjoy it :)