How do I prevent a dead hero from reviving at the Inn?

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Normally, when the heroes stay at an inn, all of them have their health fully restored, even heroes who are dead. If you don't want dead heroes to be healed (for instance, if you're requiring the player to visit a church instead), you can disable this in your game. From the main menu, select Edit General Game Settings, then Preference Bitsets in the "Major Settings" section, and turn off the "Inns revive dead heroes" bitset.

Doing more complicated things[edit]

If you want inns to revive dead heroes at some times but not others, you can use the set inn revive mode plotscript command to turn the "Inns revive dead heroes" bitset on and off. For instance, if you want inns to normally not revive dead heroes, but you want a special inn somewhere that does, you can have the NPC for the special inn run a script like this:

plotscript, revival inn, begin
 set inn revive mode (on)
 inn screen (50) # you can change this number to whatever you want the inn to cost
 set inn revive mode (off)

If you want to let heroes be revived at inns in general, but prevent a specific hero from being revived for plot reasons, you might consider swapping out and locking that hero instead of futzing about with how your inns work.

If you want to do something really complicated with which heroes do and don't get healed at the inn, it might be easier to just skip the built-in inns entirely and write a plotscript to restore the party's HP and MP according to your requirements. You can test whether a hero is dead by using get hero stat to check their current HP; if it's zero, they're dead, and if it's greater than zero, they're alive. You can look at some of the other articles linked below to get an idea of how to work with hero stats in plotscripts.

See also[edit]