Not evil
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# Not evil: # This is a list of wiki contributors who are known to be real human beings # and not spammers or robots, and are consequently allowed to speak forbidden # words from the Spamwords list. Being on this list does not represent any # opinion about the quality of articles or questions submitted by the user, only # verification that they are human AdrianX Ahkan AJHunter Alurith Amarpal Andrusi Arpgme Artimusbena AutoT Axcalibar B4light BattleBlaze Bird Bis Senchi Bis_Senshi BMR Bloodblade Bob the Hamster Bobby Blade Calehay Caseylocke j Chaotix Chenzi Chronoboy Coolguystemos Crowtongue Daokaioshin Dark Sentiel Dinomischus Dorumagesu Dr. Baconman DragonTao DukeofDellot Echo Elot ElusiveIllithid Ep1cLuis F1repl4ce Faketmc Feenicks Fenrir-Lunaris Finticemo FnrrfYgmSchnish Foxley FyreWulff Gagekilmer Grady Greenwado H-Bomb Harrison Hieran Del8 Hollyhart1 Hopeless Game Iblis Ichiro Idontknow Inferior Minion J Taylor Jabbercat James Paige Jesse9705 Jessica Jsh357 Juste Kenny the otter King Trode Kirby128 Kizul Emeraldfire Kyle Pavan Kylekrack Lajestic LBMixPro Legodude760 Letrompe Lil Bob Linkmax Liquidfired Longebane Master K MasterofKittens Mametchi3000 Meatballsub Metalhipslop Miff Falden Mike61290 MirceaKitsune Mishka Mms1911 Moogle1 Mrrockguy984 Msw188 Myroc Mystah b Mystic Necro EX Neo NeoTA Nintendork NitroGlycerin NeoSpade Number1235 Ohr.brazilian.traductor OlegPopov OopsAllBerries Patagon196 Patsen PCH Pjbebi PK Pkmnfrk PlayerOne Polkakitty Prifurin PROGUY Pullerrush Pumpkinbot Qscomputing RMSephy Raekuul Rater193 Ravancloak RealJop RedMaverickZero Roney33 Ronin Catholic Rossboyjr91 Salahman Samuel C Scardpoopoo Secret ninjutsu Shael Riley Sharklover Sheamkennedy Silvora Smeargle Soaps RPscroll Somebodys sunshine Sorlok reaves Sparrowhawk Spazztik Spoh Spoonweaver Squall StoBo Supersoni183 Surlaw Sword TacoBot Teejaynumber13 TheCube The Geek The Mad Cacti The Wise Zora TMC TwinHamster Un0 Uncommon Voltire Wapamco XEpicGodX Yoshiboy ZiggyTheHamster Zzo38 64supermarioreturns 74-99-239-254 .:Devina Star:.