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*Attack bitsets for fudging chain probabilities (including instead-chain) if the aim/dodge stats exceed 100 (one of these bitsets would be used in case it is a percentage-based-aim-math-attack which chains into an attack which always hits; the other would be used in case it chains into an attack which always misses; however you could do more complicated/confusing things with these same two bitsets) | *Attack bitsets for fudging chain probabilities (including instead-chain) if the aim/dodge stats exceed 100 (one of these bitsets would be used in case it is a percentage-based-aim-math-attack which chains into an attack which always hits; the other would be used in case it chains into an attack which always misses; however you could do more complicated/confusing things with these same two bitsets) | ||
*Program levelup bug per item | *Program levelup bug per item | ||
*Door sound | |||
Idea of configuration file (a plain text file, to allow easily editing; possibly not all such options are needed, or more options might help too; command-line option could be used to override what configuration file to read and possibly also to override individual options): | Idea of configuration file (a plain text file, to allow easily editing; possibly not all such options are needed, or more options might help too; command-line option could be used to override what configuration file to read and possibly also to override individual options): |
Revision as of 17:28, 13 December 2014
I agree to release my contributions to this wiki as public domain when possible.
Feature wish (mainly in the order they have been added; this isn't a priority order):
- Option to specify whether or not Vancian (Level MP) casting can use a higher level slot when the available slot is not available
- Battle script (see my talk (as well as everyone else's talk) on that page for more info)
- Allow experience awards to be negative (currently they are 0 to 32767, so in a signed 16-bit value you could go as low as -32768)
- Fast-forward key even if debugging is turned off (see below configuration list)
- More customization of equipment slots (whether or not it is a weapon slot (and then battle menus can select which equipment slot for a "weapon" type menu), how many of each slot which heroes have, and set how many (negative numbers are allowed too) of up to two kind of slots which an item would take up when equipped, as well as whether it is a "AND" or "OR" condition of equipping in these two kind of slots, for each item)
- Target class "any except self"
- Hero extra fields 0,1,2
- Set whether currency symbol is a prefix or suffix (for example "$500")
- Spell lists that delete a spell whenever it is used (can be used for lists that are prepared by script?)
- Seperate string and blob types in RELOAD
- Bitsets to tell enemies to provide cover against attacks that do or do not have specific element bitsets (for example, cover against all non-flying, or cover against all psychic); this prevents heroes from targeting enemies which are farther away from the one providing cover, so once they die it will be possible to target those beyond him
- Allow heroes to auto-perform an attack upon death (for example this may be used to perform an attack which kills all other heroes in case the game is you are supposed to keep a specific hero alive; another example is a simple counterattack; another example is to allow one of his body-parts to be used as an item in the current battle; yet another example is for that attack to instead-chain into a script)
- Absorption ratio instead of just a bitset (so, absorb off becomes 0% and obsorb on becomes 100%; negative absorptions could perhaps be used to implement a kind of recoil?)
- Allow damage absorption even if the attack is programmed not to actually inflict damage (combined with the above, you could cause an attack to chain into one which causes the target to attack the attacker back for their attack points in damage, ignoring defense)
- Allow poison/stun/mute/regen register to be used as attack/defense stats
- Allow changing which stat (or register) is used for aim/dodge
- True FM emulation (rather than just converting BAM to MIDI)
- New elemental resistance calculations for equipment can be defined: "true multiplication" (similar to existing one, but if there are an even number of negative percentages involved the total will be positive instead of negative), "smallest value" (whichever of the base and equipment values is smallest will be used instead of multiplying/adding them), "nonstacking bonuses" (additive, but only the most positive and most negative equipment values are used and all others are ignored)
- Attack bitset that records the old target's stat value before costs (if the attack targets the user and damages or cures the user's HP or MP on hit) and resetting to max (if programmed to do so by the corresponding bitset) and inflicting damage, and then afterward if the new value is greater than the old one, change it back to the old value (example: if you have an attack with this bitset and reset to max, and deals 20 stun damage to the target but the target is currently stunned by 30 points, it doesn't affect it but if they are currently stunned by 15 points then it changes to 20); however the amount of damage recorded as the "last damage dealt" should ignore this bitset and be recorded as the amount as if this wasn't used
- Script command LOADMENUSLICE to load a menu as a slice collection; it doesn't actually open the menu
- Map bitset to make it to save the persistent map state in the save game file
- Option to disable lossy compression for audio (may be appropriate for small sound effects?)
- Script command to tell you whether or not a spell on a spell list would currently be castable outside of battle
- Chain conditions based on target's stats
- Chain conditions based on whether or not the attacker is wearing a particular piece of equipment (tags don't work as they don't distinguish between who is wearing it)
- Script commands to directly access buy, sell, and hire menus (instead of accessing the shop menu and going through there)
- Menu item bitset to display the current state of the tag that can be toggled with that menu
- Script command GETITEMVALUE to receive the "value" of the item (which can be used as an extra parameter if you do not need it for the default price)
- Script command RESTOREENEMIESANDFORMATIONS to restore all changes to enemies and formations done with the enemy and formation functions in the script
- Tag conditions for disabling/hiding battle menu items
- Macro preprocessor for Hamster Speak
- Ability to globally set certain elements as not displaying their values in the status screen during the game
- Submenu of the secret menu for editing FIXBITS.BIN
- Allow map general info (scripts, harm, foot offset, etc) to be copied from other maps in the editor
- If you call GAME.EXE or CUSTOM.EXE with a directory name where the directory name has .RPG at the end (or if GAME.EXE is renamed to a such) then don't automatically do lump/unlump; .HSP files also are not lumped if the .HSP happens to be a directory
- Textbox line speed option (including instant); a global setting which can also have a local option in each textbox to make it instant instead of the global setting (which, if also instant, makes it redundant)
- Script command to write automatic use global strings (especially one for the script pick hero prompt)
- Textbox code to enter name of item; if called from an item it is that item name and if called from NPC then it is name of item given by NPC parameters; also a script command to access the item number which would result same thing
- Allow the ${} codes in the secret menu to be used in textboxes in the game (text color, text outline, margin setting)
- Allow heroes to have elemental counters assigned
- Attack bitset to make it count as a miss if the amount of damage is zero (or if it would be, in case this bit is set even though damage isn't set to allowed to be zero)
- Script command to read item description string
- Allow heroes to have bequest attacks assigned
- Attack animation mode for "true null", in order to cause it to not implicitly wait a frame or do anything else other than simply inflict the attack, evaluate the chain, and get done with it
- Damage math "simple": attack minus defense
- Purely defense-based percentage-based aim math settings
- Addition value setting for aim math (for percent-based aim math, the addition value is added to the aim value and subtracted from the dodge value; of course it can also be negative)
- Attack bitsets for fudging chain probabilities (including instead-chain) if the aim/dodge stats exceed 100 (one of these bitsets would be used in case it is a percentage-based-aim-math-attack which chains into an attack which always hits; the other would be used in case it chains into an attack which always misses; however you could do more complicated/confusing things with these same two bitsets)
- Program levelup bug per item
- Door sound
Idea of configuration file (a plain text file, to allow easily editing; possibly not all such options are needed, or more options might help too; command-line option could be used to override what configuration file to read and possibly also to override individual options):
- ARCHINYM=OHRRPGCE (override the default lump basename)
- ARCHIVEDEBUG=YES (whether to create c_debug_archive.txt to archive previous debug logs)
- BACKUPWARNING=YES (whether or not to display the backup warning when the editor is quitting)
- COLORDEPTH= (attempt to set the color depth in bits per pixel; if not set determine automatically (currently always should be 8))
- CONFIRMUNSAVED=YES (show another prompt if you try to quit without saving)
- CUSTOM.FULLSCREEN=NO (try to use fullscreen mode when possible)
- CUSTOM.HEIGHT= (if set, forces editor to use this screen height)
- CUSTOM.MOUSE=YES (if no, disable mouse in editor)
- CUSTOM.WIDTH= (if set, forces editor to use this screen width)
- CUSTOM.ZOOM= (if set, forces editor to use this level of pixel zooming)
- DELETENAMES=NO (if yes, deletes SLICELOOKUP.TXT, TMN, PLOTSCR.LST, and LOOKUP1.BIN and just allows arbitrary numeric values when selecting them in menus instead)
- EDITFULLFONT=NO (if yes, edit all 256 characters of the font)
- EDITFULLFORM=NO (if yes, edit all 256 formations)
- EXPERTDIST=NO (if yes, deletes the distribution menu and distrib.reld)
- EXPERTFILE=NO (if yes, in the editor only, disables the file picker menu and file save prompt and instead uses a common prompt that allows typing an entire file path including extension, and uses tab completion to list files)
- EXPERTKEYS=NO (if yes, changes keyboard commands in editor to ones which are more difficult to understand but results in faster editing (similar to how vi and much UNIX stuff works))
- EXPERTMENUS=NO (if yes, editor menus are abbreviated to fit more onto the screen at once)
- FADER=AUTO (can change the rate of fading, including can be set instantly)
- GAMMA=1.0 (gamma correct the master palette (for display only; does not affect the contents of the .RPG file, of picture importing/exporting, etc))
- GAME.ANIMSKIP=0 (if nonzero, causes animations to frameskip whenever the controls are locked (including during battle animations))
- GAME.DEBUG=AUTO (if set to yes or no, override the debug setting in the .RPG file)
- GAME.FASTFORWARD= (if set to a scancode, GAME.EXE will allow a key to be held down at absolutely any time to increase frameskip and framerate until the key is released)
- GAME.FULLSCREEN=NO (try to use fullscreen mode when possible)
- GAME.MOUSE=YES (if no, game cannot use mouse functions; assumes the computer doesn't have a mouse)
- GAME.MWARP=YES (if no, game cannot change mouse position or mouse limits or do any other tampering with the mouse driver (in case any others are defined later on))
- GAME.SANDBOX=AUTO (currently does nothing; used in case future implementation (although probably a bad idea?) of scripts allowing to: network access, filesystem access, printer, moving and resizing the window at runtime, executing external programs, MAC address, advertisements, telephone call, battery, app store, etc)
- GAME.ZOOM= (if set, forces the game to use this level of pixel zooming)
- HIDEGAMEPAD=NO (if yes, always hides virtual gamepad regardless of setting in general.reld and scripts and whatever)
- HSPEAKARGS= (set what switches are passed to HSPEAK when called from within the editor)
- LOG= (set where log files belong)
- LONGNAMES=YES (if no, displays actual filenames when picking which .RPG file you want, rather than long names)
- (defines editor macros; if F1 is defined as a macro then it is no longer usable for the help screen on affected menus unless F1 is defined as a macro to do the same thing as it normally does anyways)
- MUSICON=YES (if no, don't play any background music)
- OSSPOOF= (if set, causes it to lie to the game about what kind of operating-system/device it is running on)
- PARANOIDKEYS=NO (if yes, forces CTRL and ALT to be filtered in-game and disables the NUM LOCK, SCROLL LOCK, PRINT SCREEN, CAPS LOCK, and both Windows logo keys and context menu key from being detected in-game)
- RELOAD.DEBUG=NO (if yes, extra debug all RELOAD files being read/written)
- RELOAD.INTSIZE=1 (minimum integer size (in bytes) in RELOAD files; smaller ones are padded)
- RELOAD.UTF8=YES (if yes, writes using UTF-8 data type if defined and applicable)
- RTCSPOOF= (if set, spoof the system's date/time)
- SCREENBORDER=NO (set the screen border, if implemented by the backend)
- SCREENFORMAT=PNG (set default screenshot format)
- SMOOTH=NO (turn on/off smooth graphics mode)
- SOUNDON=YES (if no, don't play any sound effects)
- SOUNDPREVIEW=YES (if no, disables previewing sound/music in the file picker)
- SUPPORTURL= (URL to download support programs from; if blank then don't try to download)
- (name of file to create new games from)
- TESTWARNING=YES (whether or not to display the warning about live test mode)
- UNICODE=YES (whether or not editor and text-input should try to use Unicode if possible)
- USKEYS=NO (if yes, forces US keyboard layout)
- VHISTORY=YES (writes the prev_editor_versions node in general.reld; if turned off, deletes that node)
- VSYNC=YES (turn on/off vsync mode)
- VOLUMEINIT=AUTO (initial volume setting, 0 to 255)
- VOLUMECAP=255 (disables any attempt to increase volume beyond this range)
Text RELOAD format idea (called TRELOAD):
- Comment starts with # and goes to end of line (ignored when parsing)
- Integer, with an optional - or + and then number in decimal format, or 0x (or 0X) and hex codes
- Floating point as a number with a . in it; scientific notation also possible
- Identifier as a bare word starting with a letter or underscore and containing letters, underscores, and digits; or any text in " marks, using "" to represent a literal " (the delimiters aren't part of the identifier name) (this is needed to represent empty node names)
- String with ' surrounding it; you can use '' to represent a literal ' (no other escapes are possible)
- Blob, starting with x' or X' followed by hex codes of the blob data; put another ' at the end
- Equal sign = after an identifier put a value in a node
- Braces { and } after a node to include a list of children nodes inside of the braces
- Brackets [ and ] after an identifier to make a list of nodes without specifying their name (these are children of the current parent; it isn't a new parent; the name before the [ becomes the name of all of these nodes) (so values have no delimiters not even equal sign; they can still have child nodes themselves though as normal)
- The sign $ represents a null value; it is only necessary inside of bracketed lists
- Escaping codes?