How do I make an Inn?

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In many RPGs, the player can heal the party by having them spend the night at an inn, usually in exchange for some money. OHRRPGCE has Inn functionality built-in. (Or should that be built-inn? Ahahahahahahahaha.)

The simplest way to make an inn is to attach it to a text box, and attach that text box to a NPC who serves as an "innkeeper." This process has a lot of steps, but all of them are straightforward.

  1. From the main menu in CUSTOM, go to Edit Text Boxes, and create a new text box.
  2. Select Edit Text, and enter something for your innkeeper to say to the player, like "Welcome, travelers!" for example.
  3. Select Edit Conditionals.
  4. Use the arrow keys to select the line that says "SHOP: Never do the following" and press the left arrow key, which should change it to read "SHOP: Always do the following."
  5. Press the down arrow to select the line that says "restore Hp and Mp [select shop here]," and press the left arrow key again. The line should change to say "go to an Inn that costs 1$." Pressing left again will increase the price and pressing right will decrease it.
  6. Go back out to the main menu and choose Edit Maps, and then choose the map where you want to place your inn.
  7. Create a new NPC that displays the text box you just made, and place it somewhere on your map. (Information on NPCs can be found here.)

Now, when your players talk to the NPC you placed, the game will tell them how much the inn costs and ask whether they want to save. If they say yes, the heroes in the party will be healed.

If you want to make an inn that also provides other services, like saving the game or switching heroes, you can make a shop.

See Also[edit]