DT1 underwent its drawn-and-quartering to become the significantly compressed FOE. Its 16-byte header contains information used in this compression; however, the number of enemies stored is still kept in GEN.
Header Format[edit]
Data | Meaning |
BIT(4) x12 | Most common widths of stats (see enemy record format) |
BIT(2) x40 | Flags for enemy bitsets. First flag, if 1, means that bitset is the SAME for all enemies. Second bit is the value of that bitset for all enemies. |
Enemy Record Format[edit]
Data | Meaning |
STR | Enemy Name (null-terminated) |
BYTE | Enemy Picture |
BIT(11) BIT(2) BIT(3) |
Enemy Palette Picture Size (0,1,2) Number of Regular Attacks |
BIT(3) BIT(3) BIT(2) |
Number of Desperation Attacks Number of Alone Attacks Thievability of Enemy (0=no, 1=once, 2=infinte) |
Item Steal % Stealable Item First byte only appears if thievability>0 Second byte only appears if first byte exists and is >0 |
Rare Item Steal % (if regular steal failed) Stealable Rare Item First byte only appears if thievability>0 Second byte only appears if first byte exists and is >0 |
INT | Experience Reward |
INT | Gold Reward |
BIT(1) BIT(7) |
Flag: If 1, use common stat widths Item drop % |
BYTE? | Item Reward (only if drop% >0) |
BIT(1) BIT(7) |
Wasted Rare item drop % (if a reg. item is not dropped) |
BYTE? | Rare Item Reward (only if drop% >0) |
BIT(4) x12? | Widths of stats Only appears if stat widths flag is 0 (i.e., not common) |
(varies+) | Enemy Statistics HP MP Strength Accuracy Defense Dodge Magic Will Speed Counter MP~ Extra Hits |
BIT(40)? | Enemy Bitsets*' Weak to elements[1..8] Strong to elements[1..8] Absorbs elements[1..8] Is enemy type[1..8] Harmed by cure MP Idiot Is Boss Unescapable Die without boss Flee instead of die Untargetable by enemies Untargetable by heroes |
Number of enemy spawn pairs Spawn Pair 1 + number of enemies to spawn on trigger Spawn Pairs 2 onwards (A "spawn pair" contains 4 bits for the "type" of spawn[1..12], 1 being death, 2 being non-elemental death, etc. and 1 byte for the ID of the enemy to spawn. The first spawn pair has one byte piggybacked to this, which contains the number of enemies to spawn for any spawn pair.) Note that this section may be padded with a wasted half-byte. |
BYTE x5? | Regular attacks (excluding empty attacks) |
BYTE x5? | Desperation attacks (excluding empty attacks) |
BYTE x5? | Alone attacks (excluding empty attacks) |
+NOTE: Each stat has a "width", which may be the "common" width stored in the header, or may be a custom-defined width stored directly before the enemy statistics section. This width defines how many bits to set aside for each statistic, and ranges from 1 to 16 inclusive.
*Note that the enemy bitsets section is missing bits which are declared constant in the header. The gap between the enemy stats & enemy bitsets section might not align on a byte boundary; however, the end of the enemy bitsets section is padded with bits so as to align.
'WARNING: For some reason, it appears that all bitsets are byte-reversed in the OHRRPGCE. For instance, 0A 10 in binary is 00001010 00010000. This means that bits 2, 4, and 13 are on, the rest off. All of this is "fixed" (read: neutered) in XRPG format, such that one can directly read the bitstream from left to right.
HEADER.LMP . _FNT.png . .PT4_# . .PT6_# . .HERO_#.png . SEZ . EFX . BFF . FOE . _TIL_#.png . _MXS_#.png . ###.MAP . HRO . ATK . SCRIPTS_#.HF . SCRIPTS.LST