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This article (or part thereof) is obsolete. It may have made sense in the past, but it does not make sense now. It is kept here only for historic curiosity and/or posterity.

MENUS.BIN holds definitions of menu items.

About Formal Specs

Offset Data Meaning
0 - 11 STR (20) (1i + 10i) Name of Menu (for Custom, mainly)
12 INT (1) Number of menu items (up to 10)
13 INT (2) Bitsets:

0 - Background is fuzzy (vs solid)
1 - No background 2 - Quit to last menu when closed instead of quitting all menus (or other way around?)

15 INT (1) Background colour
16 INT (1) Foreground colour
17 INT (1) Foreground highlight colour
18 INT (1) Foreground highlight colour 2 (flashing)
19 INT (1) Disabled foreground colour
20 INT (1) X Position (Centered around?)
21 INT (1) Y Position
22 + Menu Item x XX STR (30) (1i + 15i) Menu Item Text
INT (1) Enabler tag: 0 = always enabled, < 0 = enabled if tag is off, > 0 = enabled if tag is on
INT (1) Bitsets

0 - Display even if disabled

INT (1) Entry type

1) Special - Includes Item, Equip, Spell, Status, Volume, Exit, etc... sybtype tells which one.
2) Submenu - subtype tells which menu to jump to.
3) Textbox - subtype tells which textbox to display
4) Script - subtype tells which script to run
5) Toggle Tag - subtype tells which tag to toggle
6) Set Tag - subtype tells which tag to set (negative to unset)

INT (1) Subtype (meaning varies depending on Entry type)