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This is the GIGANTOR LIST OF QUESTIONS, which contains both F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) and RAQ (Rarely Asked Questions)
To find answers, use the search feature, or browse this category list. You might also want to check the Slices FAQ page if relevant, since most of the questions don't have their own pages.
If you cannot find your question answered here, feel free to edit the discussion page to ask your question.
See Also[edit]
Pages in category "Questions"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 549 total.
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- Can I "evolve" a hero into another?
- Can I have a copy of the plotscripting tutorial that I don't have to be on the internet to use?
- Can I make a game with speaking hamsters? (and if so can I include Bob in it)?
- Can I make my own version of the OHRRPGCE?
- Can I make my own version of Wandering Hamster?
- Can I play and make games installing game.exe and custom.exe on a Usb key?
- Can I remove certain features such as "Remove Hero" or "Steal from enemies"?
- Can I run CUSTOM.exe or GAME.exe in a fullscreen instead of in a small window?
- Can I run CUSTOM.exe or GAME.exe in a small window instead of fullscreen?
- Can I sell RPGs I make with the OHRRPGCE?
- Can I turn my game into a mmorpg?
- Can I use plotscripting to allow people to change my maps when playing my game?
- Can you add different animations in battle for a hero's different attacks?
- Can you host resources that I make for the OHRRPGCE such as Sprites, Sound Effects, Backgrounds, Fonts etc?
- Can you make heroes appear during a battle?
- Can you modify a hero's stats, enemy's stats, money, etc. by a percentage rather than by a whole number with plotscripting?
- Can you modify experience outside of battle with plotscripting?
- Can you retrieve an enemy's attack IDs with plotscripting?
- Community Graphics Resources
- Conditional Door Links
- Custom usually freezes when importing music!
- CUSTOM.exe froze up while I was working on a game! Is there any way I can unfreeze CUSTOM or retrieve the files I modified?
- Error: "Out of memory in module GAME at address XXXX:XXXX"
- ERROR: File plotscr.hsd not found. What should I do?
- ERROR:in line 746 of plotscr.hsd define trigger,begin expected top-level declaration but found definetrigger. Why does this error occur?
- ERROR:In line X of dummyplotscripts.hss Song:I'll Wander the World. This isn't a variable, constant, or anything else. It exists in my hsi file, but it says it isn't. What should I do?
- Every time a battle starts, the enemies die instantly and I win without doing anything. Why?
- Expected name but defineoperator block ended
- Expected number but found
- Expected top-level declaration but found
- How about a OHRRPGCE hall of fame, for all the best games made with it, or does one already exist?
- How are weapon pictures used?
- How can I allow the player to rename someone before they join their team?
- How can I allow the player to rename someone who never joins their team?
- How can I compile my plotscripts in Linux?
- How can I compile my plotscripts without using hssed.exe?
- How can I delete an accidentally placed NPC?
- How can I draw a circle of light around the hero?
- How can I implement weather on a map?
- How can I make a combination lock using multiple digits?
- How can I make a world map where the player just presses a key and the hero walks to another place on the map?
- How can I make an attack do an exact amount of damage each time?
- How can I make copies of NPCs do distinct things?
- How can I make copies of NPCs do the same thing?
- How can I make it so that an event will happen, when an NPC is pushed onto a certain tile?
- How can I make it so that an inn restores HP, but not MP?
- How can I make more than two choices in a text box?
- How can I move my graphics between RPG files?
- How can I run a script instead of/before/after the menu comes up?
- How can I set or remove animating maptiles with plotscripting?
- How can I talk to NPCs with some other key besides the space bar?
- How can I trick the Npc limit?
- How come the font is 8x8 pixels instead of 10x10?
- How come you are making it for DOS? I thought DOS was dead
- How did you get the bright idea to use a wiki message board to host game makers' questions?
- How do access my user:page on the wiki?
- How do I add a question?
- How do I add a timer?
- How do I add arguments to my script and how do I use them?
- How do I add heroes to my party in the order I want?
- How do I add heroes to my party?
- How do I add monsters to my game?
- How do I add new colors to my palette?
- How do I add screens before my title game screen?
- How do I advance a text box without pressing the space bar?
- How do I advance backdrops pressing the space bar?
- How do I allow players to rename characters?
- How do I animate maptiles?
- How do I announce to the community that a game demo (or version) is online and ready to be tested and reviewed?
- How do I attack NPCs outside of battle?
- How do I avoid script buffer overflows?
- How do I become an OHRRPGCE developer?
- How do I call one script directly from another script?
- How do I change a hero's walkabout and battle graphic set, whether the hero is in the party or not, and regardless of what slot the hero is in, using plotscripting?
- How do I change enemies' stats with plotscripting?
- How do I change my starting location?
- How do I change the borders of the text boxes?
- How do I change the main hero during a cutscene so that the player can't notice it?
- How do I change the money symbol?
- How do I change the walkabout graphic set of an NPC using Plotscripting?
- How do I check for more than 2 tags at once?
- How do I check if a menu is opened or closed?
- How do I check if a save slot is already full?
- How do I check if a slice collection is opened or closed?
- How do I check if there is already an .sav file using plotscripting?
- How do I check if there is already an npc on the map using plotscripting?
- How do I clean a tileset in only a few clicks?
- How do I cleanly uninstall the OHRRPGCE?
- How do I convert a TTF font into an OHF font?
- How do I convert my scripts from old to new syntax?
- How do I convert WAV files into OGG format?
- How do I copy and paste a palette?
- How do I correctly post an article on this website?
- How do I create a stat like HP or MP?
- How do I create an account on the wiki?
- How do I customize the keyboard?
- How do I customize the master palette?
- How do I delete a save file?
- How do I delete a script?
- How do I delete an account used to submit games to the Hamster Republic OHRRPGCE Game List?
- How do I delete game data from my RPG?
- How do I destroy all the NPCs on a single map?
- How do I destroy more than one copy of an NPC at a time?
- How do I disable map layers?
- How do I display map names?
- How do I end the demo, 1rst version, 2nd version of my game?
- How do I end the game?
- How do I enter names through strings?
- How do I enter NPC references through strings?
- How do I export graphics as BMP files?
- How do I get it to run a script when I level up a certain hero (me)?
- How do I get more control over the display of map names?
- How do I get more Conventional DOS memory?
- How do I get permission to use a WIP build with my game?
- How do I get rid of NPC misalignment?
- How do I get rid of the Ctr (counter) stat?
- How do I give an enemy a "Counter-attack"?
- How do I give an enemy multiple item rewards?
- How do I give my game an icon?
- How do I give my hero spells?
- How do I give stun and poison to the enemy so that they can use it on the heroes?
- How do I give the screen little and/or big shake?
- How do I hide or show a map layer?
- How do I implement a "suspend save" feature?
- How do I implement autosave?
- How do I implement mouse input in my game?
- How do I implement new keys for the player with hero jumps as an example?
- How do I implement pause outside battles/ in my battle system?
- How do I import a title screen?
- How do I import music?
- How do I import my scripts without launching custom.exe and then going in the script managment menu?
- How do I increase or decrease the value of a global variable?
- How do I keep MS Paint from messing up my colors?
- How do I know I have to use more than one hss file?
- How do I learn to draw better graphics?
- How do I level up my hero using plotscripting?
- How do I limit the number of items I can carry?
- How do I link plotscripts together?
- How do I link script files together?
- How do I link to my user page in discussions?
- How do I make "fake" doors?
- How do I make a "backdrop point"?
- How do I make a "fake inn"?
- How do I make a "fake" movie using backdrops?
- How do I make a "Save Point using strings & slices"?
- How do I make a "vending machine?"
- How do I make a Bank where you can store money/items?
- How do I make a battle end only by killing a specific enemy while other enemies remain alive?
- How do I make a battle start after talking to an NPC?
- How do I make a battle start when you bump into an NPC?
- How do I make a blank/ all transparent sprite?
- How do I make a boss battle that the player cannot run away from?
- How do I make a boss with multiple forms?
- How do I make a chest in which I can store items and get them back later?
- How do I make a church?
- How do I make a copy of a maptile set?
- How do I make a different song play when you ride a vehicle?
- How do I make a drain or leech spell that steals HP?
- How do I make a fighting game?
- How do I make a healing item?
- How do I make a hero attack several times during a battle turn?
- How do I make a hero join the party in the middle of a battle?
- How do I make a hero learn spells from level-ups?
- How do I make a HS file?
- How do I make a HSI file?
- How do I make a HSS file?
- How do I make a key-locked Door?
- How do I make a loop point in a MIDI using Anvil Studio?
- How do I make a merchant offer you discount on goods?
- How do I make a multiplayer game?
- How do I make a poisoning or stunning attack?
- How do I make a presentation for my save point or my restore point?
- How do I make a safe-deposit box locked with a password?
- How do I make a save point using a slice collection and a menu?
- How do I make a save point?
- How do I make a save slot load automatically instead of the load menu when the game launches?
- How do I make a shop that can be used only one, two or three times?
- How do I make a spell that teleports you somewhere?
- How do I make a stat-boosting spell/attack?
- How do I make a stat-weakening spell/attack?
- How do I make a Teleport to town item?
- How do I make a teleporter that transports you to an "HQ" thoughout the whole game?
- How do I make a text box that automatically shows the name of the item that I set it to give?
- How do I make a treasure chest that contains many items and/or more than $32767?
- How do I make a treasure chest?
- How do I make a vehicle the player is riding carry over to the next map when the vehicle uses a door?
- How do I make a wall that both heroes & NPCs can't pass?
- How do I make a wall that heroes can't pass, but NPCs can?
- How do I make a weapon that requires ammunition?
- How do I make an "enemy-repelling" item?
- How do I make an animated title screen?
- How do I make an attack with a flat damage modifier instead of using damage percents?