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- .FOR
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- .HS
- .HSP
- .HSX
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- .L
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- .MAS
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- .RPG
- .SAY
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- .STT
- .T
- .TAP
- .TIL
- .TMN
- .VEH
- /br/br:brindex
- 11232002
- 16-color
- 20021123
- 2007 Epic Marathon Contest
- 2011 Fangame Contest
- 2022 contest calendar
- 2mas
- 3rd Party HSI Code
- 4-bit
- 4-map version
- 48 Hour Contest
- 48 Hour Contests
- 7Zip
- 8-bit Game Contest
- 8-bit Game Contests
- ABE (Amazing BAM Extractor)
- A hamster is the symbol of Google’s new programming language. What does it mean?
- About
- About Formal Specs
- Achievements
- Add-ons
- Adding, Removing, Swapping, Heroes
- Adding, Removing, Swapping, Heros
- Adding, Removing and Swapping Heroes
- Adicionando, removendo e trocando heróis
- After battle script
- Ai:Ohrrpgce Enu Aiola
- Ai news
- Alectormancy
- Alectormancy+1
- Alectormancy+2
- Alectormancy 1
- Alectormancy 2
- Alternatives
- Always backup
- AmigaMML
- Ammunition
- An Important Note About Passwords
- An important Note About Backups
- Android
- Android Port
- Animating Maptiles
- Anvil Studio
- Appendix A - Keyboard Conventions
- Appendix B - Sample Scripts
- Application for Hamster Republic Citizenship
- Are the music and sound effects that come with the OHRRPGCE protected by copyright laws?
- Are you British?
- Are you Dead?
- Are you Really Dead?
- Are you going to add costumes for characters?
- Are you going to make a Windows version?
- Are you going to make a version that supports hi-res graphics, 3D, etc...?
- Audacity
- Azathoth
- Azathoth (VoM)
- BAM Developer's Kit
- BAM Format
- BMR's Portrait Tutorial
- BMR's Step-by-Step Balrog
- BMR's Step-by-Step Cyclops
- BR/custom.txt
- BRM's Step-by-Step Balrog
- BSAVE Header
- Backend
- Backends
- Basic Achievements
- Batalhas
- Battles
- BeastaryTemplate
- Becoming a developer
- Beelzebufo
- Beginning Pixels - All About Colors
- Best Practices
- Birdo
- Bitsets
- Bob is the most adorable hamster I have ever seen. Where can I find a hamster with Bob's distinct features?
- Bob the Hamster
- Bob the Hamster Fan-fiction and Cameo-appearances
- Bosses
- Box Styles
- Box styles
- Brian Fisher
- Broaste (VoM)
- Bug Bounties
- Bug report
- Bughunters League Table
- Bughunters League Table/Release Leaderboards
- Buglist
- Bugreport
- Bugs
- Bugzilla
- Buildings
- CC-Attribution-NoDerivs
- CUSTOM.exe froze up while I was working on a game! Is there any way I can unfreeze CUSTOM or retrieve the files I modified?
- Callipygous
- Callipygous+1
- Can I "evolve" a hero into another?
- Can I "evolve" a hero into another?"
- Can I add gravity to my game?
- Can I have a copy of the plotscripting tutorial that I don't have to be on the internet to use?
- Can I have a copy of the plotscripting tutorial that I don't have to be on the internet to uses?
- Can I make a game with hamsters who speaks in it? (and if so what are the condition to be allowed to include bob in it)?
- Can I make a game with speaking hamsters? (and if so can I include Bob in it)?
- Can I make my own version of Wandering Hamster?
- Can I make my own version of the OHRRPGCE?
- Can I play and make games installing game.exe and custom.exe on a Usb key?
- Can I remove certain features such as "Remove Hero" or "Steal from enemies"?
- Can I run CUSTOM.exe or GAME.exe in a fullscreen instead of in a small window?
- Can I run CUSTOM.exe or GAME.exe in a small window instead of fullscreen?
- Can I sell RPGs I make with the OHRRPGCE?
- Can I turn my game into a mmorpg?
- Can I use plotscripting to allow people to change my maps when playing my game?
- Can joystick calibration interfere with keyboard control? If so how can prevent it?
- Can someone explain what tags are/how they work?
- Can you add Hp Max and Mp Max to the target stats?
- Can you add different animations in battle for a hero's different attacks
- Can you add different animations in battle for a hero's different attacks?
- Can you host resources that I make for the OHRRPGCE such as Sprites, Sound Effects, Backgrounds, Fonts etc?
- Can you make heroes appear during a battle?
- Can you modify a hero's stats, enemy's stats, money, etc. by a percentage rather than by a whole number with plotscripting?
- Can you modify experience outside of battle with plotscripting?
- Can you recommend an alternative to HSSED.exe that has the same Help feature that HSSED does?
- Can you retrieve an enemy's attack IDs with plotscripting?
- Cancel Button
- Castle Paradox
- Chainsaw Jack
- Chainsaw Jack (VoM)
- Changing currency
- Chapter 10 - Battles
- Chapter 11 - Vehicle Use
- Chapter 12 - Sound and Music
- Chapter 13 - Text Boxes
- Chapter 14 - Custom Menus
- Chapter 15 - Slices
- Chapter 16 - Plotscripting
- Chapter 17 - Distributing a Game
- Chapter 1 - Introduction
- Chapter 1 - Keyboard Conventions
- Chapter 2 - Getting Started
- Chapter 3 - Artwork
- Chapter 4 - Map Construction
- Chapter 5 - NPCs
- Chapter 6 - Tags
- Chapter 7 - Making a Hero
- Chapter 8 - Attacks
- Chapter 9 - Items
- Chefes
- Choosing Between Multiple Heroes
- Choosing which compiler to use
- Coding Standards
- Collaboration Game Contest
- Collaboration Game Contests
- Combat Dialogues
- Combinações de teclado
- Command-line
- Command line options
- Community
- Community Graphics Resources
- Community Links
- Community Sites
- Como usar NPCs e etiquetas
- Compile
- Compile Error: 'fbc' is not recognized as an internal or external command
- Compiling
- Compiling 64-bit builds
- Compiling for Android
- Compiling in DOSBox
- Compiling in Linux
- Compiling in Mac OS X
- Compiling in Real DOS
- Compiling in Windows 9x
- Compiling in Windows XP
- Compiling on the OLPC XO Laptop
- Compiling the DOS version
- Compiling with -gen gcc
- Compiling with Docker
- Complete lump reference
- Conditional Door Links
- Conditional tag
- Constitution of the Hamster Republic
- Contact
- Contest
- Contests
- Contributing
- Contributors
- Contributors/Relicensing
- Crab
- Creating A Multiplayer Game
- Creating Chests
- Creating Cutscenes
- Creating Dungeons
- Creating and implementing weather animation on a map
- Creative commons
- Cross-compiling
- Cthulhu
- Cthulhu (VoM)
- Current events
- Current version
- Custom
- Custom.exe
- Custom usually freezes when importing music!
- Customizing Menus
- D
- DOS Compatability
- DOS Compatibility
- DT0
- DT1
- DT6
- Dagon
- Dagon (VoM)
- Damage
- Debug Keys
- Debug key
- Debug keys
- Dev Notes
- Developer
- Developer Notes
- Developer mailing list
- Developers
- Did you really make this with QuickBasic?
- Discord
- Displaying Slices
- Dissolves
- Distrib.reld
- Distributing a Game
- Documentation
- Does Bob the Hamster exist in real life?
- Does OHR work with Windows Vista?
- Donating
- Donations
- DosBox
- Dosbox
- Download
- Downloadable Resources
- Downloads
- Drake
- Drake (VoM)
- Dummy the Happy Face Enemies
- Dwimmercrafty
- Dwimmercrafty+1
- E
- ERROR:In line
- ERROR:In line X of dummyplotscripts.hss Song:I'll Wander the World. This isn't a variable, constant, or anything else. It exists in my hsi file, but it says it isn't. What should I do?
- ERROR: File plotscr.hsd not found. What should I do?
- ERROR:in line 746 of plotscr.hsd define trigger,begin expected top-level declaration but found definetrigger. Why does this error occur?
- Editorconfig.ini
- Enemies that respond in paticular to a certain attack, but not to others
- Enemies that respond to a certain attack
- Enemy Editor
- Eressoft's Free Script Package
- Error: "Out of memory in module GAME at address XXXX:XXXX"
- Espereble
- Etheldreme
- Ettin
- Ettin (VoM)
- Even if I disable the minimap, I can still display it with F1
- Even if the code is messy, I still want to became a OHRRPGCE programmer. What are the first things I should do after downloading the source code?
- Every time a battle starts, the enemies die instantly and I win without doing anything. Why?
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Text Boxes, But Were Afraid To Ask
- Example InnoSetup script
- Example scripts
- Expected name but defineoperator block ended
- Expected number but found
- Expected top-level declaration but found
- F.A.Q.
- FB stack internals
- Fake arrays
- Fazendo gráficos de caminhada
- Fazendo tiras (ladrilhos) de mapa
- Fazendo um herói
- Fenrisulf
- Fenrisulf (VoM)
- File a bug
- Final Fantasy H